In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

You know what to do.

59 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. Writer of ‘The Female Man’, creator of worlds, boldly taking pulp sci-fi where it had never gone before–Joanna Russ, passed into eternity this week.
    Joanna Russ

    A Japanese advisor to the prime minister resigns over new standards raising the limit of radiation children can be exposed to on school playgrounds.

    Children and Radiation

  2. I wrote a post about Lavender Graduation at the University of Michigan, which celebrates the accomplishments of LGBT students:

    I am also writing a recap/review of last night’s episode of Doctor Who, which should be posted later tonight.

  3. I have a non-blog contribution this time round – I finished my new zine, If Destroyed Still True #6, which is about my visit to Iraqi Kurdistan in February. It’s the longest zine I’ve ever done, it’s packed with writing and I’m especially excited because I put the whole thing together while on the road. I haven’t done a blog post about it yet or figured out postage prices, as I’m planning to do that once I hit Australia midweek. But it’s basically £1 (or more if people can afford it) plus postage plus paypal fees, and if anybody reading this is interested in getting a copy they’re welcome to e-mail me (nine at jinxremoving dot org) and we can discuss it further.

  4. Why should we care that colleges have found ways of shirking Title IX rules that seek to create greater equity for women in college sports, as reported in last week’s New York Times? Because those rules never demanded true equity to begin with. Feminema looks at the facts behind college women’s sports funding:
    Special bonus content: why Hanna Rosin of Slate’s Double X is a shoddy journalist, if not a crazy antifeminist.

  5. Writing on Psychology Today’s “Billion Wicked Thoughts” blog, Ogi Ogas — whose claim to fame seems to be “using cognitive techniques from his brain research to win half a million dollars on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” and co-authoring a yet-to-be-released book called A Billion Wicked Thoughts: What the World’s Largest Experiment Reveals about Human Desire – muses on “why feminism is the anti-Viagra.”

    Link-baiting much?

    But all right, all right, I’m biting; tell me, Ogi, why is feminism the anti-Viagra? …

  6. Taking a look at Book Two of the latest Haruki Murakami and why it is wrong for so many reasons, not the least of which is the shabby treatment of lady characters.

  7. Sarah Weddington, the attorney from Roe v. Wade, is being laid off from the University of Texas at Austin due to budget cuts. NWPC- College Women’s Caucus at UT is working with University Democrats to try to let the University know how important Sarah is and what an asset to the University she is. We understand there are no more funds for her, but we are trying to get them to let her be a visiting or guest lecturer so she can still teach. We are also looking to find outside funding for an endowment for a future position for Sarah at the University. This coalition is setting up a meeting with the Dean to present him with letters from Sarah’s former students and others that understand her value. If you or anyone you know would like to send a letter on Sarah’s behalf, please send them to: by 9 am (central) Tuesday morning.

    More information:

  8. Inspired by the ongoing debates about PUA at Clarisse Thorn’s, I decided to see if I (a highly Introverted, shy bloke) could execute an ethical way to practise pick-up based on the various themes and resources that came up; It’s baby steps, but my first outings are described in Progress update 1 – Days 1,2 and 3 and Progress update 2. Not much progress as far as dating is concerned, although I had some fun playing card games, described in the second post!

  9. Riffing on an inspired post by Uzza here’s The Only Way to Tell A Virgin From a Whore Just By Looking

    Funny. I was thinking about the stupid “Real Men Don’t Eat Quiche” yesterday morning (while contemplating making quiche for my family sometime this week) and then last night I ran into Violent Sexism Against Men Illustrated In an Advertisement for… Perfume For Men. There really is sexist oppression against men. And while MRAs seem to be hyper-vigilant on those occasions where feminists do it we seem barkingly oblivious to an incredible drumbeat of sexism against men by men and other anti-feminists.

    unny how I’m uncomfortable shamelessly self-promoting my little Murphy’s Laws of sex and gender but since it got referenced in Pandagon here’s Amanda Marcotte On the Bogus Two Rules of Desire. (Speaking of policing in the post I talk about how I’m afraid male anxiety, particularly anxiety about real or imagined judgment and potential violence from other men, plays a larger role than Amanda thinks it does.

    Think women are people? The Ugly Implications of Forced-Birthers Disinterest in Prosecuting Women Who Seek Abortions points out that, um, not everybody does.

    And even though I mentioned it already last week, every time I drive past the corner of 82nd St. and Aurora Ave, in Seattle (as I do sometimes several times a day) I’m reminded once again that it’s Charming How Current Law Makes it A Crime For Some Workers to Protect Themselves (Not Scott Walker Edition).

  10. This week at GAB we hosted a series on Global Identities and Intersectionality called “This AND That.” Writers discussed identities that didn’t fit easily into one category, and how their identities were influenced by global feminism. Jessica started quite a debate with her post “Polygamy Apology” where she proposed that individual abusers, and not polygamy as an institution, caused the problems in the Bountiful polygamous community, and Hayley wrote about dealing with victim blaming as an assault survivor.

  11. This week I wrote about:

    How the more children one has, the more lax one gets regarding movies, language, and swords:

    Reposting of a video of a young toddler discussing some very serious topics (with great adult captions):

    How depressing is it that Donald Trump is getting so much attention:

    Posting of Jon Stewart’s great commentaries and cartoonists’ takes on the birther palaver:

    Posting of President Obama’s wonderful speech at the White House correspondents’ dinner:

    And my thoughts about the rejoicing over Osama bin Laden’s death:

  12. This week at The Sartorial Nerd, I featured artwork from megarinri, a very talented artist who deftly translates superhero costumes into wearable yet whimsical designs. –

    I also discussed eye makeup for the visually impaired. Because eye shadow tutorials never take my glasses into consideration. Just because I’m a nerd doesn’t mean I can’t be stylin’ –

    And finally, I looked to Supergirl for wardrobe inspiration –

  13. I’m working on my thesis in What Men Know About Feminism, and I’m keeping a blog to kind of process some of my literature review, thinky thoughts, and reactions to the things I learn. I’d love any responses, reality checks and referrals.

  14. As I seem to have missed posting here for a few weeks, here is what I have written the last several weeks.
    Starting with my Inspiritual Reflections.
    As we enter into spring — what inventory are you ready to let go of —
    Are you auditioning to fill other’s roles or being your authentic self — it is time to be you and stop acting —
    This might be a simple, but radical concept — love thyself! —
    yesterdays thought for the day was that God is love, so if God is love, then what does that mean
    how often have you been blessed and not even known about it — i learned this lesson one from my car tire of all things —
    Have you ever read a piece of poetry that touched you and shaped your life in ways you did not expect. If so perhaps you will enjoy reading my piece on Why I love Pat Parker 🙂
    when was the last time you thought about your thoughts and words and the power your language has on your life? this week, i reflect on the lessons learned while being a sacred observer of my own life.
    For the last several weeks, I have been reflecting on the various aspects of zen as they apply to the kitchen, cooking, and creating.
    Practice is the discipline that leads to freedom — for those of you who put themselves down about their culinary skills — remember it is all about the journey and practice does make perfect —
    There is a Chinese proverb that teaches, “Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself.” So the question is, are you ready to go through the door?
    Takuan Soho who wrote, “Zen is to have the heart and soul of a little child.” It seems to me that I do my most creative cooking when I am at that place in the kitchen when I have the heart and soul of a little child. — read more about this at
    to read this week’s The Zenful Kitchen about how unlearning can be empowering visit
    ok, so i could not resist the title for this reflection, but i promise it has nothing to do with a knock knock joke 🙂 rather it is about making butter out of oranges 🙂 —
    There are times where i just throw something together, but for the most part when I am cooking or creating in the kitchen, i try to remember this quote — “God is in the details”
    After I finished working through Stirring the Spiritual Waters, I decided to begin working through another book which I had bought more recently called Soul Coaching. With time devoted to each element, air, fire, earth and water, I have developed goals for myself for air for now. each day is an affirmation I meditate on, and I journal about my process and those things which gave me joy.
    My air goals —
    My water goals —
    My daily affirmations —
    My process journal –
    My joy journal –

  15. Two posts to my blog,

    One on transness and disability, one on how otherwise feminist people respond to sex workers.

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