In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Do your thing.

51 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. This week at SexGenderBody:

    Olga Wolstenholme talks about an old term and its present status, in Fag Hag: Troubled and Trouble.

    Christina Engela talks about the diversity of South Africa as a source of strength, in City Of Apples, Land Of Penguins.

    jaded16 addresses how a woman is shown yet not seen, in On Charting Invisible Bodies and the ways in which language can be working against our identity, in We Are Still Using Knowledge To Cut.

    Beyond Meds posted about recovery and recovery centers, in My poor cognition (post-med) and a bit on TAC–Treatment Advocacy Center–yes perhaps this should be two posts!.

    James Turnbull examines the politics of abortion, in KResisting the Criminalization of Abortion in South Korea and another installment of Korean Photoshop Disaster.

    rabbitwhite reluctantly deals with the dynamic between Halloween and gender, in In Defense of Slut-o-Ween: Halloween–Straight Pride Weekend? and Jessica Who starts her tradition of reviewing horror films in Halloween AKA Crossdressing National Holiday.

    Alex Karydi talks about disclosure and honesty, in Coming out and the Different Stages… Step by Step.

    Aly Sinclair talks about her career in adult content, in <a href=" Interviews Aly Sinclair!

    Lastly, I talk about bullying and rape culture in Concerning Bullies and shared some of my own past interactions regarding sex and beauty, in Psych Ops of the Sexual Kind in an Army Barracks.

  2. Hi there. I’ve been lurking on this blog for a while to try and gain a better understanding about feminism and gender issues. I recently wrote a post on my blog about a little experiment I did to gain some insight into issues surrounding disability: Access and Accessibility. I welcome any comments that others may have. Thanks!

  3. This week at Yes Means Yes Blog:

    Who Is In Favor Of Bullying, in part about a local racein Westchester County, but really about anti-bullying statutes and their importance to LGBT youth.

    With Apple’s Power Comes Apple’s Responsibility, about a transphobic application for Apple’s mobile devices. Unlike other makers, Apple insists on the power to individually approve or disapprove apps. If they’re going to do that, then they’re responsible for the content.

    A Game Preserve For Sexual Predators. That’s what I’ve concluded that the United States’s juvenile detention facilities are. The Justice Department is trying to spin the report in a positive light, but one in eight juveniles is sexually assaulted in custody, and eighty percent of it is by the staff.

    Jill linked to this from her post, so many of the readers here have seen Things I Agree With The O’Donnell Campaign About, which reaffirms her basic human right to sexual agency, no matter what her politics.

  4. This week I reviewed The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley. I simply wrote about how the book made me feel, so I don’t really go into the strong feminist themes in the book. If any of you have read it and want to talk about that in the comments I’d love to have a discussion!

  5. Street Harassment and the Importance of History
    Yesterday I gave testimony at the first-ever New York City Council meeting on “Street Harassment of Women and Girls in New York City,” a hearing that is being lauded in today’s media as an action that is launching the movement to end street harassment.

    Transit Police Uses Excessive Force to Subdue Young Woman
    How much force is truly necessary for a stocky transit police officer to put handcuffs on a slender 21-year-old woman who is lying immobile on the ground? Probably not as much as a Metro Transit Police Officer used last month when an intoxicated would-be rider disobeyed his command to “take a cab” instead of the subway.

  6. I think NPR did the right think firing Williams:

    ethecofem turns one!

    Glenn Beck is as clueless as ever when he lambasted MN congresswoman Betty McCollum for not saying “under God” in the Pledge of Alligiance:

    Why defunding NPR is a bad idea.

    ethecofem is looking for guest bloggers!

  7. This week at re:Cycling, we’ve got a guest post about menstruation and spending sprees, a great post from Heather about waiting, and our weekly round-up of menstruation/women’s health related links.

  8. I did a timeline of drag in North American visual culture for a class presentation on Esther Newton’s Mother Camp. If you enjoy queer cinema etc., you may find a few gems on here to pick up at the video store next time. Also, leave any further suggestions in the comments and I will add them!

    Also, here is a short piece on romance in children’s media for an Anthropology writing excercise.

  9. Oh boy. Well, this week I learned what you get when you try to debate a childish, dickish Men’s Rights activist on the topic of domestic violence, on his web site.

    Here’s most of the debate, as he’s framed it on his web site:

    Here’s my final post in the debate:

    Here’s a post about a prominent Men’s Rights Activist suggesting that his comrades should, er, take up armed struggle. Yikes.

    This one is just kind of funny:

  10. Since last week, on, I’ve blogged about:

    The Yale DKE from the perspective of a former frat boy:

    My personal story of how I came to feminism:

    My first entry in my column, “So You Think You’re a Male Feminist?” The first entry was “You’re Probably Not a Feminist Yet.”

    The next entry was about Sheriff Joe Arpaio, and his giving of Sarah Palin a pair of pink underwear:

    And my next entry in the “So You Think You’re a Male Feminist” entry called, “Don’t Mess Up Other Feminists’ Stuff.”

    My latest post from today, is just a brief mention of the NYT article about a study that suggests sisters make you happier, and how that affects male feminist strategies and tactics:

    Thanks for reading!

  11. In 1910 Right-Wingers Said They Couldn’t Get Away With Mauling Women for Voting, Modern ‘Wingers Give it a Try

    The latest in my bogus Two Rules of Desire series: But Ranking Men By Looks and Women By Income Would be Both Inconceivable and Intolerable!

    “But I Made Them All Wear Socks:” Worst Abstinence-Only Metaphor Ever

    If I can shamelessly promote someone else’s post the indispensable Holly of The Pervocracy’s post The People You Meet When You Write About Rape is a wry, accurate taxonomy of rape apologists. Included are Mr. No Really, What About The Men, Ms. Tough Girl, Mr. I’m Not Blaming Her But It’s Her Fault, Ms. You Don’t Just Get To Decide Whether You Consent, Mr. Offensive And/Or Baffling Metaphor, Ms. Fashion Police, and so on.

    And y’know, if people really want to shamelessly self-promote themselves they could always invite everyone to subscribe to their RSS Newsfeeds. Here’s a link to mine

    Finally for folks in the U.S., good luck on election day, everybody! I thought Halloween was supposed to be the creepiest day of the year!


  12. I’m conducting a study on the effectiveness of sexual assault awareness programs entitled “Sexual Assault: Attitudes and Experiences” and your participation is greatly appreciated!

  13. I went to the 14th ILGA Europe Conference at the Hague, and wrote up a bunch of the workshops I attended.

    Three in particular: I went to two on Thursday, on how being an LGBTI asylum-seeker means you don’t fit in with the concept of the refugee enshrined in international law as a man fleeing political violence: and a panel on Intersex human rights, how gender conformity sanctions child abuse by medical professionals. (Workshops on Asylum & Intersex)

    And a really exciting panel discussion on Friday afternoon on the theme of the conference Expressing our differences, challenging our prejudices, developing our alliances! with Kamal Qureshi & Mieke Verloo – Qureshi is a Danish Muslim MP, and Verloo teaches gender studies.

    Also would like to mention the conference’s condemnation and call for investigation of the attack on three Russian LGBT activists in Tomsk yesterday

  14. UT Austin’s graduate journal, Intersections, is now accepting papers for its Fall 2011 issue “Gender and Social Justice.” We are accepting papers on a range of topics including (but not limited to), LGBTQ activism in local and transnational contexts, feminist human rights advocacy, border work, and environmental and ecological activism. This is a great opportunity for graduate students to publish!

    For more information, check out:

  15. The human rights framework donor conceived individuals and adopted individuals are forced to work within and how Costa Rica’s legalization of IVF will relate to such-

    Costa Rica to legalize in vitro fertilization, human rights, lack thereof, and some contemplations

    Olivia Pratten’s lawsuit to ensure that gamete donation documentation is preserved for the individuals who are produced as a result of the IVF process in the course of her efforts to have British Columbia’s Adoption Act found unconstitutional-

    Olivia Pratten’s suit to end second class citizenship for Canadian donor conceived individuals

    Another post in my ongoing documentation of the failures of the legalized child abandonment laws and the consequences women face after neonatacides. Here I document yet another case of pregnancy denial and the pointlessness of sending Emily Portellos off to prison for a decade or two-

    Emily Portellos, crimes against “women’s essentialist nature,” and the pointlessness of imprisonment

    The “skyrocketing” surge in paperfree/undocumented children being exported from Haiti for slave labor, sex work, and potentially adoption purposes in the aftermath of the quake-

    Haitian child trafficking to the Dominican Republic- “the trafficking of minors has skyrocketed”

    A tiny post about the annual Demons of Adoption awards (this year’s winner has since been announced.)

    Tomorrow the ballot for the Fourth annual Demons of Adoption Awards closes

    The role a Mormon Bishop played in the ongoing sexual abuse of his adopted daughters, other relatives, and another teenaged girl from Ethiopia. He is the co-founder of the “Village of Hope” in Ethiopia, funded in part by LDS dollars and in other countries and has worked with adoption agencies in the course of exporting a number of children-

    Ethiopia- LDS Bishop & Village of Hope co-founder charged with 47 felonies for sexual abuse of adoptees & minors

    Three 2010 cases from Mississippi pertaining to that state’s “safe haven”/ baby Moses law child abandonment scheme. All three represent failures of the law: 2 resulting in neonatacides, and a third an extra-legal (potentially felony) child abandonment. Where possible, I profile the women behind these cases via media reports-

    Mississippi 2010 “safe haven”/legalized child abandonment law failures to date

    And finally, a bonus post of sorts, a recap of my 32 posts in 31 days, all pertaining to adoption, reproductive autonomy, the human rights of the donor conceived, and and crimes and abuses against adopted people-

    National Blog Posting Month, my October NaBloPoMo

  16. I’m pretty late to this (whoops), but: I wrote about whether or not to identify myself as disabled on job application forms, and the wider, murkier reasons I do/don’t identify as disable din my own head.

  17. first, i am so grateful for this space which you offer to share our work. what a gift! so this week, i have written two pieces. the first is called practice makes perfect. it is about how some of us spend so much time in our lives practicing fear, jealousy, anger, doubt, lack, worry, suffering, procrastination, and a host of other qualities and feelings so much in our lives that we have mastered them. if we can master these feelings through practice, then we can also master love, joy, happiness, peace, and a host of other qualities and feelings

    my second piece was inspired while eating ice cream with friends and is called what would you do for a klondike bar? it is about loving ourselves so that we do not treat love as if it is a scarce commodity and find ourselves being with people who are only able to offer us conditional love and then living in fear of losing this relationship which offers so little to begin with.

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