In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

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69 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. Equating Slavery and Abortion: Where are the Women in this story? This reading of history removes the enslaved female all together. Santorum, Beck, and the editors at RedState are talking about an institution of slavery that would not have had a place for abortion, that wasn’t full of sexual assault, that didn’t explicitly and coercively exploit women’s bodies for both production and re-production.

    Fat Hatred in the New Yorker. [TW: fat hatred] Gawande does not dwell on weight. He mentions it three times (from my count, which, I must admit is a bit cursory) and without EVER saying that obesity is the problem taxing the system. Never. So, why, then, WHY is this the picture with the article?

    Rape in the Peace Corps. [TW: sexual violence] There have been more than 1,000 American women raped or sexually assaulted in the last decade and the PC has ignored most of them or tried to blame the victims.

    There’s An Emergency in Texas!!” In the midst of the news that TX has a huge deficit and in order to deal will cut funding to education, health care, and community services for the mentally ill and the disabled, our governor, Rick Perry, has declared the need to pass legislation requiring a woman to have a sonogram before an abortion is an emergency item for the 2011 legislative session.

    I have also started an almost daily post on Food Politics and on the budget woes in Texas.

  2. Hi all–this week I decided that instead of continuing to bore my friends by complaining about the New Yorker/ movie critic David Denby all the time, I’d try starting a tumblr as an approx. biweekly forum for ranting about David Denby’s writing. I kicked things off with a response to his review of The Dilemma.

    Also, on a supposedly more serious blog, I had some brief thoughts on Peter Bogdanovich’s list of “the real film poets,” which was approvingly cited by the Poetry magazine blog, and some of what it leaves out.

  3. Good at Being Uncomfortable: I share my not-a-superhero theme song, for making me feel good about being (only) human.

    Beautiful Pictures of Terrible Things: J. Henry Fair and Edward Burtynsky photograph industrial waste and related environmental horrors, and I explore what these images are and what they mean.

    #DearJohn, Do You Know What Rape Is?: The “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion” Act recently introduced in Congress is unconscionable to anyone who understands what rape is. Sady Doyle’s Twitter campaign in response is awesome. I give a brief heads-up and some thoughts on the matter.

  4. This week on Yes Means Yes Blog:

    Forced Birthers Try To Narow Definition Of Rape, about the House GOP’s attempt to further restrict the “rape, incest and life of the woman” carve-out to the ban on medicaid funding for abortion by limiting the meaning of rape. Sady Doyle has begun a twitter protest of this move.

    From last week, when I don’t think I posted: Ask Naomi, which reimagines Naomi Wolf’s recent shocking rape apologist statements as a crappy sex advice column.

  5. I wondered what Cynthia McKinny was saying in the new year. Not quite sure whether this was just posted on youtube this year or whether it was actually taped recently, but boy does she know how to tell all, tell it like it is, radically tell the honest to goodness truth. She’s a beauty.

  6. I wondered what Cynthia McKinney was saying in the new year. Not quite sure whether this was just posted on youtube this year or whether it was actually taped recently, but boy does she know how to tell all, tell it like it is, radically tell the honest to goodness truth. She’s a beauty.

  7. Busy week at Forty Shades Of Grey.

    Monday: Lying homophobics at the Daily Mail:

    Tuesday: Rebutting arguments made in favour of Sky Sports sexists:

    Wednesday: Daily Mail cover domestic violence ruling with horrific lies and anti-women hyperbole:

    Thursday: Response to Giles Coren’s claims of misandry in mainstream media:

    Friday: Response to a Daily Mail columnist still spouting the same lies about domestic violence as Wednesday’s article:

  8. I wrote about the insanity of not having enough money to pay for music in public education:

    About the stupidity of Michelle Bachman:

    Why I refuse to read fashion magazines:

    And about the discrepancy between our children’s lives and those of other children in the world:

    Also, about polygamy in early Mormonism and the modern day, from the novel “The 19th Wife”:

    And about Peggy Orenstein’s new book, “Cinderella Ate My Daughter”:

  9. This week has been a bit introspective for me.

    First, I wrote about emigration, immigration, and how my unqualified delight at the latter over the past decade or so made me blind to how much the former really, really sucks.

    Immigration, Emigration and an Apology

    Then, this Friday was my (profoundly awesome) grandmother’s second anniversary. So I’m remembering her last few days, and musing in a secular sort of way on what survives of us after our deaths- working out some ways to take comfort in the concrete ways in which bits of us really do go on, without resorting to anything supernatural.

    Anniversary Rekindling

  10. This week, I discussed the religious right’s obsession with post-abortion syndrome:

    And discussed the Islamophobic assumption that Islamist regimes are inevitable in Tunisia and Egypt, plus a short explanation of the role social media plays in these uprisings: I wrote a thesis on the role of new media in Iran’s Green Movement, so expect more discussion of this in the following weeks.

  11. Femin Ijtihad, an organization committed to connecting academic scholarship on Muslim women’s rights to practical activism, runs a blog whose intent is to increase the awareness of Muslim women’s rights and agency in theory and practice.

    This week, we covered the structure of female politlcal power in Iran:; women’s political agency in Pakistan: and the arrest of activist Tawakkol Karman: among other stories.

    We’d like to build a strong base of interested readers, so please feel free to forward our links along.

  12. A post on the Bechdel Test for Women, and how it reveals the lack of movies that feature women (with names) who not only speak to one another, but speak to one another about something besides men. The movie industry seems to not realize that women buy more than 50% of movie tickets.

  13. This week I put up several posts regarding regarding post-transsexual alienation from the collective transgender identity and how the Transgender Inc neither speaks for us nor has that much of a role in our lives.
    I reposted (with permission a piece written in 1994) that shows there has been a history of resistance to co-option by the idea of transgender as umbrella.
    Then finished it off with these two after a long conversation with a new friend who is also post-transsexual and lesbian.

  14. Here’s a sampling of what’s new at Gender Across Borders:

    Our “Women and Peacebuilding in the Middle East” series ran on Thursday and Friday! Check out all the posts here –they’re an insightful and diverse collection.

    In time for the beginning of Oscar season, Roxanne highlights 10 women-directed films from 2010.

    Jessica explains why feminism and evolution need not clash.

    Emily discusses sexual violence in the Peace Corps, an issue she’s passionate about as a former Peace Corps volunteer.

  15. This week at Bitch Flicks:

    Two Best Picture Oscar nominees that star young women were our focus this week. Our reviews of Winter’s Bone and Black Swan. There will be two new reviews of the Best Picture nominees every week until the Academy Awards air.

    Watch acceptance speeches in our series Women Win Awards, with the Best Actress and Best Supporting Actress Oscar winners from 2005 and 2006.

  16. Atheism, and the active work to dismantle the systems that promote a delusional, poisonous, misogynistic set of beliefs that not only lack evidence, but fly in the face of it.

  17. Wow. I just have to say that I am really impressed with this weeks links. It’s nearly 3 am and I’m still up reading! You all are amazing!

    I humbly add my own little blog to the bunch; over at Flaneur in the City, I wrote about the Razzie Awards and how most of the films nominated were movies aimed at women.


    More updates to be coming once I’ve got a job, but tomorrow i’m going to a pre-k class to show the kids that gender stereotypes don’t apply (i’m going in my all-black scrubs too ’cause i’m awesome) and promote healthy behavior!

  19. The National Women’s Political Caucus of Washington takes an in-depth look at the Limited Service Pregnancy Center Accountability Act. Washington State would be the first state in the country to hold these so called “Crisis Pregnancy Centers” accountable and provide regulatory safeguards for women targeted by these fake clinics on a statewide basis.

  20. Not sure this belongs here but, for what it’s worth:

    OTTAWA – Carleton University’s student association has upheld its decision to ban a campus anti-abortion group.
    Carleton Lifeline, a group comprised of roughly 10 members, lost its club accreditation in November on grounds that it violates the association’s policy against discrimination.

  21. Had meant to post this yesterday, but life happened and well I will be blogging about that this week I am sure.
    So here is what I wrote about this past week
    I started the week with my reflection on commercials, wolves and the four agreements – those are three of the spiritual rules/images that get me through life’s challenges and keep me from getting sucked into the drama and trauma and personal suffering in my life —
    My zenful kitchen post for this week was about how life is like a waffle. You will have to read it to understand  —
    And of course I am now in week 7 of my spiritual journaling adventure
    Week 6, Day 5 – Day and Night Dreams —
    Week 6, Day 6 – Commitment —
    Week 6, Day 7 – Rewarding yourself, following the pulse —
    Week 7, Day 1 – Love –
    Week 7, Day 2 – Friendships and Family —
    Week 7, Day 3 – Work and Creativity —
    Week 7, Day 4 – The Body —
    Week 7, Day 5 – Spirituality

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