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Real Smart

What do you do when you’re laid up with a kidney infection and millions of papers to grade?

A quiz!

More Scientific

You have:
The graph on the right represents your place in Intuition 2-Space. As you can see, you scored above average on emotional intuition and well above average on scientific intuition.Your scientific intuition is stronger than your emotional intuition.
Your Emotional Intuition
score is a measure of how well you understand people, especially their
unspoken needs and sympathies. A high score score usually indicates
social grace and persuasiveness. A low score usually means you’re good
at Quake.

Your Scientific Intuition
score tells you how in tune you are with the world around you; how well
you understand your physical and intellectual environment. People with
high scores here are apt to succeed in business and, of course, the

Try my other test!
The 3 Variable Funny Test
It rules.

My test tracked 2 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

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You scored higher than 79% on Scientific
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You scored higher than 62% on Interpersonal

Link: The 2-Variable Intuition Test written by jason_bateman on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

via Alice

31 thoughts on Real Smart

  1. 70% scientific, 85% emotional

    This suggests to me that the quiz is bullshit, because I’m an emotional moron. Seriously: I don’t pick up on social cues. I’ve often thought that I might be borderline autistic.

  2. Actually, the percentages are based off of the scores made by other people your age and gender. In my experience with these quizzes, the older or younger you are the more skewed your percentage scores become.

  3. 62% science and 62% social.

    A bullshit score, I’m afraid. I too can’t pick up social cues. And I’m even worse at science than my pathetic score would suggest.

    Both explain why I excel at poetry.

  4. I’ll give you the percentile scores.

    55/77, 11/84 for the cohort. Science is bullshit, anyways.

    I don’t think the test is especially good at measuring what it intends to measure, but I never think that. the science side was a bit fact/speculation based for my tastes. I prefer tests that measure your ability to draw conclusions based on information given. (Yes, because I’m better at those, but also because it corrects for specific knowledge)…. And even though I scored well emotionally (which should be labelled “socially”), I think it’s unrealistic to expect people to make social judgements like that based on one picture.

    Sorry, I really hate to be the guy who points out why these tests are flawed…. Cause I fucking love them.

  5. 70%/70%.

    And I’ll join the chorus of those saying that this thing sucks. I’ve become more socially competant over my college years…but trust me, I’m not that good.

  6. Interesting.

    I scored (I’m embarrassed to say), a 35/18, suggesting that I’m an unequvical moron – which, not to brag, but – I’m definitely not. I’m not an emotional whiz, but I do reasonably well in real life. And I am a whiz in the science/math department. Sigh.

  7. Here’s a thought:

    Maybe the emotional bit of the quiz favors social morons. I mean, I have a lot of experience conscously thinking about what social cues people are sending, because it’s not at all instinctive to me. Maybe people who aren’t good at reading social cues are better than normal folks at the artificial task of thinking through what social clues you can pick out of a still photograph.

  8. Heh. I haven’t taken this one in a while, but I remember I was way over in the geek corner, of course. I will merely add that I am not at all surprised that you are over in UNUSUALLY SMART. šŸ™‚

  9. 62, 62. I would have thought I was more scientific. I hope the story with the last picture was fake… šŸ™

  10. as am I ghost.

    complex and dark? correct.

    clean? fuck no. but “skier gets genitals mutilated on protruding branch” and shit jokes are just so… pedestrian.

    and I scored 65/70 in the intell. which isn’t right at all. as I’m much better with science than I am intuition…

  11. Karpad: Exactly. Clean need not mean “wholesome”, but I love the cussin’ a la Carlin and the everything a la Kevin Smith. That I’d hardly call clean. It’s just that filth on its own doesn’t amuse me. Clever filth can, but it’s neither a necessary nor sufficient condition for funniness. I guess you could say that I hold “filth” to a high standard before finding it funny. I refuse to reward lazy comedy by laughing at fart jokes without an actual _joke_.

  12. from the makers of the funny test

    the “would you be a nazi” test.

    I’d be an expatriate. like Einstien (whose image is used for expats)

    I’d probably be resistance if I rated “willingness to die for my country” higher. but not so much. don’t like death, as it’s rather final.

    of course, if the rethugs got all nazi (like “Bush declared chancelor for life” and such) I’m honestly not sure if I’d go expat, White Rose, or just get myself a sniper rifle and get a part time job at the book depository.

    decisions decisions…

  13. Iā€™d be an expatriate. like Einstien (whose image is used for expats)

    Doesn’t that seem like a weird image to use? I assume that if you’re imagining yourself Jewish, the entire calculus changes.

  14. I hope you recover soon – please rest and take care of yourself!

    I swore to myself that the first kidney infection was the last and from that point on would stop dehydrating myself. I fell back into bad habits and boom – 2nd infection. There will not be a third! I still don’t drink the 8 glasses a day but am trying.

  15. 93% – Scientific (holy shit?)
    36% – Interpersonal (I do hate people, that’s true — but doesn’t this make me almost maladaptive? Especially given the sampling bias of the meduim and the voluntary nature of the survey…)

    Holy shit, though, Lauren. Our dots are in exactly the same spot on the graph — right over the middle of the S in smart.

    Did anybody else think about what was triggering their responses to the question with the pictures? Especially the one about the three girls, only one of whom was playing the role of Town Bicycle, and the suicide one? It was obvious that smiles and crucifixes were driving my judgments.

  16. I call bullshit on the German test. It said I’m an everyday German. 46% brainwashworthy, 18% antitolerant, 33% blindly patriotic. I’m not sure where the brainwashworthy part got so high. Patriotic probably because I said I would serve my country, but not in the military. The problem is, I see protesting as serving my country. But, that’s just me.

  17. Now that I think about it, I said I’m emotionally moved by a powerful speaker, which probably bumped my brainwashworthy score up by a lot. What can I say? Barack Obama and Bill Clinton get me everytime (almost). That doesn’t mean I blindly follow what they said. It just means I get pumped up for a while. So again: Bullshit.

  18. Yeah, that questions was phrased in a misleading way. They could have asked if you’re emotionally moved by a powerful speaker _regardless of what they’re saying_. There’s a big difference.

  19. the whole test seems weighted at people actually avoiding getting the nazi score, honestly.

    which, historically speaking, just ain’t right. I think the Milgram Experiment proved it’s just far too easy for most people to get swept up in that sort of thing.

    which is why, dispite this test, I’m honestly not sure about it. I don’t think I would, but I also can’t imagine myself actually in the situation.

  20. If you put me there in 1927 or whatever, based on who I am today, I’d be a socialst or an anarchist, and as such would either go into exile or get rounded up. But if you had me born in Germany in 1910 to my parents (and have them also grow up German), it’s impossible to say how we would be shaped my the social environment. I have pretty well no loyalty to nation-states, and an almost gut-level aversion to authority. I won’t pretend that these are genetic, but if I had those characteristics as a German, I can’t see myself putting up with Hitler.

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