In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Do your thing.

Also, happy Easter! I’ll be brunching hard with lots of champagne, and toasting to Jesus (“thanks for the soul-saving!”). Anyone else?

61 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. Redefining Apathy: Let’s Remove Barriers & Obstacles to Positive Activism (video):

    Want to Influence Kids’ Food Choices? Just Add Cartoon Characters:

    Why We Need Humane Education: 60% of Young People Support Torture:

  2. I am working on a feminist talk show.

    The first episode will air this Thurs 4/28 at 7pm on The guests will be rapper Psalm One and filmmaker Jennifer Reeder.

    I am also looking for someone in the Chicago area that has video experience to watch a second camera during shooting. Contact me if interested. Delicious foods and beverages will be available to guests and crew after shooting. Thanks!

  3. I kind of missed promotin’ Sunday last week (I choose to read the title of this post as intentionally awesome and not as an unintentional typo) so I’m making up for lost links:

    From 4/10: When There Is No Nurse Ratched (You Can’t Sexually Assault the System or the World for Revenge) –About my terrible experiences in the psych hospital recently

    From 4/18: Drawing the Line (An Argument for Kink, Porn, Ethical Kinky Porn Marketing, and Lori’s Porn Choices– All in One Place!) –Kinda self-explanatory, that one

    From 4/22: In Honor of Earth Day, A Video on Ecofeminism and a Question for the ‘Leather’ Communities— Re-blogging a video by Breeze Harper about the intersections between black female slave vivisection and nonhuman animal experimentation and asking non-vegetarians (specifically of the kinky leather variety) to consider Ms. Harper’s questions about self-justification

    From 4/24: Let’s Talk About Sex (Specifically, the Kind I’ll Be Having with Dildos on Camera in 48 Hours) — Thoughts on my rapidly approaching porn debut

  4. How Culture Tells Us What We Should Be How to be masculine: As told by Chuck Norris jokes—

    School segregation 2.0–

  5. Survivor:
    Living life with chronic pain, mental illness, and the ghosts of an abusive past

    Past blog entries include:

    Fireflies, fibromyalgia, & hippies

    I am many things

    Morning pain, appointments, & baby dreams

    Good news echoes in a lonely heart

    My Life With Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome

    Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) is a rare genetic disorder that causes pain, spontaneous dislocations of joints, bowel perforations, even death in some types of EDS. Many other medical disorders are caused by the EDS. On my blog I not only chronicle my battle with EDS but I also have informational tabs at the top that give the reader information about these health topics.

    Some of my past blog posts include:

    Frustration & scheduled PT eval

    I had a dream I fell apart…oops that was real!

    EDS Babies III

    Saw Dr. W and got official diagnosis

  7. This week at Yes Means Yes Blog:

    The Big Wedge, which is what the chart of support for and opposition to marriage equality looks like now that the trend lines have clearly crossed and there are more supporters than opponents. It’s a huge political problem for the GOP, because they’re split between people who insist on being bigots and people who don’t want obvious bigotry to limit support for the rest of their agenda.

    [Trigger Warning on this post for discussion or electrical torture]
    A discussion of the latest developments in the Bagley case, the kidnapping and torture case that broke last September. Two of the five defendants have pleaded guilty, and Bagley’s wife has now also been charged.

  8. It was a busy week around Chez Mudd. A Bad Week in a lot of ways. Two run ins with police (work related), an expected death and other things.

    But, on the plus side: I have a new book. Gay Cyberpunk mermen. This is the first in a series of cyberpunk novellas.

    For those who attend conventions, I have a question about a collectible card game as self-promotion.

    And I am hosting an internet yardsale. BPAL imps, clothing, cloth. I will be adding books, DVDs and fanzines later.

  9. This week at The Sartorial Nerd, I discussed modern sci fi fashion icons like Doctor Who’s Amy Pond, Terminator’s Sarah Connor, and Firefly’s River Tam while also addressing why a nerdy feminist fashion blog is necessary –

    I also wrote about what lessons one can take from the life of everyone’s favorite ill-fated French Queen, Marie Antoinette –

  10. Still working through the Newmahr book, and I’ll link a summing-up post when I’ve finished that; in the meantime I had only one other thing: RIP Lis Sladen – and there’s also a great song and video up on youtube, song written by one acquaintance of mine, video compiled by another – it’s not mine but it’s worth promoting anyway: Goodnight Sarah Jane, commemorating what Elisabeth Sladen’s character meant.

  11. EBF addressed:

    Refugees and Women – how asylum does not protect women, and how advances for other groups are leaving women behind

    Evolution of a Feminist – an autobiographical post

    The Three Threats – the three threats which corral women’s behavior in our society, as exemplified in the misogynistic comments received as a result of the prior post

    And pro Patria mori – thoughts on visiting Arlington National Cemetery, and our “necrophilic” society

  12. I wrote about:

    My thoughts on the movie “Conviction,” about a high school dropout who went all the way through law school so she could get her brother out of prison because she knew he was wrongly convicted:

    My journey from giving Greg Mortenson the benefit of the doubt:

    And then determining that he has lost his way (after reading Jon Krakauer’s lengthy treatise, “Three Cups of Deceit”):

    Thoughts on the depressing state of public education in my home state of Oregon:

    Did you know that the British do not kiss during their weddings? (Apparently it’s forbidden in the C of E):

    I also reviewed plastic surgeon’s Anthony Youn’s book about his pathway to becoming a doctor, In Stitches, on my book blog:

  13. Feminist beauty blogger bonanza at The Beheld: I interviewed another feminist beauty blogger, Virginia Sole-Smith of Beauty Schooled ( at my blog about the role that feminism plays in the beauty industry, and vice versa:

    As a follow-up, we talked about ways you can equalize the power dynamic when you engage in beauty services:

  14. I don’t know if it’s because April is Sexual Assault Awareness month but I’ve wound up writing a bunch of trigger-y posts this week.

    Even though I’m sour on the entire mainstream model of transactional sex I still believe prostitution should be legal. Here’s yet another compelling reason, from my own personal neighborhood: Charming How Current Law Makes it A Crime For Some Workers to Protect Themselves (Not Scott Walker Edition)

    Then there’s the infuriating case out of Lynwood, Washington where a woman who was prosecuted and fined for “falsely reporting a rape” turns out to have been… the victim of a Colorado serial rapist. On Accusations, False Accusations, and False False Accusations

    And then, in a particularly dark mood after getting an earful from odious forced birthers, here are a couple more for Sexual Assault Awareness month: Moral Equivalence #1: Forced Birthers and Sexual Predators, and Moral Equivalence #2: Forced Birthers and Sexual Predators.

    Shifting gears, but still on the topic of forced-birthers, here’s yet more proof those asshats might be anti-abortion but they sure as checkers aren’t “pro-life:” Two Million Stillbirths Worth Only Two and a Half Lines to “Pro-Life” Bloggers.

    And speaking of choice, I’d like to shamelessly promote Canadian economics professor Marina Adshade’s post, Planned Parenthood Predates the Birth Control Pill, which provides a nice timeline showing that industrial-revolution related productivity rather than availability of contraception has been responsible for declining birth rates.

    And finally, even though I have to keep reminding myself I really am supposed to be a sex blogger I did manage to write about men’s pursuit of g-spot “ejaculation:” About that “Squirting” Thing: What If Women Expected Their Partners to Come in Quarts Like They Do in Porn?.

  15. As I seem to have missed posting here for a few weeks, here is what I have written the last several weeks.
    Starting with my Inspiritual Reflections.
    As we enter into spring — what inventory are you ready to let go of —
    Are you auditioning to fill other’s roles or being your authentic self — it is time to be you and stop acting —
    This might be a simple, but radical concept — love thyself! —
    yesterdays thought for the day was that God is love, so if God is love, then what does that mean
    how often have you been blessed and not even known about it — i learned this lesson one from my car tire of all things —
    Have you ever read a piece of poetry that touched you and shaped your life in ways you did not expect. If so perhaps you will enjoy reading my piece on Why I love Pat Parker 🙂
    when was the last time you thought about your thoughts and words and the power your language has on your life? this week, i reflect on the lessons learned while being a sacred observer of my own life.
    For the last several weeks, I have been reflecting on the various aspects of zen as they apply to the kitchen, cooking, and creating.
    Practice is the discipline that leads to freedom — for those of you who put themselves down about their culinary skills — remember it is all about the journey and practice does make perfect —
    There is a Chinese proverb that teaches, “Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself.” So the question is, are you ready to go through the door?
    Takuan Soho who wrote, “Zen is to have the heart and soul of a little child.” It seems to me that I do my most creative cooking when I am at that place in the kitchen when I have the heart and soul of a little child. — read more about this at
    to read this week’s The Zenful Kitchen about how unlearning can be empowering visit
    ok, so i could not resist the title for this reflection, but i promise it has nothing to do with a knock knock joke 🙂 rather it is about making butter out of oranges 🙂 —
    There are times where i just throw something together, but for the most part when I am cooking or creating in the kitchen, i try to remember this quote — “God is in the details”
    After I finished working through Stirring the Spiritual Waters, I decided to begin working through another book which I had bought more recently called Soul Coaching. With time devoted to each element, air, fire, earth and water, I have developed goals for myself for air for now. each day is an affirmation I meditate on, and I journal about my process and those things which gave me joy.
    My air goals —
    My daily affirmations —
    My process journal –
    My joy journal –

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