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Carl Paladino: Totally gay.

David Beckham in underwear
David Beckham in speedo-style underwear. Clearly a terrible, terrible thing.

Or that’s what a New York rabbi thinks, anyway. You should read that whole article because it is hilarious. Basically, Carl Paladino is running for governor of New York, and gave a speech that was partially written by religious leaders in Williamsburg; the speech included a section about homosexuality being disordered. Paladino then went on TV and defended the comments, saying something about men grinding on each other in speedos and that being a terrible thing (which, really, I would rather see men in speedos than Carl Paladino’s Crypt Keeper face, but that’s neither here nor there).

Then people were mad, and so Paladino apologized. Which almost caused Mr. Yehuda Levin to choke to death.

“I was in the middle of eating a kosher pastrami sandwich,” Rabbi Levin said. “While I was eating it, they come running and they say, ‘Paladino became gay!’ I said, ‘What?’ And then they showed me the statement. I almost choked on the kosher salami.”

I’m surprised he didn’t follow up with “…no homo.”

(I also want to point out that there are a lot of jokes to be made about turning gay and choking on kosher salami, but I will hold off. Just know there are some good dick jokes in there.)

Mr. Paladino, of course, had not become gay, but had announced that he wanted to clarify that he embraced gay rights and opposed discrimination. In explaining his views, Mr. Paladino and his aides noted that he had a gay nephew who worked for the campaign.

That seemed to bother Rabbi Levin as well. He accused Mr. Paladino of deciding to apologize because “his gay nephew or his family told him so.”

“He discovered now he has a gay nephew?” the rabbi said. “Mazel tov! We’ll make a coming-out party!”

Sounds fun! I’ll bring Glee if you’ll wear your best meat dress.

16 thoughts on Carl Paladino: Totally gay.

  1. The scariest part is that CARL PALADINO IS RUNNING FOR GOVERNOR OF NEW YORK STATE! How could that happen? Could that many people have actually voted for him? That is just plain scary. And, unfortunately, he is one of many very scary candidates for high office in the US.

  2. Oldlady: Agent Kay of the Men in Black series had some very wise words about this. “A person is smart, people are stupid, panicky animals.”
    He forgot to add: and they get stupider every day. This election cycle proves every misanthrope right.

  3. “While I was eating it, they come running and they say, ‘Paladino became gay!’ I said, ‘What?’ And then they showed me the statement. I almost choked on the kosher salami.”

    Perhaps they forgot a set a quotation marks indicating the last sentace is the acutal staement being shown to the rabbi.

    In which case the good rabbi could’ve thought he was being outed, given that the salami in question is kosher.

  4. No, Rabbi. He knew he had a gay nephew before. He just thought it was more important to pander to you than to act as though his nephew was a member of his family. Now he believes that admitting his gay nephew is good politics, so he has stopped lying. He has chosen to stop pandering to you, at least for now.

    Glad I could clear that up for you. I know it’s confusing, since no gay relative of yours would ever trust you to respect them or love them if you knew that they were gay. I’m sure you’re also used to being lied to by politicians who want your vote but know that your stances are repellent to most of their other constituents.

  5. Palladino tried to win back the Rabbi by hiding the salami when they met for lunch. While the Rabbi was clearly touched by the gesture, he’s still not ready to become a fellow teabagger… though he remains open to participating in any covert southern strategy, particulary if it involves dogs and whistles.


    On the gay bars. One of his companies owned the building of one, which isn’t necessarily the same as owning a gay bar, but the point still stands. (The other “ownership” link isn’t talked about in this article).

    Incidentally, if he wouldn’t lease out the property (assuming he was the person making the decision) just because the primary occupants were gay, I’m pretty sure he would have gotten slapped with a lawsuit. I think the big take-away is that when heterosexist people stick their fingers in their ears and sing, “LALALA,” they’re still unable to keep themselves from finding out amazing things about gay individuals: They occupy public space! They spend money! They blend in with hetero cis-folks!

    Now if only heterosexist people would figure out that gay people deserve respect, too.

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