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Things to sext other than dick pics

In the aftermath of the Anthony Weiner weiner-scandal, the Washington Post asks women what kind of sexts (as they kids say) they’d appreciate receiving. Women ™ say:

“I would like a photo of a made bed,” says Kathryn Roberts, who works at a law firm in Washington. “I would take rose petals, but I want them on top of a made bed.” And not that fake kind of made, either, where the comforter is smooth but the sheets are a jumbled mess.

“Or laundry,” adds her friend Andrea Neurohr.

“Folded laundry,” elaborates Roberts. “Maybe in a wicker basket.”

Cindy Meston directs the Sexual Psychophysiology Laboratory at the University of Texas at Austin. She is a past president of the International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health. If there is something you want to know about what turns women on, she is the person you call.

“We spent six years of research on why women have sex,” Meston says. They compiled 237 reasons. Duty sex. Revenge sex. Pity sex. Bored sex, engaged in because women simply had nothing better to do. “Of the 237 reasons why women have sex,” Meston says, “not one was looking at a man’s genitals.”

Get it? Cleaning is so important to women it’s basically pornography! Haha oh women, with their clean laundry and their distaste for sexual pleasure and the male body. But they’ll have sex out of duty, revenge, pity or because they’re bored. Not once because they wanted to see some dick. Science!

To be fair, texting someone dick pictures is kind of… yuck. Which is also how I feel about up-close vulva pictures. Leave the low-quality close-ups for the anatomy books! But if you wanted to send me the photo version of this D’Angelo video, I’d be ok with that:


What do you want a sext of? DO NOT SAY LAUNDRY.

89 thoughts on Things to sext other than dick pics

  1. I dunno. I’d bang Rep Weiner if I had the chance. Hard-on belonging to a dude I’d fuck in boxer-briefs isn’t that bad. It would make me giggle anyway.


    That’s for scaring the hell out of half of us yesterday.

    But actually yeah, the only thing M & I sext (if it can be called that) are ridiculous clues for the evening’s plans.

  3. Isn’t there a whole stupid book about that? It was just pictures of men doing household chores such as vacuuming. I would post a link, but I’m not allowed to search for the title on my work computer.

    Txt requests: I’ll take the D’Angelo clip. Ewan McGregor, too.

  4. Alexander Skarsgard as Eric Northman from True Blood.

    Kate Beckinsale as Selene from Underworld 1-3.

    James Marsters as Spike from Buffy.


  5. A chipotle burrito, foil half unwrapped, with one bite out of it so I can see all the carne asada and cheese just spilling out.

  6. Kara: Alexander Skarsgard as Eric Northman from True Blood.

    YES. It’s coming, you know. Did you see the first couple of minutes? They were posted online. They look kind of awful. But I’m excited for the rest of the season.

  7. Yeah, low quality penis pictures do leave much to be desired. I prefer it it when there’s an actual man attached to the penis picture.

    But you said it better than me. But I do at least appreciate authentic/amateur sexparts rather than the airbrushed sort many seem to prefer these days.

  8. Comrade Kevin: Yeah, low quality penis pictures do leave much to be desired. I prefer it it when there’s an actual man attached to the penis picture.

    Also this. Sex with a dude (for me) is def not just about his junk.

  9. Haha oh women, with their clean laundry and their distaste for sexual pleasure and the male body.

    Um. Well. That’s not the impression I got from the article, when I read it on paper this morning. Clean laundry,yes; distaste for sexual pleasure and the male body; where?

  10. Kara: Alexander Skarsgard as Eric Northman from True Blood.Kate Beckinsale as Selene from Underworld 1-3.James Marsters as Spike from Buffy.Yum.


  11. Oh, I love that xkcd.

    I wouldn’t mind a picture of someone doing laundry if they were naked or scantily clad though.

    Same goes for baking.

    Mmmm…naked cookies are the tastiest cookies.

  12. A handsome, shirtless guy holding a kitten. Or a puppy, I go both ways…with said animals preferably being from a rescue group.

  13. I think people interviewed in said article, as well as commenters here, are confusing awesome-squee-worthy text messages for actual sexts.
    That being said, laundry.

  14. So, this is maybe a fuddy duddy way of looking at it: but is there any chance they just mean ‘I think it’s sexy when my man does his fair share around the house?’

    Of course that doesn’t have the same appeal as actually being seduced. But it’s not a horrible starting place.

  15. The Boy’s hands and forearms, sleeves rolled up to just below the elbow. I’m having a moment just thinking about it.

  16. I would like to see a text of the face of the guy in the Weiner tweet.

    BTW–“Cleaning is so important to women it’s basically pornography! Haha oh women, with their clean laundry and their distaste for sexual pleasure and the male body.”

    Um, I didn’t read it that way at all. I thought it was more like “damn I want/need/would kill for some help with the damn housework for once”.

    Few things are more sex-drive killing than exhaustion.

    1. Um, I didn’t read it that way at all. I thought it was more like “damn I want/need/would kill for some help with the damn housework for once”.

      Few things are more sex-drive killing than exhaustion.

      I agree with that sentiment, and if that had been addressed in the article, I think it wouldn’t have bugged me as much. But the article read, to me, like “Men are obsessed with sex and send dick pics, and women REALLY just want them to clean the house.” It didn’t strike me so much as a critique of domestic relationships, mostly because I associate sexting with the young and stupid (and with people who aren’t married or shacked up, and are just trying to turn each other on). The undertone seemed to be that women just aren’t as turned on by sex-related visual stimuli.

  17. The abs of my partner wearing jeans and underwear, but no shirt, so I can see his hipbones and stomach, with the jeans unbuttoned, but not unzipped.

    Sometimes imagination is the best part.

  18. Is it really a thing to send dick pics where the dick is still in underwear? That’s the thing I keep coming back to with this. The rational brain is all “Here are the various ways this could be a hack or a shop or just a straight up prank, why is this even on the news right now, do people just not understand twitter?” and the lizard-brain is stuck on “The package was still in the giftwrap? Wtf, mates?”.

    Then again, I don’t really get sexting in the first place, so maybe I’m missing something that people who do get sexting are hip to.

    1. Yeah, I’ve never sexted because I am 27 and I think I missed the boat on that one. But I hear the kids do it!

  19. “Alexander Skarsgard as Eric Northman from True Blood.

    Kate Beckinsale as Selene from Underworld 1-3.

    James Marsters as Spike from Buffy.


    The first and the third together, and the bed may be as messy as you please.

  20. I’ve got some naughty pictures to send people, but you’ll never see my naked bits and my face in the same shot.

    OTOH, unless I ask you to send me a picture of your dick, DON’T SEND ME A PICTURE OF YOUR DICK. Except the guy who put googly eyes on his.

  21. “I would like a photo of a made bed,” says Kathryn Roberts, who works at a law firm in Washington. “I would take rose petals, but I want them on top of a made bed.”

    I want a sext of an unmade bed. Preferably the one I had the hell fucked out of me in the night before. And the only rose petals that should be on it are the ones he rubbed all over my naked body (like Alfred Molina did to Marisa Tomei in The Perez Family…..a cheesy movie, but I’d’a taken Ms. Tomei’s place in that scene!).

  22. Hmm… :9

    Micheal Biehn as Hicks in Aliens. Jenette Goldstein as Vasquez, since I’m at it. Yow and yow.

    Louis Gossett, Jr. He is hot, because I think so.

    Michelle Forbes.

    And my new actor crush, Steven Yeun from The Walking Dead. Mmmhm.

    I love mens’ and womens’ bodies, they are inherently beautiful! I am very visually stimulated. But, if I’m gonna see a penis, I want to see who it’s attached to, or it seems just kind of icky. Context, ya know? I’ve dated online a bit, and if I get a cropped, close-up dick pic, it’s a deal breaker.

  23. La Lubu:
    I want a sext of an unmade bed. Preferably the one I had the hell fucked out of me in the night before.

    Yes, this. I would also appreciate a picture of the scratches and bite marks I left on his back, neck, and shoulders.

  24. Mmmm, Jack Black pics! (yes really. It is a mystery of the universe that everyone doesn’t find him as hot as I do.)

    Also, for the record I hate the “women don’t like porn” meme. Ummm, have any of these assholes been on or Livejournal or any other fiction/fan fiction/slash fiction site? Sisters are porning it up, people!

  25. “Except the guy who put googly eyes on his.”

    Oh, dear. That trumps the vibrator that got the googly-eyes and Mr. Potatohead feet treatment.

  26. I would love a dick pic as a sext. And looking at a penis would be on my list of reasons to have sex. Make that #238, please.
    Other ideas: dick and a bottle of whipped cream, abs with strawberries, a pair of handcuffs, or even a wink.
    Also, props to whoever sent a googly-eyed penis sext to the girl who commented above. That’s hilarious!

  27. I can get into a dick picture, but it has to be someone I’m already fucking and am really hot for. Really good upper body pictures are always welcome and always hot. I love dirty talk, so from the right person, dirty text messages are very welcome, and very much a turn on. The last thing that would ever turn me on is a made bed, or folded laundry. God, I hate that article. What is wrong with those women? I feel like they think they are funny. DOn’t tell me for one minute that folded laundry actually makes you wet. Claiming it does isn’t cute, and it isn’t funny. It perpetuates a stupid stereotype about women and sex.

  28. Sienna:
    Ryan Gosling

    Jesus Christ, did you see him in the trailer for that new movie with Emma Stone and Steve Carrell? Seriously, I don’t usually do the hot for actors thing, but I almost slid out of my seat.

  29. Daisy: Jesus Christ, did you see him in the trailer for that new movie with Emma Stone and Steve Carrell?Seriously, I don’t usually do the hot for actors thing, but I almost slid out of my seat.

    THIS. That trailer gave me heart palpitations. I barely recovered. July 29th can’t come soon enough.

  30. When the Favre scandal happened, I remember talking with my coworkers, stating that most women I know do not want to receive a picture of a man’s dick.” Now Weiner-gate. Personally, I don’t want to see a picture of laundry, but no way would a picture of a man’s dick, or even a naked man be something I would want to receive via text. Send me a picture of an attractive man in well-fitting jeans and a gingham or the like shirt, and that might get me going.

  31. Lori: Send me a picture of an attractive man in well-fitting jeans and a gingham or the like shirt, and that might get me going.

    Am I the only one here who’s both hetero and not turned on by men *just being there in a certain way* at all? =(

  32. No, Nahida, you are not the only one. I think I was presuming that the man would be known to me, and would be smart, and kind and funny, etc. Pictures of men standing around are not typically arousing to me.

  33. A table set with fine silverware, china, proper glassware, my favourite sparkling in an icebucket, candelit, with a time and place.

    What? I like it when my husband cooks for me or takes me on a date.

  34. I’m happy that I get knocked up fairly easy. To daisy, I would expect the sexual fetishes of the female gender to be about as variant as those of the male gender, which range from hamburgers to sodomy

  35. Yes I wish the whole ‘laundry and women’ statements in various mainstream media sources would be retired. That being said, the idea that a husband (bf or someone else in your life) would take the small time to do the things that made you happy when he does them, would increase attractiveness is quite true, I believe. I know my gf likes certain things done or said, and doing those things does make her happy, that I appreciate her wants whether or not they are silly. Yes I think some of her quirks are silly, (as are mine) but she does like that I support her in the little details of the day. This shows that I do care about her enough to listen and do things without her requesting them.

  36. Nahida–I’m with you…I have never been remotely attracted to someone based off of image alone. It’s always taken some insight into aspects of their personality that get me going.

  37. Those “Porn for Women” books always make me groan…what bothers me perhaps most about ‘dick-shot’ sexting is the *horrible* angle and lighting…come on…a dick-shot isn’t really going to do it for me in the first place (I’m more of an ass lady) but every time I see that angle of photo I just imagine the guy saying/thinking “Grunt, penis, grunt” as he pushes send.

  38. I hope I’m not the only woman who thinks that dicks look like funny little elephants. Whenever a guy sends me a dick pic (thankfully not often anymore) I have a mixture of “funny parts!” And “eww, what a douchebag!”

    If a guy wants to be clever and get my attention, a basket of kittens will do, unless he’s a male model with very nice cheekbones. Then a face pic will do. I’m not a sexual person, so “sexy” doesn’t work for me. “Attractive,” sure. Cocks (unless they have wings and a beak) will send me running the other way.

    (Come to think of it, if a guy said he was sending a cock pic and sent one of a rooster … hilarity.)

  39. peggyluwho: What I wouldn’t give for an up the kilt shot of Ewan McGregor.

    Eh, maybe. As the girlfriend of a kilt-wearing man, having had many a glance at the saucy upkilt… honestly, I’m going to stick with the forearms.

  40. Back when there were remarkably few examples of erotic representations of heterosexual men from a non-male point of view did a lot of experimentation with self-photography and posted the results on my blog.

    And because that whole “nothing sexier than a man ironing his own shirts” business kept turning up in pop culture I went ahead and tested the hypothesis by posting laundry folding and bed making photos. The results were positively received but most of my other, non-domestic photo series were considerably more popular.

    At any rate, based on my past experience I think whether photos of men folding laundry or making beds can be sexy probably has a lot more to do with the men and a lot less to do with the laundry.

    And speaking of laundry, if you’re going to put rose petals on a bed there’s a good chance you’re going to have to use bleach to get the stains out. Or else, I guess, use rose-colored sheets.

    Funny thing about the notion that women would prefer to see men doing domestic chores: When I stopped posting those photos daily my blog traffic quickly fell off by roughly 75%. Which suggests the photos were… pretty popular. Or at least more popular than my writing. 🙂

    I think that moment’s pretty much passed for me though. Which is good because I was never all that comfortable doing it, and because unlike when I started there are now whole Tumblr blogs dedicated to erotic appreciation of hetero men run by and for hetero women. Which itself suggests the “nothing more sexy than…” meme is also more about gender convention and a very deep tradition of erotic images made from and for men’s points of view.


  41. @ACG: “I’m going to stick with the forearms.”

    Speaking of what I learned from my self-photography posting experiments, yes, definitely forearms really seem to work. This notion as invisible as the fourth dimension for men who try to make “porn for women.” Neither gay nor straight men seem terribly interested in forearms and hands. And so unless we listen to the people we think we’re making erotic images for…


  42. bonn:
    I hope I’m not the only woman who thinks that dicks look like funny little elephants.

    Um. Elephants?

  43. A chap I had no interest in whatsoever sent me an entirely unprompted dick shot once. Like, “Haven’t heard from that girl I met a while ago… I know, I’ll send her a picture of my cock!” *facepalm* I did tell him that was COMPLETELY NOT OKAY, but what has been seen cannot be unseen.

    That said, I wouldn’t mind one from someone I was actually seeing–but a picture of a man’s other good qualities (e.g. lips or hands, though abs is also niiiice), with a note about how he intends to employ them next time he sees me…

    What I have found with a couple of guys I’ve seen, both in sexting and dirty talk, is that they seem to think women want to hear florid erotica. Like we don’t want to hear swear words or blunt statements of desire. No-one should sext florid erotica unless they are a professional writer, or at least a really really good fan author. The things they come up with are cringeworthy! Just say you want to bend me over and fuck me hard! Straightforward statements of desire are awesome.

  44. Maybe I’m weird, but as a lady who likes dudes, I am a fan of dick pictures. If I’m texting all dirty to you, and it turns you on, and you wanna show me how turned on, I fully support that. I will also gladly return the favor, if that’s your thing. Or maybe I’m just lucky to have one guy I sext a lot who has an amazing penis and we’re both into sending pics to each other.

    Granted, the first penis picture I ever was “sexted” was just the head with a smiley face drawn on it in sharpie, but it was kinda clever, which made it hot….it was also hilarious.

    There are other naughty pictures I enjoy getting/sending too. I guess it’s all about context.

  45. glitterary:
    Like we don’t want to hear swear words or blunt statements of desire….Just say you want to bend me over and fuck me hard! Straightforward statements of desire are awesome.

    Yes! This exactly.

  46. stonebiscuit: Yes, this. I would also appreciate a picture of the scratches and bite marks I left on his back, neck, and shoulders.

    Oh. My. God. Yes.

    My own.. hmm.. shirtless, with guitar, back slightly turned to camera (because, damn, do I love backs). I don’t know how he’d manage that with a cell phone though LOL.

  47. preying mantis:
    Is it really a thing to send dick pics where the dick is still in underwear?That’s the thing I keep coming back to with this.The rational brain is all “Here are the various ways this could be a hack or a shop or just a straight up prank, why is this even on the news right now, do people just not understand twitter?” and the lizard-brain is stuck on “The package was still in the giftwrap?Wtf, mates?”.

    Then again, I don’t really get sexting in the first place, so maybe I’m missing something that people who do get sexting are hip to.

    I am so with you. A disembodied cock-pic blips about a .2 on the sexy-meter for me… a disembodied cock pic of a cock I’m familiar with and like blips maybe a 1… cock-bulging-through-underwear just makes me giggle.

    Things that blip 8 or 9 on the sexy-meter? Naked muscly shoulders. The curve of a back down to a really tight ass. That line that runs over the hipbones of certain really fit guys… mmm.

  48. Personally, I don’t think it’d matter too much what the contents were. If someone were attracted to me enough to make the effort (whatever it is), that’s worth my appreciation. Unless it’s something really weird, like Armadillos being involved weird.

    As for sending? Probably not something I’d do without some kind of prior request or discussion on the theoretical receiver’s part.

  49. I wouldn’t mind a dick-shot, I find dicks to be visually pleasing, actually (especially my lover’s)… I don’t sext, though, so it’s a moot point. That said, what would be really sexy would be a pic of him, kneeling, shirtless, jeans around his thighs and his hard cock in his hand. What would make it better is if he was still all marked up from the night before. I like marking him with my teeth and my nails and the visual reminder is wonderful…

    Come to think of it, just a picture of the curve of his neck with the imprint of my teeth on it would be just as sexy, if not more.

  50. Jill:
    Yeah, I’ve never sexted because I am 27 and I think I missed the boat on that one. But I hear the kids do it!

    Yep I guess your life is pretty much over. Crikey, I’m 40 and I’ve sent a few racy sexxxts in my time. You should give it a go! The stuff I like getting is mostly BDSM related and which other people would probably find it icky, CBT type stuff.

    I’d quite like to receive a photo of some nice Kurt Geigers, complete with credit card details to complete purchase thereof. That would definitely get me going. And my partner, who is quite a footwear fetishist.

  51. I’ll take a dick shot from someone who already turns me on. No problem. But also I love the way a guy looks in a fancy getup, like a tuxedo. But also I don’t want to see a guy in a tuxedo with his dick out.

    Related: in most of the (admittedly amateur) porn I’ve seen, the thing that killed it for me was the dude a good-looking dick was attached to, not the dick itself. I’m all hey! big dick! hurrah! and then the dude’s got a barbed-wire bicep tattoo and a tongue piercing and I just know he wants to talk about Sevendust or something when we’re done screwing and I am like, ugh, no thanks.

  52. Aw man, there I was thinking about all the ways a made bed could be suggestive, and then they had to bring laundry into it.

    Hands – they can be awfully nice, yes. I know a musician who has the most amazing hands, and I would not mind receiving a photo of them…

  53. His hand on the fly of his jeans.
    Her breasts from the top in a low cut shirt.
    His shoulders, from the back. (dunno how he’d get this shot…)
    Her thighs, crossed tightly.
    A toy we use, bonus if sender is washing it for the next use.
    Any visual indication that sender is on the way home to fuck me senseless again, road signs, rearview mirror with job site in it, subway stations on the way.

  54. Shibari chest bondage (presumably with someone else’s help).
    A back red from whipping.
    Breasts. Actually, breasts in pretty much any situation. I’m easy. 🙂
    A hard cock straining against some pretty lingerie.

  55. By the way, those who are interested in Ewan McGregor and what’s up his kilt should check out Velvet Goldmine if they haven’t already.

    Actually, pretty much the entirety of that movie counts as a sext for me.

  56. Andrea: But also I love the way a guy looks in a fancy getup, like a tuxedo.

    YES. Especially if he’s started to loosen the tie, roll up the sleeves, and otherwise started to undress a little. See also: men in period costuming who have started to remove doublets, loosen collars, etc.

    PS I love this thread.

  57. stonebiscuit:
    By the way, those who are interested in Ewan McGregor and what’s up his kilt should check out Velvet Goldmine if they haven’t already.

    Actually, pretty much the entirety of that movie counts as a sext for me.

    The Pillow book has quite a bit of Full frontal as well. As does Trainspotting.

    Ewan sure did like to show off his wang back in the day.

  58. Andrea – having seen all three of those movies, I can’t fault the man for being proud 😉

    I could potentially see myself getting actually horny from a picture of laundry IF it were from my partner and IF the subtect were “the housework’s been taken care of, nothing to do tonight but play.”

  59. Actually, on second thought, I want all of Velvet Goldmine re-enacted by my hypothetical nerdharem and sexted to me. Possibly sexemailed, if the file’s too big.

  60. I’m on the hand and forearm bandwagon…toned, tanned and don’t ask me why but adding a big watch always cinches the deal.

  61. I would say lips, definitely lips. Perhaps a picture of the person biting their lip, or with a finger up to their lips, or in their mouth.

    Hands in general can be sexy, especially when being used to hold/caress other part of the body.

    Toys and other kink gear is always appreciated, give me an idea of what in “in for” 😉

  62. ozymandias:
    Actually, on second thought, I want all of Velvet Goldmine re-enacted by my hypothetical nerdharem and sexted to me. Possibly sexemailed, if the file’s too big.

    This is why you’re a special kind of hero to me, Ozy.

  63. My rule of thumb is don’t send me a pic of your dick unless I’ve told you I want to see it. Dick pics are hot if I already know and like the guy, not so much otherwise.

    If you send me a pic of laundry, I’m not even going to recognise it as anything other than a mistake–like did you even mean to take a pic of that and did you actually send that to me or did you sit down on your phone? I am glad someone else found that article as insulting as I did.

    Speaking as a fashionista, I do not want you to wash my clothes unless you know HOW to do that without ruining them. I didn’t spend $300 for a dress at Baby the Stars Shine Bright to have some dude dump it in the washing machine on HOT with a cup of Tide, thanks.

    This all reminds me of the creepy dude on Yahoo who offered to clean my house in the nude for free. I was pretty sure I’d be paying for that in some way, even if it was just that I’d have to pay attention to him, so I blocked him.

  64. General upper body pics.
    The area around a guy’s eyes. Something about that thin, iridescent skin is SO sexy.

  65. Here is a piece by bell hooks that is very relevant here, she helped me to think through the search for alternative pathways through phallocentricism that is not about male domination, performance, and penetration:
    (or just google “bell hooks penis”)

    Some gems:
    “Continuing in the tradition of the first contemporary feminists, who were also advocates of sexual freedom, I believe we still need to see more visual images of the penis in everyday life. In a contest of mutual sexual pleasure rooted in equality of desire, there is room for a politics of sexuality that is varied, that can include hard dicks, rough sex, and penetration as gesture of power and submission, because these acts are not intended to reinforce male domination. But without this progressive sexual context we end up always creating a world where the penis is synonymous with negativity and threat.”

    “To identify the penis always and only with force, with being a tool of power, a weapon first and foremost, is to participate in the worship and perpetuation of patriarchy. It is a celebration of male domination.”

    “When women and men can celebrate the beauty and power of the phallus in ways that do not uphold male domination, our erotic lives are enhanced.”

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