In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

You know what to do.

71 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. Workers at Fukushima labor in the cold, radioactive dark. They are contract workers. Expendable temp workers, poorly trained and unprotected, are used up and paid off, in Japan and in the US as well…

    Nuclear Gypsies and Expendable Day Labor

    Iodine 131, the same radioactive isotope that is injected into patients to track cancer, has been released into the prevailing winds of our planet. The global circulation takes it to Asia and the USA. ‘No immediate risk’ is not the right diagnosis. We are all connected, Japan’s troubles affect us too.

    Radioactive Marker

  2. This week was the one year anniversary for my blog. I wrote a short post to celebrate.

    If you could take a pill to make yourself a more moral person would you do it? The Guardian reports that some scientists are now interested in developing pills that could make us into better moral agents by increasing our empathy and reducing aggression. I am skeptical of this suggestion. I begin by situating the scientist’s distrust of emotions in the historical context of Western philosophy that has tended to devalue emotions. Then I question the suggestion that we could get rid of crime using drugs. The pill-paradigm seems to assume that crime is caused by ‘bad individuals’ but this ignores the contribution from social injustice. I discuss Angela Davis’ work on prisons to refute the idea that crime is primarily individual. Even if a pill was effective, its use might not be good because it could make people more willing to accept social injustices. I find the suggestion that we drug ourselves into better moral agency disturbing because it assigns power to an elite authority (scientists) to determine what counts as “good” behaviour, and I do not believe that elites have historically proven very good at addressing injustice.

    [Trigger Warning for a discussion of sexual violence] The Guardian published an article about a police officer who was sexually assaulted. I wrote a comment on this piece linking the officer’s description of his rape to some discussion about rape culture. In particular, his training and knowledge of sexual assault prevention did not help him prevent the assault. If prevention tips are not useful even for someone who is an “expert” in these tips, I suggest this calls into question whether prevention tips are effective at all. Further, his knowledge of the system for prosecuting sexual assaults did not make him feel confident that he could successfully prosecute his assailant, but instead “scared” him off trying. Again, this reaction highlights the shortcomings of the system.

    Finally, on a lighter note, I describe an experience I had talking to a student where I found myself discussing A-ness for half-an-hour (yes, say it aloud, repeatedly).

  3. A quick feminist perspective on the horrible assault that took place at Dodger Stadium on the opening day of the baseball season:

    (The posts before that one, should you choose to poke around on the blog, have to do with two awesome girls who have integrated their high school’s baseball teams in southern California, and the woman who threw batting practice to the Cleveland Indians during spring training!)

    Thanks for the space.

  4. Reinforcing Gender Stereotypes in Children: Two Examples

    Do You Know When You’ve Been “Framed”?

    Framing Our Food: Companies are stealth shrinking our food packaging & calling it good for us:

  5. Since April is National Poetry Month in the US, a couple of poems and reactions:

    But is she pretty?

    Poetry Break: Skin Deep

    Also some thinking about societal lines about pain, usually applied to athletes, and how they unpack with respect to (my) chronic pain:

    Scripts for Pain

    Sometimes, pain is just pain.

    And finally, the asana core talk continued with discussion of the obliques in side plank, some hands-free variations of other postures, and stretching in gate pose (with supported option).

  6. An article I wrote Thursday about the once looming shutdown.

    Not to say that this ridiculous debate is over now, for it’s only just beginning. My point here is that conservative leaders are attempting to fleece the American public using deficit/inflation fears to curtail and end decades of popular liberal policy, in turn, doing nothing to stifle the debt they claim to be battling.

    Also just started a new photo/film blog:

    Thanks! Love the content here btw 🙂

  7. Hello, all! This week, at Once Again, to Zelda:
    Rebekah saw Stevie Effing Nicks:
    Alex wrote about being a girl athlete:
    Rebekah shared her pictures from the SlutWalk in Toronto:
    Alex wrote a Friday Fiction on recommended Lil’ Books:
    And lots more…
    Have a great week!

  8. Good afternoon, all!

    Over at Flâneur in the City:

    In Defense of Lady Gaga and “Born This Way”: Oh, Gaga! What are you up to now? Amidst problematic lyrics which include possible isolation, racism, and ableism, where’s the silver lining? If you read one of the 500,000 articles online about Gaga this week, make it this one!

    An Overdue Follow-Up to the New York Times victim-blaming debacle. (Trigger warnings for the discussion of rape in the media.)

    Glad to see Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday back this week!

  9. Why my socialization as a woman may be preventing me from doing well at geometric proofs:
    The importance of triangles, mystical and non-mystical:
    Why trying to make up for opposite socialization can lead to over-thinking, and how it can affect test performance:

  10. Flick Off of the HBO series Bored to Death, for its horribly developed female characters and total focus on privileged white men.

    Seriously? These are the 40 Greatest Movie Posters? Total Film fails yet again with disembodied, objectified women, and patriarchal language.

    “Sucker Punched by Sucker Punch” – guest writer Tami Winfrey Harris takes on the “porny, fetishy, gender- and race-biased tropes” of the movie.

    Meek’s Cutoff: A Feminist Western? We preview the new film from Wendy and Lucy director Kelly Reichardt.

  11. Most of this week was taken up with the music diary project: cataloging the way I listen to, and learning a few things about my relationship to music; and on my tumblr I wrote a short post about why artists like Liz Phair and Ani Difranco, long namechecked by third-wave feminists, never resonated with me.

  12. This week I posted an essay I wrote called “Why I Write:A Survivor’s Take on Voice” which explores how I started out writing to try to heal from and understand my own experiences with domestic violence and rape and writing as a tool of activism.

    I also wrote an article about the creative writing group I facilitate at a local DV shelter and a collection we’ve created so the women there can pass on their words to the women who arrive there in the future. It’s called “Creating a Legacy: The Collected Writings of Domestic Violence Survivors.

    You can check out both at


  13. My last blog post was a rant about the sorry state of political discourse in America when it comes to excluding women from the definition of “American people.”

    Basically, Boehner came out and said that he would “sell out the American people” while lobbying to sell out women. Guess women just aren’t people, too.

    Thanks for sharing all these wonderful links, everyone. It’s just me, my thai takeout, and plenty of procrastination material. Ah, Sunday.

  14. My last blog post was a rant about the sorry state of political discourse in America when it comes to excluding women from the definition of “American people.”

    Basically, Boehner came out and said that he would not “sell out the American people” while lobbying to sell out women. Guess women just aren’t people, too.

    Thanks for sharing all these wonderful links, everyone. It’s just me, my thai takeout, and plenty of procrastination material. Ah, Sunday.

  15. My lack of employment has thoroughly demotivated me, and I’ve really only been out of school for a month. So I wrote about True Blood instead.

    I also wrote about how looking for a job is terrifying, but fucked if I want to talk about it much, haha.

  16. How To Wallow In Your Privilege: In which I make an example of a random tumblr user.

    Intersectional Oppression, Intersectional Privilege: White Female Privilege: My take on the white-female-privilege discussion.

    Quick Thoughts On Slutwalk: I went to Slutwalk last week! This was my takeaway from the event.

    Canadians Against Harper: A link to a site with printable posters with facts on why the Harper Government sucks on pretty much any issue you could name. Great for putting up in your neighbourhood!

    Look South To See Harper’s Vision For Canada: As the US is in political turmoil, it is worth remembering that Stephen Harper wants the same thing for Canadians.

  17. A MEN’S PROJECT (AMP) has links related to Men and Boys in North America seeking a just world where we: 1. No longer are hurting women and girls, as well as other men and boys, 2. Support and nurture children as parents, grandparents, allies and friends, 3. Try to take better care of our own physical and mental health, and 4. Help and encourage others who may be or feel “different” including by: Race and Ethnicity, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity & Other Areas – – Thanks!

  18. I wrote about atheism, the fundamentalist movement’s insistence that the inability to prove God’s existence is proof that God exists, and why I think God lacks morals:

    I also wrote about the conundrum of trying to be taken seriously in what is traditionally considered a “man’s sport” while selling oneself as a sex symbol. Why women are thought to “complain too much” (a tale of Danica Patrick):

  19. I’ve had a busy few weeks of blogging…these are just a few of my posts:

    I summarized the books I read in March:, including my review of “Half the Sky” by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn: and Buzz: A Year of Paying Attention, about a woman whose son is diagnosed with ADHD at the same time she is:

    I wrote about Japan’s atomic samurai: I also wrote about the dangerous combination of nuclear power in a country prone to earthquakes:

    In response to all of the crap being shoveled at teachers recently, I wrote three posts in praise of teachers: and

    And about seeing Sweet Honey in the Rock perform in Portland this past week:

    About Liberty University receiving half a billion $ last year from the feds:

    And I posted the great Billy Crystal-Helen Mirren “When Harry Met Sally” parody:

  20. Make-up and Hot Pink Toenails- Not Just a Girl Thing

    Rants of a Gamer Girl: Feminist Gamer Bingo!

    It’s Not Just the Abercrombie ‘Push-Up’ Bikini That’s the Problem, It’s the Sea of Sexualized Products

  21. I come with sad news this week: Longtime readers of the feminist blogosphere may recall the wisdom and compassion of Plain(s)feminist, who died this week of complications of breast cancer. Far too young to die, with far too many wonderful plans in the offing, she leaves a young son and a devoted spouse. I didn’t know her well, just from online interactions and one lovely conference meeting. My post ends with linked remembrances from those who knew PF in different ways.

    Isn’t it funny how you can know someone in a pretty limited way and still love her (or him)?

    Even in loss, the political fight goes on here in the midwest. We Ohio professors have been declared managers. I tell you why it’s not all Dom Perignon for breakfast from here on.

    Also, a lot can happen between government shutdowns (or those narrowly, probably, most likely averted). I give a rundown of what’s changed since the Newster ruled.

    Some good news: I think the Ohio Heartbeat Bill might actually hurt the Repubs. Wishful thinking? You please tell me!

    And finally … I went on a sun-and-windswept vacation that was pure magic. I feel so lucky. I wish the same for all of you!

  22. Who says shameless self-promotion can’t happen on Monday? Some recent articles on Man Boobz, my blog critiquing misogyny.

    TRIGGER WARNING: I write about and quote a lot of extreme misogynists on my blog, and the comments are very lightly moderated. Lots of potentially triggering stuff.

    Responding to the “Dear Woman” video. Two extremely creepy New-Agey guys offer an extremely patronizing and thoroughly sexist “apology” to women on behalf of all men.

    Female action heroes: An abomination?

    The brief reign of the Feminist Troll Queen A misogynist pretends to be a feminist. Massive FAIL.

    Sex tips for assholes. And the rest of us too.

    Misogynists try to convince themselves they’re not misogynists.

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