In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Do your thing. Post a link to something you’ve written recently, with a short description. Don’t just link your whole blog — make it specific.

63 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. Here’s the podcast of an episode of the feminist radio show I’m on in which I break down victim blaming, expose rape myths, and look at better ways to combat sexual assault. I start with the lovely argument “If you don’t want your car broken into, lock the doors” a go from there. This is maybe a good one to get others to listen to, or to listen to on your own for the purposes of stocking your feminist-argument-arsenal! The piece starts at 9:20 in the show

    We also have an awesome blog to peruse.

  2. My new book is now available on Amazon.

    With many airlines now hiring flight attendants, the competition for these jobs is intense. I wrote this manual to help potential candidates to understand what is involved and to teach the fundamentals of safety procedures and skills as well as mastering the customer focus of the airlines.

    Anyone thinking about flying around the World should consider this book. I assure all that this book will help a candidate succeed at the Open House and the initial, intense flight attendant training course.

    Joy Sayler

  3. I reported some old posts from my livejournal, about the selfish reasons for activism on the importance of sex education for me no feminist I know wants to remove the presumption of innocence while On Wikipedia I found the group of traditional owners of the land I live on has less than 100 members left

  4. In which I discuss my upcoming school year as a high school teacher, and how I will remain positive in spite of all of the recent media attacks against teachers. “Because teaching isn’t just imparting knowledge, it’s listening, asking the right questions, letting someone cry, laughing your butt off. All of these, every day. With style, poise, and verve.” – Never Stop Teaching

  5. First week of school, so a couple of teacher things:

    The Power of Choice — My answer to the question, “Miss, when are we going to use this in real life?”

    Thoughts on a Chakra: Muladhara — My changing position in school, physically and otherwise, has me feeling unsettled.

    Another chair yoga post, this one on account of my frustration with lots of walking in dress shoes.

    Finally (not teaching related), I went guest blogging about sweat and am also on the lookout for interested guest bloggers.

  6. I wrote a post called Sexpectations: Purity, Courtship, and Dating demolishing the entire idea that if you don’t “save yourself” for your husband he will be hurt or disappointed. I was raised in the purity-ring-courtship-culture and grew up to learn that it was all BS. This post describes how I came to this conclusion, and argues that what is important is not “purity” but rather expectations. Here it is:

    I also wrote a similar post on Courtship, Dating, and Regret:

  7. I’ve written a bunch of stuff lately, but I’m most happiesterish with this essay about getting lasered in the crotch. Technically it’s about all the work that many of us have to go through to navigate a medical system that doesn’t particularly want us to be well.

  8. I have a local women’s alternative healthcare muckraking blog, shedding a light on information for consumers that may be hard to find and giving women a space to tell other women about their difficult or frustrating experiences, views often censored in “natural” forums. For instance, the dangerous record of a local midwife and her creepy, unprofessional behavior:

    Or another one, with bonus privacy violation:

  9. On whether or not all hetero sex is rape, and if so, how much time should every single sexually active heterosexual man have to serve in prison for his heinous crimes?

    A blog recommendation;

    Should a rape victim have to pay child support for a child conceived during an alleged rape?

    On “Sugar Daughters,” and my thoughts on whether or not we should be concerned with the young women who are choosing to exchange sexual relationships with much older men for a monthly allowance.

    On how that stupid Newsweek cover picture of Bachmann was NOT sexist. FFS. With examples;

    On American aristocracy and the return of prosperity. A guest post by Thomas Dufour;

    We discuss porn, yet again, because it seems to be on our minds quite a bit lately. This time, about respect, disrespect, and certain sexual proclivities;

    Another round of the weird-ass things people Google to get to ethecofem.

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