In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Post a short description of something you’ve written this week, along with a link. Make it specific — don’t just link your whole blog.

60 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. Hi everyone! This was a bit of an angry week for me… I have written two blog posts:

    The first one about a high-profile rape case (prominent “weatherman” Jörg Kachelmann who got acquitted) and rape culture in Germany.

    The second post, It’s Getting Boring By the Sea, is a rather personal one, and deals with my frustration of having to justify my self-identification as a person of colour to White people, and then being labelled the token Angry Fat Brown Hyper-Feminist™ who is solely responsible for calling out discriminatory behaviour whilst simultaneously being mocked for her “oversensitivity.”

  2. I wrote a piece about the proper way to apologize for saying/doing something horribly stupid and offensive, using Ed Schultz, Psychology Today, and Scott Adams as examples. (Warning: I do use a bit of information from each, and link back to the offending stuff in each.)

    I also wrote on the importance of a Plan B for anybody pursuing a dream.

  3. Doing the most good and the least harm:

    Why we need humane education: misleading messages about farmed animals:

    “Everything causes cancer!”: Thinking more deeply & critically about the news:

  4. I wrote a piece about the Saudi women driving ban (in light of the upcoming campaign to protest the ban) and how it relates to restricting women’s movement more generally.

  5. LGBT Families, My Queer Family, and Queering Community – Because we are a same-sex couple, we fit under the umbrella of “LGBT families.” But what makes our family magical, to me, is that it is a queer family. For me and many others, to be queer (or to queer) also means to deliberately challenge normativity. It is a radical political stance, lived fully and deeply. (This post was written in participation of the 6th Annual Blogging for LGBT Families Day.)

  6. This started out pretty straight forwardly — Jon Stewart being pretty funny about the deliberate smear on Rep. Anthony Weiner. Jon Stewart on CNN’s Weak Weiner ReportingJon Stewart on CNN’s Weak Weiner Reporting. Over time I added links suggesting a) he could possibly still be a jerk but b) someone absolutely forged the infamous underpants photo.

    Kyle Munkittrick on Baby Storm, Language, and the Human Sacrifice Reqired to Make Us Human kind of speaks for itself. Mukittrick laments that we freak out about ungendered babies because making someone a he or she is how we distinguish human from thing. I lament that the sacrifices that go with gendering someone requires the amputation of half our potential human-ness.

    And finally, sorta-kinda related to the Weiner links, two posts that relate to the issue of circumstance and privilege vs. gender and biology:People Who Ride in Glass Elevators Don’t Get Sexually Accosted (Plus Question About Gender and Groping) and “Nature” Vs. Natural Opportunity: Powerful Women As Attracted to Adultery as Powerful Men. (Note: you know that saying “‘well-behaved’ women never make history?” I’ve been realizing lately that a lot of my gender-questioning posts are pitched towards women behaving outside allotted traditional gender boundaries because sort of by definition men who are “well-behaved” as tradition has dictated women should be… pretty much never make history. That’s not so much a problem as an observation that they rarely show up in articles and blog posts. For instance if I didn’t have a blog I’d only a be stay-at-home dad and would thus be invisible… as in fact I almost completely am when I Google my real name.)


  7. The usage of “Transgender” as an umbrella term including everyone form post-transsexual people to folks who are mildly gender not conforming has caused so many flame wars and so many fights between transsexual and transgender people that many of us are tired and ready to move on to something else.
    Monday I published:
    On 6/2 Mercedes Allen published: “The Death of Transgender As Umbrella”
    I followed up with:

  8. I actually wrote this week! I got me a job and I’ve been excited enough to share some thoughts.

    My initial conflict thoughts on the job offer. Mostly excitement, with fear of expressing that excitement thrown in.

    Thoughts on the jobs report, my comparative luck, how I can help others, and how if it were still me, that very help would be a small token compared to what I would need.

    Random thoughts about getting things together for my move and my temp job for the month of June.

    And this last one – where I muse about how fucked up it is to harass me and ignore my nos when I’m an assault victim. Trigger warning, obviously. It ends in me musing about my legal recourse.

  9. Life is good for Joseph Farah, the chief Ballyhooer of Birtherism. He’s suing Esquire for making fun of him, and he gets invited on TV to discuss President Obama’s Constitutional illegitimacy, even though his website, WorldNetDaily, reads like something the National Enquirer scraped off the bottom of its shoe. But a Black congressman is threatening to take the fun out of racism, and Farah is not having it. He is not having it!

    Also at World O’ Crap: a DIY guide to how WorldNetDaily has done what Bull Connor and Lester Maddox could only dream of: turned simmering racial resentments into a perpetual motion cash machine.

  10. I went to the Chicago Slutwalk and had a wonderful time! For some photographs and stories check it out here:

    There’s a film I desperately want to see, !Women Art Revolution, that is unfortunately not scheduled for Chicago. But you may have the opportunity to go! Here’s my post including the trailer and links to their screening schedule:

    The two year anniversary of Dr. Tiller’s murder was this Monday. I wrote a post about his life and work, Operation Rescue’s scare tactics, and included photographs of a memorial design for Dr. Tiller that I made as a school project:

  11. Hello, it’s my first time commenting here. *waves* I’m pretty bad with blogs but trying to get better & write more (which seems to also mean procrastinate from work more…) so I put up a post today about the Wall Street Journal’s anti-young-adult-fiction article on my still-very-new little blog, here:

    (Trigger warning for discussion of sexual violence & self harm in teenagers.)

  12. This week, I looked at the Observer newspaper’s “Call that a job?” magazine feature, in which their columnists’ children helped out with the columns. I felt that some interesting elements of this highlighted gender-based assumptions, and just how children come to acquire socialised gender roles.

  13. I have my Sunday news round-up posted, with links to interesting bits from the June 5, 1981 CDC report of what turned out to be some of the first reported U.S. AIDS cases to what I found hilarious about the WSJ’s anti-YA fiction silliness.

  14. Migraine laid me up yesterday so this is going up a little late, sorry! At Once Again, to Zelda we wrote about Gil Scott-Heron, a completely uneducated (and apparently unpopular) opinion of Game of Thrones, Betty Tibikawa who is being deported from the UK back to Uganda despite being branded for being a lesbian, 1949 Dating Do’s and Don’ts, and we kicked off National Aboriginal History Month with some movie/doc recommendations.

    Have a great week, everyone!

  15. Over at ethecofem, our various writers have produced this:

    Warren discussed economic momentum and its relation to conservative Presidential candidates.

    Bema compiled the voices of six frequenters of ethecofem from England, the Midwest, Gulf Coast, West Coast, East Coast, and the Middle East.

    April delineated two popular brands of feminism [radfem and third-wave] for the perenially uninformed and shyly curious.

    Danny reminisces about a childhood television program.

  16. My latest suggestion in terms of quick actions:
    Email Fifa about the ban on the hijab in competitive football, asking them more about their ruling (health and safety? a ban on ‘religious statements’? media reports seem unsure) and to work with hijab-wearing women to widen participation.

  17. Well, its not Sunday, but anyway…

    As some of you might know, I’m in a band. Its hard rock, we drink, its fun, we do our best to make it safe space. The band is called Sutured Psyche and this Saturday we have our album release show at The Elbo Room in Chicago, a cool little venue. The show is $10 at the door and you get to see a night of local music and take your shot at a pretty good beer selection. I’ll even hook up any Feministe folk and sell you the CD for half price if you mention Feministe to whoever is working the merch booth. So, if you’re in Chicago, please come check us out! If not, I’m pretty sure iTunes should have our CD on June 11th (although I have no idea if they’re going to get it up on time or not). Heres the facebook event page, you can find photos, live videos, and there should be some music kicking around on there:

    Sutured Psyche Album Release Show

    Heres a commercial for the EP on youtube:

    Bastard Nation Commercial

    Hope I see some of you there!

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