In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

She Should Write

Ann Friedman, one of my favorite writers on the intertubes, is leaving Feministing and taking an editorial position at GOOD Magazine. And her farewell post is, in true Ann style, fantastic and inspiring. She asks readers to push other women they know to write — to write something. A journal entry, a blog post, an op/ed piece, whatever. And she pushes women to pitch their stories to editors, because that’s how you get published (and paid) for what you write.

So: Who do you know who should write? Which Feministe commenters should start their own site?

18 thoughts on She Should Write

  1. Alara Rogers! Every time she comments here, I feel like I’ve just received an education. If she doesn’t already have a blog, she needs one!

  2. I’ma use this forum to shout out to much missed commenters from other blogs, now disappeared, in hopes they are lurking here:

    Kid Bitzer
    Betty Boondoggle

    Please write moar / again!

  3. This just prompted me to finally start a blog and write my first post.

    “I have come to believe over and over again that what is most important to me must be spoken, made verbal and shared, even at the risk of having it bruised or misunderstood.” ~Audre Lorde

  4. All of them, all of us.

    I’m currently blogging on a topic that’s 100% self-indulgent. With the wonders of Teh Intornetz, I know that nearly 400 people have at least looked at my self-indulgence.

    4 people have commented on my blog as something meaningful to them.

    Even with a 1% return rate, I’ve impacted 4 people’s lives.

    Aside from my own. Because more than anything, writing for an audience has solidified and formalized my commitment to what I’m writing about, commitment I’m not sure I could get without the writing.

  5. Shelley, thank you so much for posting that quote, it is exactly what I needed to read this morning. Very best wishes with your new blog, I hope the writing gives you exactly what you need.

  6. Bagelsan and Kristin because they’re open minded and often make very astute observations but also have a very witty style of writing, both on here and Pandagon (presuming they’re the same people and not sharing user names).

  7. K- I’m same name over at livejournal, but not massively active at the minute due to life stuff!

    But thank you.

  8. I became a social worker mostly because I always thought that I would never make a living writing. Granted, I love what I do, but I also know that part of me wishes for this not to work out so I can say to the gods, see! I did try to get a real job! Now let me do what I love.

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