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Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

It is technically Sunday. Go!

58 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. This week I wrote about Slate’s abysmal piece on the economics of teen sex and relationships that completely ignores both the idea of consent and the existence (nay, prevalence) of rape.

    As well as an essay on the racial dynamics of so-called “remix culture” and the deification of Girl Talk by copyright foes – even though black artists have been doing the same shit better for years and have released it for free.

    And, for a bit of fun, the connection between FourLoko and David Foster Wallace’s magnum opus Infinite Jest


  2. First Ever Career Day vs. Parents Weekend

    Went through culture shock vising daughter’s college. Cracker Barrel. Whuddo thunk it?

    ready to tackle disservice at Ann Taylor LOFT

    Sometimes, people do the right thing, however insignificant to real world issues.

  3. Inspired by the four Republican women who failed to support the Paycheck Fairness Act last week, I’ve decided to demand what I’m calling Equal Pay ReparationsEqual Pay Reparations. I want Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins, Kay Bailey Hutchison, and Lisa Murkowski to take a 23% pay cut, for it makes no sense that these delicate ladies earn the same salary as Al Franken, Henry Reid, Mitch McConnell, and Jim DeMented.

  4. I come back later and discover the formatting for my comment is amazingly fucked up. I’m… not sure how that happened. But the first link discusses my opinions on weddings and the second the sketchy alums at my school.

  5. A book review of Meet the Annas by Robert Dunn, which would have been middle of the road forgettable, except for the part where it makes excuses for a rapist who coerced his victim into getting an abortion, so instead it’s pretty terrible.

  6. This week at re:Cycling, we have posts about the relationship between the menstrual cycle and the sleep cycle; BeYaz, the new formulation of Yaz (the world’s most popular birth control — also the subject of 1100+ lawsuits); a cartoon explanation of how the birth control pill works; and reviews of Goodnighties®, nightgowns made of athletic-wear material for menopausal women.

  7. This week at SexGenderBody:

    exposing body image issues talks about self and self portraitss, in What pains us makes us grow…

    Kali joins us, writing powerfully about violence and casteism, in apologies for breathing.

    jaded16 examines the impact that language has as oppression, in Caught Between Colonised Consonantsand discusses how “other-ing” occurs in literature, culture and a recent Bill passed in India, in Slipping Out Of Gendered Spaces.

    jarrahpenguin discusses her growth and commitment, in How I Became a Feminist.

    James Turnbull offers his latest Korean Gender Reader.

  8. I’m still on the story of the TSA human rights violations – which thankfully lots of others have now picked up on.

    I debunked the right-wing meme that Muslim women are getting special treatment in TSA screening. Cheap shots like this have no place in this debate, which ought to bridge partisan divides.

    The procedures may apply to all equally, but their impact is harsher on certain groups, including kids and anyone who departs from the sex/gender binary. Since then, the TSA has said children will only be subjected to a “modified” patdown, but they are utterly silent on the problems created for trans or intersex people.

    On top of the privacy issues, the strip-search scanners raise safety concerns, as well – particularly the ones that use x-rays. The bottom line is that they’re largely untested and unmonitored.

  9. I’m sure Feministe’s Canadian readers already know about this, but nevertheless: the House of Commons will soon be debating a bill that would make discrimination on the basis of gender identity and expression illegal, among other things. I wrote a post encouraging people to contact their MPs and ask them to support the bill.

  10. This week on Elysium Avenue Natasha realized she was part of the unwashed masses in Moral Hygiene and gave us a yummy twice baked potato recipe in Get Stuffed

    Natalie snarkily reviewed the website How To Emasculate a Guy in Three Easy Steps or Less

    Two lovely guest pieces:
    Penny wrote about having her Karyotype test done in regards to being transgender in Special? Unique? Enigma? Freak?

    Above and Beyond Gender wrote about coming out as transgender after having already come out as genderqueer in Answering Questions

    Finally Wordless Wednesday

  11. This week there was an intense discussion on Questioning
    Transphobia regarding Kate Bornstein’s unapologetic use of “tranny” that became a discussion of how Kate’s pronouncements are not embraced by the bulk ot TS/TG people who do not see ourselves as some sort of not male/ not female third gender.
    I guess that like Tom Cruise Kate Bornstein has jumped the couch.
    From Questioning Transphobia:

    From my blog:

  12. Three years ago, a writer at WND wrote a column “predicting” various terrible things that would have happened by yesterday, 2010-11-20. I give her a reality check.

  13. Discussion on the lessons women can learn from the characters on a well-written, woman-positive scripted tv show The Good Wife: Character Throw-Downs, Season 2 Whiplash & Why We Need A Few Real-Life Wendy Scott-Carrs

    I’m participating in NaNoWriMo for the second time and this year I was able to complete a book with greater ease. Mastering The Tenets of NaNoWriMo

    How we need to take control of our choices regarding eating and exercising BBC Show “You Are What You Eat” Offers An Unflinching Look At Our Food Choices

  14. This past week on Man Boobz, by blog criticizing (and mocking) Men’s Rights Activists and antifeminists in general. This week’s theme: Blatant misogyny!

    Horrible, horrible things MRAs say about women.

    How to find women disgusting: A DYI guide.

    MRA: Women are filthy creatures; avoid them and listen to classical music instead.

    More misogyny from the same guy.

    My thoughts on an MRA who suggests women who get drunk at bars “are begging [to be raped] … damn near demanding it.”

  15. I quickly lament about the Senate blocking equal pay legislation, and many commenters disagree that this is a true issue– at least in the way it’s consistently framed. Weigh in if you’d like.

    A short list of a couple things I’m reading on the interwebz:

    Still curious what makes you more jealous in a relationship:

    The content of the Cafe is TransCentric, and includes news stories from around the world, occasionally rewritten to reflect a trans centric viewpoint.It’s created, operated, owned, and supplied by Trans people, in all the varieties thereof.

    Empowerment, Education, Elucidation, Enlightenment.
    In Trans space.

  17. last week, i blogged about self love and someone wrote me and said i made it sound too simple — it is not — there are so many levels of lies that we need to work through and beliefs that need to be examined etc — however the more we respect ourselves, the less we sit on judgment of ourselves or reject ourselves — it’s all about the journey —

    i would like to thank those of you who have been coming to read my blog from here each week and i am grateful for the generosity of feministe for creating this space for the exchange of ideas and understandings.

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