In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Feministe’s Next Top Troll, Season 7

Ok,everyone, it’s Top Troll season again! We have rounded up some of the best of the worst comments from the past year, and will be publishing them for your amusement/horror. We’ll have a series of voting rounds where the trolls will compete against each other. Judge them however you like; I personally give points for style, (lack of) punctuation/proper grammar, inexplicable capitalization, magnificent use of stereotype, creative insult and degree to which the comment reveals the commenter’s status as a basement-dweller and/or sufferer of total soul-rot.

These are troll comments, so let it be known that they are not nice. They are almost universally sexist. Many of them are racist. They employ insults; those insults vary in both their creativity and crudeness. So if you do not want to hear about how feminists are man-hating c-words? I would skip this contest! If you think that troll contests just give trolls more attention and make some readers feel bad? Ok! That is your opinion, and I have heard it before, at least five times every time we do this contest. I have decided that I do not agree, and that the benefits of Feministe’s Next Top Troll (which, let’s be honest, mostly amount to “This makes Jill, and also some other people with perverse senses of humor, laugh”) outweigh the negatives. If troll contests and troll comments rub you the wrong way, please skip the Next Top Troll posts. They will all be clearly marked, so this will not be hard.

However, if mocking trolls makes you feel a little bit better about your life, or if you get tired of reading about how horrible feminists are and you would like to take a moment to mock the people who spend their days leaving comments on blogs about how horrible feminists are, and if you are genuinely able to laugh at the toads who sometimes drop by Feministe, then enjoy. The season will commence shortly.

28 thoughts on Feministe’s Next Top Troll, Season 7

  1. Yay! FNTT is so much fun! The only thing I enjoy more are Jill’s tweets highlighting comments where people were offended because Feministe posted about a puppy or how writing “you guys” purposely excludes women.

  2. Pure. Gold.

    I used to find this whole thing a downer and just avoided it, but since then I’ve learned to stop worrying and love the troll.

    I’m rooting for rice. I feel bad for how much ze wasted your time, Chally, but I found the entire performance mesmerizing – The Waltz of the Banhammer.

  3. YESS!!! *is pathetically excited*

    hn: So, how does this work, we post our creative writing here?  

    Search “Top Troll” in the Feministe search bar for examples from previous seasons.

  4. “FNTT…or How I Stopped Worrying and Learned To Love the Troll”

    Ha, Jadey. I loled. Seriously, the evolution of an e-nerd works like this: At first you are extremely concerned about the levels of hate and vitriol aimed at your person and at people you love, but over time and with repeated verbal beatings, you really start to appreciate the enthusiasm with which trolls embrace their soullessness. After awhile the width and breadth of their delusion really is quite exhilarating.

  5. Only 22 pages? 😉

    rice was amazing, but I just don’t see how we’re going to get that whole performance into bitesize FNTT form!

  6. Yes, yes, yes!! I’ve loved the last few seasons of FNTT (although season six was rather lacking, I think, in Troll quality) but I’m really looking forward to the laughter. Bring on the INexplICABLE capiTALization. My favourite is still “lol boobs” from the first round. I think I named my computer “lol boobs” around that time.

  7. Woohoo! I love FNTT for the sheer WTF-uckery that I see the mods have been kind and diligent enough to protect me from. Onwards and upwards, I say! My voting finger is a-twitching…

    Note: I have previously posted under a different name, but have decided to adopt this ID as my “non-work” persona

  8. This contest is entirely unnecessary. Its rice FTW. I think instead we should spend time mocking zher and diagraming a la NFL Matchup the expert nature of zher trollishness.

  9. Wait! First, I’m so excited. But second, didn’t we never even get the results of Season 6? What happened to that one? Did I miss it somewhere?

    1. Wait! First, I’m so excited. But second, didn’t we never even get the results of Season 6? What happened to that one? Did I miss it somewhere?

      No… I just got busy and basically let it drop, because I am a fool. But Season 7 will be different! It will be completed! Sorry 🙁

  10. Thank you Jill I am holding you to that! This is one of my favourite blog series on the whole wide internet, thanks for bringing it back. 🙂

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