In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Bachmann is in.

This should be fun. Glad to see that female candidates who are every bit as awful and divorced from reality as male conservatives are getting their time to shine.

19 thoughts on Bachmann is in.

  1. Great!

    Also great: “Gov. Rick Perry of Texas is also considering running.”

    Can Brooklyn secede post-haste? Anyone else want to join us?

  2. I think they should run on the same ticket. It would be comedy GOLD.


    Also great: “Gov. Rick Perry of Texas is also considering running.”

    Can Brooklyn secede post-haste? Anyone else want to join us?

  3. I think they should run on the same ticket. It would be comedy GOLD.

    Comedy gold would be an election where Bachman/Perry and Palin/Trump began accusing one another of being liberal secret muslim insurgents as their poll numbers began to dip.

  4. Dear everyone: Sexism continues to be wrong. Don’t write sexist shit about a woman (and don’t let other people get away with it) just because her politics are horribly crappy. (Which they are, I agree.)


    I give it about 3 minutes before some upstanding male liberal who’s totally a feminist calls Bachmann a cunt.

  5. All I can say is , anyone who considers voting for her “because it’s about time we had a woman president” just don’t. You don’t need one THAT badly. Wait for one who won’t be an utter fucking embarassment to your country.

  6. I give it about 3 minutes before some upstanding male liberal who’s totally a feminist calls Bachmann a cunt.

    This is why I’m really enamored with the phrase “asshat.” Everyone has an ass and would look equally ridiculous wearing it as a hat. No baggage, just rectal millinery.

  7. Pidgey:
    Has anyone asked Ann Coulter if she wants to run?

    I would laugh at this if thinking about the things she would likely say didn’t just make me want to cry and cry. She just makes me feel like I’ve been punched repeatedly in the gut whenever I think about her rhetoric.

  8. Here in Minneapolis, I can assure that we are all praying to Jeebus himself to make sure she gets the GOP nomination. At this point, we’ll do anything–ANYTHING!– to ensure she loses her congressional seat.

  9. Here in Minneapolis, I can assure that we are all praying to Jeebus himself to make sure she gets the GOP nomination. At this point, we’ll do anything–ANYTHING!– to ensure she loses her congressional seat.

    Won’t happen. You need moderates to win the GOP nomination and in a race against an uncontested Democratic candidate you need independents. To do that you either have to be a moderate or you have to be able to fake it. Thats why we got McCain instead of Huckabee. Besides, I have a lot of trouble believing that the huge tracts of hardcore Evangelicals she courts with the whole “wive be submissive to your husbands” schtick are going to actually be able to vote for a woman for President.

    The thing to worry about with Bachmann is, ultimately, the GOP establishment. They’re good politicians. A candidate like Bachmann exists to do two things. First to whip up the base and ultimately give their support to someone with more of a chance. Second to distract from someone else on the field who is a real contender. What we need to be asking is who looks less scary by standing between Bachmann and Palin?

  10. Wait for one who won’t be an utter fucking embarassment to your country.

    Yeah, because that went so well for the woman who not only wasn’t an embarrassment but also was a brilliant and eminently qualified candidate.

    The first woman president won’t be someone brilliant and qualified. It’ll be someone like Bachmann or Palin. That’s my fear. Because, really: If not Hillary Clinton, then who? Who would have been a “better” token woman candidate from the Dems?

  11. Oh boy, here we go again.

    1. Hearing sexist things from so called progressives that I thought were better than that.
    2. Be called a sexist for saying negative things about Bachmann, even when it’s not.
    3. Being called out as a feminist for “why aren’t you complaining loudly enough about this [supposed] sexist thing that happened to Bachmann” (even if I did complain).
    4. Having to qualify every defense of Bachmann against sexist remarks with “I loathe her politics but…” as if that was not assumed.
    5. Being told I’m just can’t appreciate a “strong conservative woman”. If I were a woman it would be that I’m just “jealous of her beauty”.
    6. Being told that she is a “real woman” because she raised foster kids and is not a feminazi.
    7. Being told that she is “masturbation material” by male friends.
    8. Being told than being pro-choice is not necessary to be a feminist or to be pro-woman.
    9. “Witch”, “whore” etc. etc. etc.
    10. More assinine women can’t win “analysis” by the punditocracy if she loses. Relocation to Canada if she doesn’t.

    Or… why I am not necessarily looking forward to this.

  12. Shannon Drury: Yep. I share a metro area with you and I have been wondering for years what is wrong with that whole district. Seriously, is there something funky in the water in Stillwater? They wouldn’t elect Patty Wetterling, ffs. And before Bachmann there was Mark Kennedy- who was a complete and utter tool.
    And as far as women presidents: I’m convinced that if Hilary’s last name wasn’t Clinton, she would have won. As it was, she mainly lost because she was too closely linked to the establishment.
    I wish Wetterling would run again, for anything.

  13. I have always maintained that Bachmann is the absolute stupidest high-profile Republican. Maybe she’ll prove my point with her elevated media coverage!

    I’m pretty sure Clinton would have won if she were running in any year but the one Barack Obama ran in. As it was, she was hurt by her pro-war vote for Iraq and her white supremacist comments that African-Americans will vote Democrat anyway but white working class might not vote for a black candidate did not endear her to that demographic. Still, I’m pretty sure she would have won by a landslide if she’d been up against McCain.

  14. @anna. It happened. Matt Taibbi, who wrote that Rolling Stone article on Bachmann the article is linked to, was on Don Imus’ show jokingly hoping that there will be a porno film about Bachmann made like the Sarah Palin film Larry Flynt made around the ’08 election. ARRRGH!

    If we can get organized and be tenatious and persistent with our reasons as to why Bachmann CANNOT be POTUS (without using forms of misogyny and sexism), just like the GLGTQ communities were with convincing the Republican-controlled NYS legislature that gay marriage mattered, then there is a better-than-average chance she will never, ever move into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC.

    The time to get to work on this, is NOW.

  15. Ms Lori D – Thank you for the correction. I was wondering what G word might have taken over from Bi.

    My condolences to commenters living in her district. Senators can be bad enough, but at least they only run every six years.

  16. DouglasG: I’m convinced that the Sixth District is completely and utterly beyond embarrassment. They owe the rest of the state an apology.

  17. And they’re still whining about their bridge. They should either smarten up or pay for the bridge themselves.

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