In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

FNTT Season 7, Round 2: BOYCOTT vs. blah vs. Rachelle

troll doll

Round Two of the seventh season of Feministe’s Next Top Troll is still underway. Today, vote for your favorite between three winners of their respective Round One brackets. The victor will go on to Round Three, and will be one step closer to winning the crown of Feministe’s Next Top Troll.


Why American men should boycott American women

I am an American man, and I have decided to boycott American women. In a nutshell, American women are the most likely to cheat on you, to divorce you, to get fat, to steal half of your money in the divorce courts, don’t know how to cook or clean, don’t want to have children, etc. Therefore, what intelligent man would want to get involved with American women?
American women are generally immature, selfish, extremely arrogant and self-centered, mentally unstable, irresponsible, and highly unchaste. The behavior of most American women is utterly disgusting, to say the least.
This blog is my attempt to explain why I feel American women are inferior to foreign women (non-American women), and why American men should boycott American women, and date/marry only foreign (non-American) women.


This is rubbish! You cant seriously believe those women.

Rape is evil. I agree with that. But how convenient easy it is for women to destroy a mens life by accusing he has forced her to sexual intercourse. Just tell, you need no proof.. everybody believes you. men down.. you win.
ever heard of a way men can destroy a women legally this easy?
its like in medival times, when men accused women to be a witch.. hej she got burned. everythings fine, life goes on.
today a women says he raped me… he gets burned by he media and is screwed. why is it you have to proof your innocence? it should be the other way around.

I believe in Assange

PS: He raped a women while she was sleeping? this is so unlikely.
noone can tell me she wouldnt notice someone´s doing her, because she sleeps. this is totally BS

3. Rachelle:

Let’s look at it this way, shall we?
To all feminist-chronic-complainers regarding MEN as husbands/fathers:
YOU choose how you let people TREAT you. You choose to let yourself continuously be ‘forced’ to live in situations in which your spouses are unjust and inconsiderate.
Whether you are moving in with someone or having their child, you should know them well enough to be able to figure out before hand if you are going to be treated fairly.
And please, I hope this is not one of those anal, please-pity-me, women who refuse to let others do things for them because what they offer is not good enough. That is precisely how new mothers work themselves into years of being a mother-wife-workhorse with no help from their spouses.
My partner and I have a child and share the work 50/50. I could have let him sit on his behind 24/7 and refused to let him do household chores, or care for his daughter because I didn’t think he did it exactly like myself or as efficiently but that would have made me one of you pathetic, offensive, bitter and ignorant women.
YOU choose your life, YOU choose how you feel, and YOU once again, choose to let others treat you unfairly!
Get a life.

21 thoughts on FNTT Season 7, Round 2: BOYCOTT vs. blah vs. Rachelle

  1. I almost went Rachelle because of the disgusting amounts of victim blaming… but blah gets it, for claiming that it is impossible for a woman to be raped while she’s asleep.

  2. For me, blah wins it with the assertion that burning women for being witches was “fine. life goes on.”

  3. OMG it’s neck and neck.

    Blah for being the arbiter of rape rules. I think Blah is a member of the GOP House.

  4. For me, it was tough to choose between blah and Rachelle. I picked blah, since I tend not to notice things when I’m asleep. It’s hard to consent to things when I’m NOT AWAKE.

  5. Ugh. Nothing is worse than the weird perversion of New Age-y thought that is “You control how people treat you!” Rachelle FTL.

  6. definitely Blah because… well, it just made me see red. Rachelle sounds like something out of “The Secret” (by Rhonda Byrne).

  7. Boycott American Women just didn’t put enough thought into it; that looks like something they could have copied and pasted in forums all across the internet.

    F+ for effort.

  8. They’re all golden! Once again, I can’t choose!

    Seriously, all three of these should win. They each have their own wonderfully horrible trollish qualities.

  9. Gah!!!
    Another brutally close one.
    I’m going to lean on Rachelle here, for the horrible victim-blaming going on. But man is Blah close.

    (Boycott bores me)

  10. Jesus Christ!!!

    Okay who did I vote for; Did I vote for BOYCOTT?
    Because if I didn’t, I want to change my vote! I pick BOYCOTT!

    Reason: BOYCOTT or someone affiliated with the movement came onto my blog today and left this same exact comment, word-for-word, copy & pasted in my queue this morning!

  11. Haha ok I just checked that website again…hilarious!!!

    “Read the bible and learn what Jesus th amought of whores! He looked right through them.” ….really? really? Now I am no bible scholar to say the least but even I know “let he among you who is without sin throw the first stone” and about mary magdalene. That is so over the top…definitely troll-y.

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