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Feminists not getting “you-know-what”

What is it that feminists aren’t getting enough of, according to Andrea Tantaros? Dick. Lots and lots of dick.

After decades and decades and decades of feminists burning their bras, saying, ‘Make more money than men, do this, run over men, have sex like a man, tell your man what to do, don’t let them open the door –’ you’re not happy with the product, are ya ladies? A lot of them are older, they’re not married, and they’re not getting you-know-what.

I appreciate that Ms. Tantaros wants us all to get laid more often. I am 100% behind the “get laid more often” plan, and if Fox News is on board, then hey. But Tantaros seems to be under the impression that women having sex for pleasure means we get laid less often (or at least less well), which is confusing. Because if feminists aren’t having sex, how are we able to get pregnant in order to have ALL of the abortions? And who does she think makes up the ranks of lesbians who are in the slow and steady process of ruining both marriage and America? SO MANY QUESTIONS. Throw a girl a bone here.

47 thoughts on Feminists not getting “you-know-what”

  1. Umm.. older, yes of course. People age, unless they happen to die. Not getting married? Okay, well yeah, some people don’t get married.

    But how does she know who isn’t getting laid?

    Being married =/= getting laid regularly
    Not being married =/= not getting laid regularly.

    Does she really say “You Know what?” (Can’t watch video at work)

  2. Also, the comments of the second man are quite something: he will pick up the check if he foresees some “long-term gain” (not sure those are the exact words)… which I guess could be getting laid that night or a house in the suburbs with the lady under scrutiny… either way, what Amanda wrote a few months back about men as buyers and women as sellers holds admirably.

  3. By you-know-what, she meant babies. Feminists are sad because they are all old, unmarried, and have aborted their kids. If only feminists didn’t exist, Andrea would be home right now, fulfilling her only true joy as a woman, instead of being the VP of an image consultant agency and a newscaster on a nationally syndicated program.

  4. … and they’re not getting you-know-what.

    It’s true. I’m not getting “you-know-what.”

    I am, however, having sex. (I mean, not right this second, what with the typing and all.)

  5. Comrade Kevin:
    It’s all our fault.

    I’m all sorry I caused all that cancer.I didn’t realize it was such a hideous disease.

    You are officially my favourite person ever.

    “I guess I was just on a roll”

  6. A lot of them are older, they’re not married, and they’re not getting you-know-what.

    A lot of women are older, married and they’re not getting you know what. A lot of women who are not married are getting plenty. Some of these unmarried women are getting their ‘you-know-what’ from married men. A fact conveniently unmentioned by Ms. Tarantos, but I suppose she wouldn’t count ‘sluts’ as women.

    I think this is just an example of self-justification. Maybe Ms. Tarantos isn’t getting any ‘you-know-what,’ but she can’t blame that on a being feminist (or even being physically unattractive, if my tastes count for anything,) or making “more money than men,” “running over men,” “having sex like a man” (ok, if she is insisting on using a strap on with every guy she meets that could be a part of it (see previous posts on Dealbreakers,) “telling her man what to do,” or refusing to “let them open the door.” Clearly if she is not getting any ‘you-know-what’ it is down to her vile, loathsome and wholly unattractive personality.

  7. It is news to me that the feminist movement consists of burning bras for “decades and decades and decades” and running over men. (Does she mean, like… with a golf cart? or what?) Clearly I have been doing it wrong.

    And now I am picturing an “older” feminist woman recklessly driving a golf cart draped with burning bras as she cackles and looks for men to run over. I’m pretty sure that’s a better takeaway message than the one Ms. Tantaros intended.

  8. I thought the “you-know-what” in the title of this post was a joke… till I saw the Fox News logo in the video. :-p

    (Then I thought, “Wait, feminists have less sex? I thought Republicans WANTED women to have less sex! Wait, maybe we’re having the wrong kind of sex. Does non-PIV sex count as sex in their world?”)

  9. A lot of them are older, they’re not married, and they’re not getting you-know-what.

    Wait, I thought I was a slut because I’m unmarried and schtupping. Now I’m not getting any?

    Oh, it must be the “older” thing: clearly, I’m past my sell-by date, so therefore, no man wants to fuck me and validate my existence.

  10. …have sex like a man…

    To be a feminist, you need to burn your bras and acquire a strap-on. It’s the official dress code.

  11. That’s how we doin it in 2011? Just throwing out unsubstantiated claims based on outdated anti-feminist propaganda? See I said I wasn’t gonna call other women the B word but she definitely deserves the title.

  12. Irrational and ignorant people can be so funny! It’s odd that she doesn’t know that every card-carrying feminist has a vibrator.

  13. Wait, so it’s my feminism that is why I’m not getting any?

    And here I thought it was the dearth of eligible males in my area combined with my desire not to settle and my belief that I don’t need to compromise my principles or desires out of a need to find and hold onto a man, plus my self-awareness in knowing that I am emotionally unable to handle sex outside of a monogamous relationship so I CHOOSE to avoid sex until I am either comfortable with a casual encounter or in a healthy relationship with someone who shares my values and treats me with respect as a human being…

    Oh, wait. So my feminism IS why I’m not getting laid.

    Thanks lady.

  14. “It is news to me that the feminist movement consists of burning bras for “decades and decades and decades” and running over men. (Does she mean, like… with a golf cart? or what?) Clearly I have been doing it wrong.”

    My first thought was, what are these hypothetical bras made of exactly that they’ve been on fire for decades and there’s still something left to burn?

  15. Jeez, CassandraSays, are you telling me you’ve never experienced the comfort and support of an asbestos bra?

  16. I think this is the post the first speaker mentions:

    Yes, so complicated, determining who pays for dates. She’d prefer that the guy pay and appears to blame feminism for the confusion.

    Personally, I’ll take a little more time for role negotiation in relationships over the assumption that I’m an object that can be bought. In my view of history, “simpler” wasn’t better.

    So, uh, stick that in your “you know what” and “you know what” it.

  17. Ruth:
    Non-feminists don’t get older? They use a special lotion, don’t they?

    Yup, then they put the lotion in the basket. Sorry for the gallows humour but really.

  18. What she’s really saying is “Evil meany-weany feminists want to earn a living wage, have the right to control their own bodies, and to feel that sex is not something owed to a man. Men don’t like that, so you wicked librul feminists need to stop thinking you’re people like they are, or otherwise they won’t want to fuck you and you’ll DIE ALONE! Remember, if there’s no ring on your finger and no baby in your belly, then you’re worthless”

    To which I say HA! Why are some people so terrified, so threatened by the thought of not every woman on Earth being paired off with a man, and stuck with him forever? Baffling. Can anyone say “internalised misogyny”?

  19. @Jennifer – Not to mention that if only men can pay for dates, what are the Sapphic Sisterhood supposed to do? I suppose there’s always staying indoors with our 500 cats, drinking herbal tea and listening to Ani DiFranco…

    We did a little something like this in our early dating days:

    Me- “Want to go out on Saturday?”

    Miss Thing -“Sorry, I’m skint”

    Me – “OK, I’ll pay”

    Shock, horror and amazement, the world was not torn asunder. Also, we only had the mandatory three dyke-dates before setting up home together and combining our finances, so we never had to decide any of that “Whose turn is it?” stuff ever again. Such a simple life we lead, even though we are clearly doomed without men to tell us what to do, or how to dress.

  20. CassandraSays:
    “It is news to me that the feminist movement consists of burning bras for “decades and decades and decades” and running over men. (Does she mean, like… with a golf cart? or what?) Clearly I have been doing it wrong.”

    My first thought was, what are these hypothetical bras made of exactly that they’ve been on fire for decades and there’s still something left to burn?

    Also, WHERE CAN I GET ONE? Seriously, H/HH cup. Bra-burning is not a practical option for me, but for a bra that endures for decades, I would be willing to shell out some serious dollars. (Because feminists are always serious, and so are their dollars. This is why we don’t get laid.)

    Or, you know, I can just charge it on my Feminist Card, right?

  21. Aydan: And now I am picturing an “older” feminist woman recklessly driving a golf cart draped with burning bras as she cackles and looks for men to run over.

    Can you put this on Youtube? Pretty please?

  22. Obviously, what the world needs is cars powered by burning bras.
    Call me when we invade Victoria’s Secret.

  23. This thread is filled with lulz. Y’all are great.

    One of the most interesting, cool women I know is somewhere in her fifties or sixties, unmarried, no children. She just recently bought her first house and it’s the cutest house I’ve ever seen. She is brimming with humor and intelligence and warmth. On Christmas, her house is filled with all her weird, loving friends. She has been places and done things (probably including you-know-what) and she is still going places and doing things (wink wink). Anyone would be lucky to have a life like that, and it’s a pity that anyone would think less of someone so neat because she never got a ring or popped out a kid.

  24. *yawn*

    It’s just conservatives projecting again.

    Sorry the lack of sex is bringing you down, Andrea. I’m sure with your income, you can afford an adult massage performed by the boytoy of your choice. Go get some, girlfriend. 🙂

  25. This comment thread made me actually laugh out loud. But not LOL, because I’m too old (and feminist) to do that and also I never have sex and so my vagina has sealed up and is all of a piece, like Barbie, and LOLing would disturb that “area” and cause “problems.”

  26. This is a common view among American Males and, sadly, some Females. Why does being a “feminist” mean you don’t get “laid”?? Speaking from a heterosexual, Irish American, Catholic point of view this is a huge problem in this country (or maybe it’s just in my head!) I have three older sisters and I respect women in general (queer, straight, feminist, non-feminist, etc.) but other men do not see a problem in denigrating ALL women by implying they don’t get enough in the “sack”. Oh, ha ha, let’s all laugh at those crazy feminists! Assholes…………..

  27. Mezosub:

    It’s just conservatives projecting again.

    Sorry the lack of sex is bringing you down, Andrea.I’m sure with your income, you can afford an adult massage performed by the boytoy of your choice.Go get some, girlfriend.:)

    I really wish the woman in the video had been named differently. I keep getting confused.

  28. I am confused. what is you-know-what? i don’t think i have done that before. If I don’t know what you-know-what is then how can i know if I have done it?

    My poor feminist brain is so preoccupied with putting men down and burning my bra’s. Gah!

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