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links for 29-6-2011

This Swedish school is awesome.

Over at Tigerbeatdown, s.e. smith writes a sobering piece on why the increasing corporatization of education in america means that graduate’s degrees mean less and less for a financially secure future.

A young Muslim woman has won her suit against abercrombie and fitch after she was fired for not removing her hijab on the job.

It’s the latest employment discrimination charge against the company’s so-called “look policy,” which critics say means images of mostly white, young, athletic-looking people.

a&f’s classic american style = white.

Ugh, MORE of these racist anti-choice billboards targeting women of colour.

Monday was National HIV Testing Day in the united states. Colorlines breaks down some truly devastating statistics about which communities are most affected by the illness and why.

In somewhat related news, the alberta government finds new and idiotic ways to stigmatize and isolate people living with STIs and STDs with a tired, tired, old strategy- scaring the shit out of youth!.

Hanne Blank reminds us that there is no wrong way to have a body, and all human beings are real.

Via angry asian man:

Within Every Woman is a documentary featuring the stories of thousands of women who were kidnapped from their homes in Korea, China, the Philippines, Taiwan, Burma, Japan, Indonesia, by the Japanese army during wwii and coerced into sexual slavery. Though most of the world knows these survivors as “Comfort Women”, they are respectfully referred to as “the Grandmothers” by their community, as most of them are in their 80’s and 90’s. The film captures their resilience and demands for justice, and it needs your help! It is still in production, and you can make a donation to bring the work to completion via kickstarter here.

In an effort to reduce incidents of sexual harassment, Guatemala is introducing women only buses. But while this may prove to offer temporary safety for women, it’s just a band aid.

For more nuance and detail into the intersection of rape culture and other forms of violence, Yifat Susskind, Executive Director of Madre, details the ways in which violence against women in Guatemala and Iraq is a legacy of war.

5 thoughts on links for 29-6-2011

  1. A dude is a dude is a dude. Especially white dudes. “Gay” so often means queer white dudes. Screw everyone else.

    Patriarchy: You’re soaking in it!

  2. I’m working two minimum wage jobs with a Bachelor’s degree. I don’t need to read a sobering piece, I’m living it.

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