In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Who (or what) do you love?

jesus loves you

While riding the subway this morning, a preacher got on, told us all about how much Jesus loves us, and invited the whole car to his church on Sunday. He then proceeded to sing “I Pray For You,” taking breaks to list all of the things he loves. And this preacher, he loves a LOT of things! He started out simply enough, pointing around the car: “I love that white woman! I love that black man! I love that Latino man! I love that Chinese man!” before segueing into his off-the-subway loves. Those include (all prefaced with “I LOVE,” of course):

President Obama
Senator Chuck Schumer
New York
Washington D.C.
My (his) girlfriend Monica
Dr. Phil.

But I think this subway preacher was good luck, because all day I’ve been coming across things that I also LOVE. Such as:

Judge Judy
Smoking bans
Arcade Fire, whoever they are.
Whore pills
Tom Scocca
Criminal pussy. (via).
My boyfriend
My other boyfriend
Dr. Phil.

Overall, good day.

48 thoughts on Who (or what) do you love?

  1. But does he love Oprah?! Does he?!

    And why only 2/3 of the Axis powers?

    So many questions. I’m taking the F train tonight, and maybe he’ll be on it. A girl can dream.

  2. Well I love the F train. One time a guy sat down next to me, pulled out his laptop, and proceeded to work on his hilariously bad novel, “I Is Not a Mistake.”

    Always an entertaining ride.

  3. Jill: Does everyone on this blog ride the F train?  

    I dunno. Is that a euphemism? Because I totally ride the F train, if you know what I mean.

    In other news, I love bad puns and awkward sex jokes.

    1. I dunno. Is that a euphemism? Because I totally ride the F train, if you know what I mean.

      In other news, I love bad puns and awkward sex jokes.

      And I love Jadey!

  4. Jill: Does everyone on this blog ride the F train?  

    LOL. I did occasionally when I lived in NYC but I mostly rode the A and the 1. You can see the most amazing things on the train, huh?…really talented breakdancing kids, musicians and singers who range from really talented to someone beating a drum about once every few seconds while shouting something unintelligible, and of course all the preachers.

  5. I love how so many Americans are thinking, Who the heck is that band that won a Grammy for album of the year? ๐Ÿ™‚

    As it turns out, the founder of Arcade Fire Win Butler is American, but the band started in Montreal and that’s where they are based. They’ve been blowing us (in Canada) away for years now. I didn’t realize they were still so unknown in the States! Glad they are on your “love” list.

  6. I love:

    My girlfriend.
    My kitties aka my babies.
    M, W, A, R, J, B (NYC friends)
    My two little sisters.
    My mother.
    Drawing and painting, generally making art.
    Science and math.
    The outdoors.
    Fort Tryon park’s flower walk.
    The american natural history museum.
    The zoo and the botanical gardens.
    Colorado wildflowers.
    The mountains.
    The beach and swimming in the ocean (good memories of doing this with my girlfriend at the rockaways).
    The food my gf cooks for me. Especially breakfasts.
    Good beer. Porters and stouts.

  7. I love:

    Unexpected joy from random people on subways

    Unexpectedly pleasant scootering weather in the middle of winter

    Seeing the dog and the cat asleep on the same bed

    Those two guys

    Those other two guys



    Egg salad (okay, yes, I did just have dental work)

    Dental insurance

    The barter system

    Open source

    Pikachu kitten

  8. While on the Metro, I ran into the DC version of this guy. It’s just that he talked with a pronounced Jamaican accent. I’m all for a good sermon, it’s just that his was very consistent.

  9. As an atheist, I love nice religious people. “Jesus loves everyone” is a far better message than “gay people, women who have abortions and the sexually active will all go into a fiery pit.”

    In fact, I am occasionally tempted to get a group of atheists together to preach on the subway about how the world is AMAZING. Equal time happiness!

    On a different topic, things I love today:
    –Getting to use the words ‘fuck’ and ‘dyke’ in a class essay
    –Sneaking feminism into every essay I write
    –Being flirted with
    –Being flirted with through discussing fictional magic systems
    –Marianne Faithfull and the Chieftains singing together
    –A picture of a baby octopus pulling a wooden truck with one of its tentacles
    –A picture of a squid writing “I Am A Great White Shark”, with the caption “a squid uses its ink to defend itself.”
    –Cyndi Lauper in class at nine in the morning
    –My friend’s fucking awesome boyfriend planning to transfer to our college
    –The crossover between Batman villains and Ten Things I Hate About You love interests.
    –Rock of Ages: the Movie: the fact that it might actually at some point exist.

  10. Ah yes, I love my Mirena, think about how much I actively love, love, love it to death at least once a week. Which is amazing considering that I need to have it changed in 2 months, it’s almost reached its 5 year mark, and the reason why I love it is because I don’t have to think about it at all. Five years of thinking about how much I love it for not having to think about it at all? That’s love.

    I also love the Old Spice commercials, stick shifts, the internet, Comedy Central, reading x 1000, not being sick, magic cough syrup when I am sick, lacrosse, Costco, anything Seth Green touches, my book collection, margarita specials, Sirius, freezer food, getting a GPS for Christmas, and all both my Wii Balance Board and Xbox Kinect, that let me get fun exercise when it’s too cold and dark outside. (Seriously, the Kinect is the coolest video game development yet. I just want to do it all weekend, even when I’m about to drop.)

    Oh, and cats. Love my dog, all dogs, but I’m really missing having a cat in my life at all.

    My awesome partner goes w/o saying.

  11. I love my kids! My son tells everyone that Mommy’s the Boss and he loves the boss! lol

    I love Activia! (weird yes but I have gastrointestinal problems)

    I love earth tone colors, pink and indigo!

    I love the Dallas Cowboys!

    I love my boobs! (they have not abandoned me and continue to defy gravity and the like after breastfeeding my two crumbsnatchers

    I love my parents!

    I love pizza hut!

    I love carvel icecream cake OMGOSH if it were a person I would be IN love lol.

    I love Private Practice.

    I love days like today where its actually nice weather in DC in FEBRUARY!! (uber yay!!!)

    I love my best friend she is the most awesomest person on earth..well tied for first with my sister, dad, uncle, mom and hubster. They are THE shit.

    I love Erykah Badu, Bruno Mars, Maxwell, Jill Scot. *swoon*

    I also dearly love *me* as I am and unapologetically love being a woman.

  12. D&D
    Windows Phone 7
    Warhammer 40k
    My family
    My friends
    Classical Guitar
    My Coworkers
    Trance music
    Mexican food
    Nerd Culture

  13. I love science! Even when it’s cold and distant, and flirts with other people while ignoring me, and seems to have ‘headaches’ an awful lot when all I want is a little positive data, baby, c’mon…


    Japanese curry!
    Project Runway being on Hulu again!
    $6 bottle of wine that isn’t terrible!
    Pint of raspberry sorbet!
    Leaving the lab during daylight hours so I can enjoy all the above…

  14. I love my husband.
    I love the bun in the oven.
    I love my job.
    I love the great heating pipes in this old building.
    I love the Kara Dag volcano on the Black Sea.
    I love new church architecture in Moscow (elongated onion domes).
    I love naturism, i.e. clothes-free beaches, i.e. high-five Stoner.
    I love Damn You Auto Correct.
    I love the fact that the two stuffed animal presents I got for my wedding currently look as if they’re having sex with each other on my nightstand.
    I love the fact that I have new blue suede boots, all lined up for spring. ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. My Husband
    My Children
    My dearest friends
    The Neurosurgeon who put the VP shunt in my son’s head
    My home
    Common Sense
    Composting & Gardening
    My Church – THE LIBRARY (as in: the library is my church)
    Rainy Days
    My CD Collection that I will NEVER give up
    Sex, when I am in the mood

    My list could go on and on with basic necessities. But there is nothing I love more than the basics. Without them the frills would be impossible… for the basics I am thankful :>)

  16. Also love:

    My family
    My cat
    Other people’s children
    My slow cooker
    Kotatsu tables
    My hand blender
    My rosemary plant
    My friends
    My UU church that is cool with my atheism
    My down comforter
    Burn Notice
    the ocean off season
    Today because it will be at least 55 degrees Fahrenheit

  17. I love that first moment when you laydown after a long day and you sink down into the bed….bliss.

    I love waking up in the middle of the night to find my puppy sleeping with her head on my pillow and her nose about two inches from my nose.

    I love the first hour of a road trip when you fantasize about all the places you *could* go if you really wanted to. Someday Canada…Someday.

    I love watching my S.O.’S eyes crinkle when he laughs and the unadulterate joy on his face while he watches netflix on his phone.

    I love the feeling when you’re trying to explain a complex idea to someone and you realize they get it.

  18. Aaaah. I love…

    -My husband.
    -My kitties, dog, and ball python. (We have four kids, and none of them are human).
    -Music. Especially playing the flute.
    -Dancing like a girl who has absolutely no rhythm or shame. Or talent.
    -My comic book collection.
    -Making people look like morons when they assume that because I’m a woman, I must be incompetent at my job (I’m a computer repair technician)
    -Buffy the Vampire Slayer… and the multitude of Joss Whedon’s other series.
    -Broadway musicals.
    -Crown and Dr. Pepper

  19. So… you read Feministe while, ahem, “riding the F train?”

    I wonder if “reading Feministe” is yet another euphemism that’s passed me by

  20. Blogs – oh how you entertain and educate me.
    My dear, departed MP3 player. Miss you.
    My nephew! Awesomest baby evah. (Evah I say!)
    Sunshine. If only I had some.
    Especially chocolate with caramel.
    On cheesecake.
    Central heating.
    Comfy shoes.
    Games and puzzles.
    Mom and Dad. Turns out they aren’t quite the stupid tyrants I thought they were.
    My brothers too. Most of the time.

  21. This claims to have been posted, but an hour later I don’t see, nor do I see a moderation notice. I think I caught some sort of coding bug. (I do _not_ love bugs.)

    Blogs – oh how you entertain and educate me.
    My dear, departed MP3 player. Miss you.
    My nephew! Awesomest baby evah. (Evah I say!)
    Sunshine. If only I had some.
    Especially chocolate with caramel.
    On cheesecake.
    Central heating.
    Comfy shoes.
    Games and puzzles.
    Mom and Dad. Turns out they aren’t quite the stupid tyrants I thought they were.
    My brothers too. Most of the time.

  22. Hm. What I love:

    My undergraduate university & the city it is in
    The labor movement
    What the labor movement & its allies are doing in Wisconsin right now
    The Great Lakes
    My crock pot
    My computer
    Pawn Stars
    Puget Sound
    A good cup of coffee
    John In The Morning on KEXP

  23. Can I be serious for a second?

    Today I loved Representative Jackie Speier. Because of this:

    Yesterday, in response to a local news article about “teh wimminz health ishoos” (the cover image was a woman’s stomach, without even a head or a face to go with it), I told my first journalist in confidence about my abortion. I have never spoken publically about it, despite oodles of public speaking about sex work, being a female musician, and being a female while being a musician while being a slut/cunt/whore. But I’ve never spoken about that procedure.

    To speak publically about it in front of an asshat like Chris Smith? On the floor of effing Congress? And to not cry? I can’t even imagine what that would have taken. I frickin’ cried, watching her video. So, SO good to see some kick ass awesome on the floor of Congress this week. = Love

  24. Great topic! I agree with Ozymandias, I preacher saying I love everyone! Is so much better then the preachers at Cal State Fullerton that told everyone they were going to hell!

    Anyway I love
    My husband
    My furbabies Thor and Athena
    Popsci magazine
    Star Trek Deep Space Nine
    Star Trek Voyager
    Star Wars
    Movies(especially comedies, horror and action)
    Stand up comedy(especially female comidians)
    My comic collection
    Human rights activism
    Roman, Greek and Egyption History

  25. i am so grateful for this post after the rash of depressing news this week (although there’s been some amazing stuff, too). great thread.

  26. I love:

    This post, for making my day
    My husband
    My daughter
    My dear departed dog
    My two new kittens
    My lesbian feminist mother
    Singing rounds in the car with my family
    Teaching my history of witchcraft course
    Teaching my history of medicine course
    Incorporating gender issues into all the courses I teach
    Most of my students, most of the time
    A good juicy novel
    Hot Fudge
    Roasted Broccoli with olive oil and spices
    Top Chef
    Feministe’s Next Top Troll Contest (hey, when do we get the finals?)

    Thank you Jill, for this awesome post.

  27. I forgot some!
    Feministe’s Next Top Troll
    Dr. Pepper
    Burn Notice
    Buffy (and Dark Angel!)
    There are more I’m sure…

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