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Weak and Despicable - This Gay Pride Month, let's dream of a day when New York and California are as progressive as Iowa and Maine

Carl Paladino, the Republican candidate for governor of New York, has come out against the gays. Paladino, notably, is the guy who forwarded emails onto his coworkers which contained racially offensive “jokes” (including jokes characterizing black people as monkeys), images of Barack and Michelle Obama dressed up like a pimp and a ho, and a picture of a woman having sex with a horse (the emails are detailed and depicted here — as a warning, though, my characterization of them as “racially offensive” is… understated, to say the least). Anyway, Paladino is a Tea Party candidate who has all of his morals in the right place, is my point.

And despite being pro-beastiality — or at least pro-women-having-sex-with-horses — he is apparently anti-homosexuality. Because homosexuality is just so unnatural.

The Republican candidate for governor, Carl P. Paladino, told a gathering in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, on Sunday that children should not be “brainwashed” into thinking that homosexuality was acceptable, and criticized his opponent, Attorney General Andrew M. Cuomo, for marching in a gay pride parade earlier this year.

Addressing Orthodox Jewish leaders, Mr. Paladino described his opposition to same-sex marriage.

“I just think my children and your children would be much better off and much more successful getting married and raising a family, and I don’t want them brainwashed into thinking that homosexuality is an equally valid and successful option — it isn’t,” he said, reading from a prepared address, according to a video of the event.

And then, to applause at Congregation Shaarei Chaim, he said: “I didn’t march in the gay parade this year — the gay pride parade this year. My opponent did, and that’s not the example we should be showing our children.” reported that Mr. Paladino’s prepared text had included the sentence: “There is nothing to be proud of in being a dysfunctional homosexual.” But Mr. Paladino omitted the sentence in his speech.

Newsflash to New Yorkers: We are not all nearly as progressive and open-minded as we apparently think!

What’s most interesting about this story, though, isn’t the brazen homophobia in a city that has long been a haven for gay people and lefty folks generally; it’s the insistence that disgust with and discrimination against gays doesn’t amount to homophobia at all.

About an hour after Mr. Paladino’s remarks, [Democratic candidate for governor] Mr. Cuomo’s campaign released a statement condemning them.

“Mr. Paladino’s statement displays a stunning homophobia and a glaring disregard for basic equality,” it said. “These comments along with other views he has espoused make it clear that he is way out of the mainstream and is unfit to represent New York.”Mr. Paladino declined a request to be interviewed after his appearance. His campaign manager, Michael R. Caputo, denied assertions that Mr. Paladino was antigay, and noted that he employed a gay man on his campaign staff.

“Carl Paladino is simply expressing the views that he holds in his heart as a Catholic,” Mr. Caputo said in a telephone interview. “Carl Paladino is not homophobic, and neither is the Catholic Church.”

“The majority of New Yorkers agree with him,” Mr. Caputo added. He said the campaign had done its own polling.

During his appearance at the synagogue, with reporters in attendance, Mr. Paladino said: “Don’t misquote me as wanting to hurt homosexual people in any way. That would be a dastardly lie.”

Apparently you’re only homophobic now if you want to physically harm gay people. Just hating them, well… that’s expressing your heartfelt belief.

Paladino defended his remarks this morning, saying that he doesn’t hate gay people but that gay pride parades are no place for children, and I think we could use a morning laugh so here you are:

“Young children should not be exposed to that at a young age. They don’t understand, it’s a very difficult thing,” said Mr. Paladino. “And exposing them to homosexuality, especially at a gay pride parade — and I don’t know if you have ever been to one, but they wear these little Speedos and they grind against each other and it’s just a terrible thing.”

Less funny is the fact that Paladino’s statements come the same weekend three gay men were imprisoned and tortured in the Bronx. In response to those attacks, New York City mayor Mike Bloomberg asked, “How can one human being be so inhuman to another simply on the basis of who they are? What kind of twisted logic spurs a large group of men to show off their toughness by ganging up on helpless individuals? That’s not showing you’re tough, that’s just showing that you’re weak and despicable.”

I’d like to pose the same question to Carl Paladino.

23 thoughts on Weak and Despicable

  1. That this man is preaching so-called “family values” is beyond ludicrous. I live in Brooklyn, and I encourage everyone in NY state to show up and vote on election day. A lot of my friends say, “well, he is really behind in the polls, what’s there to worry about?” Don’t feel so secure. Make sure you vote and you bring a neighbor/friend/family member. I was born and (mostly) raised in NYC, and it’s far more conservative/bigoted than people realize.

  2. Agreed, big Paladino fail! Though you may want to re-read/fix this line:

    “What’s most interesting about this story, though, isn’t the brazen homophobia in a city that has long been a haven for gay people and lefty folks generally; it the insistence that disgust with and discrimination against gays amounts to homophobia.”

  3. This is kinda discussing around the point, but I hate how gay men and trans women are always the ones pointed out at pride parades as being dastardly sexual and crippling children minds. Because, you know, girls wearing string bikinis and grinding together…that’s something you can see at any other major parade (or in a bar or on the television) and is a totally acceptable form of female sexualization for the childrens to be taking in.

  4. I normally try to avoid commenting on U.S. elections because I am a Canadian. This time however I would just like to say to all of those who are thinking of staying home to punish the democrats for not following through on their election promises to take a good hard look at what the alternative is.

  5. Apparently you’re only homophobic now if you want to physically harm gay people. Just hating them, well… that’s expressing your heartfelt belief.

    Totally. Just like you can’t call someone racist anymore unless they’re wearing white robes and burning crosses on lawns. *nods* Makes perfect sense, y/y?

    UGH. Fucking bigots. Why do hateful people enjoy being that way? How can it be a nice way to live, to have all that vicious bile roiling around inside you?

  6. Family values is always code for bigotry. And might I point out, Mr. Paladino is far from an ideal argument for marriage. People like these are why I’ve rapidly soured on the idea of marriage, motherhood, and churchgoing- if the Republicans are for it, I’m against it.
    One bright spot in this whole mess is that Paladino lost the New York Post endorsement. A few weeks before this mess he threatened one of their reporters. The best thing we can do is let him torpedo his own campaign.

  7. As if the midterm elections across the country were not scary enough I have to have this guy in my own state.

    Seriously one of the worst hate filled corrupt politicians in my life time. I agree, no matter how disappointed you have been with the Dems you have to get out and vote this year because the alternative is a fucking nightmare. And once you have kept the nightmare at bay you still need to call, write, and other means of demonstrating to your politicians that you voted for them and this is how you want to be represented.

  8. The NYC case came on CNN while I was having dinner at a sandwitch shop, and I had to get up and turn the TV off it was so upsetting.

  9. Yeah Renee- I’m less than pleased with some of the democrats I’ll be voting for but their opponents make me want to shudder. This guy scares the hell out of me. I’ll be there when the polls open and I’ve been reminding everyone I know how important it is to vote this year.

  10. “Carl Paladino is not homophobic, and neither is the Catholic Church.”

    Oh, well, if Caputo, the ultimate arbiter of what constitutes homophobia, says it, it must be true.

    Who wants to bet the logic is this: Paladino and the Catholic Church have power. As such, they are not SCARED of a marginalized group, thus they are not homophobic. Hating gay people and disrespecting their rights as human beings? That’s completely different.

  11. Z: I think Partial Human was referring to religious conservatives in general, not just orthodox Jews.

  12. @Politicalguineapig: I’m disinclined to be generous towards any statement that smells so much like a complaint about excessive Jewish political influence (which is one of the oldest antisemitic tropes).

    Plus, Paladino addressed his speech to a specific group of constituents. There’s no reason to assume that Political Human was referring to any other audience.

  13. Z: Well, if he was going after any Jewish vote other then the Orthodox vote, I think he’s going to be bitterly disappointed.

  14. So, Z, why do YOU think Paladino made such a big deal of this issue in a speech to orthodox Jews? Sheer coincidence? He’s so homophobic that every speech he makes sounds like this?

  15. Paladino’s political hate-speech was a boys only event. They even dumped water on the women journalists who were outside the building.
    Afraid that little ladies might see things as they really were?…. I think so!

  16. ” I’m disinclined to be generous towards any statement that smells so much like a complaint about excessive Jewish political influence (which is one of the oldest antisemitic tropes).”

    This is a little off the mark. That trope refers to behind the scenes Illuminati/Rothschilds conspiracy theories. What PGP is referring to was right our in the open.

    And you would think that people who have been the target of so much bigotry would be just a little more self aware. Nobody gets a pass on their bigotry, whatever “justifications” they muster. The caste system is no less racist for being mandated by Manu, for instance. Etc.

    Thus PGP’s second comment.

  17. eandh: So, Z, why do YOU think Paladino made such a big deal of this issue in a speech to orthodox Jews?Sheer coincidence?He’s so homophobic that every speech he makes sounds like this?  

    Because it is an issue that many orthodox Jews agree on. Not because they ‘block vote.’ If they block voted, he wouldn’t need to make speeches to the community, all he would have to do is have a few words with the rabbi behind closed doors.

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