In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

You know what to do.

51 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. Bill Maher Says The N Word on Larry King and no one Cares: Faux liberal Bill Maher decides to call out racism using a slur but because he is identified as part of the left no one bothered to call him out.

    Gabourey Sidibe As Mammy: Looking at the claim that by virtue of her size that the world views Gabourey as a mammy figure and that is why she is beloved.

    Sexy and Pregnant, It Is Possible: Model Kim Bella decided to pose for sexy photos in her ninth month of pregnancy and of course shaming ensues.

    The Black Play Thing on The Big C: Looking at the way that Gabourey Sidibe and a nameless Black male character are overtly sexualized on the the showcase show The Big C

    No Wedding No Womb: LeBron James and His Would Be Daddy: Looking at the new movement no wedding no womb and why marriage will not necessarily heal the problems in the Black community, using Lebron James as an example.

    Vampire Diaries: Brave New World: My weekly break down on Vampire Diaries. Just what you need until True Blood starts.

  2. Religion Has A Place In Schools: A US middle school class visited a mosque. Right wingers flipped out. I think more middle school classes should visit mosques, and other places of worship.

    Go Where?: Gender and Ability, Intersectionality and Constructivism: Following up on my earlier post, Go Where?: Sex, Gender, and Toilets, I elaborate on the concept of the universal male, and take a look at signs indicating wheelchair access.

    I’m For Keeping Fear Alive: The problem with Jon Stewart’s appeal to “moderates”.

    Toronto Privilege: Regional inequality in Canada, and one kind of privilege that I have trouble keeping in check.

  3. This week on Yes Means Yes Blog:

    Homophobia Is A Losing Trial Strategy, a quick post about Major Witt. Her case set the 9th Circuit standard for DADT discharges, and set the bar high. After going back to the lower court and trying the case under the standard the Circuit set, she won. Turns out, when required to actually prove things, the homophobes don’t do very well.

    A Sincere Thank You To The Bigots. Since all the GLBT rights issues in the courts will ultimately be decided solely by Justice Kennedy, all that matters is what influences him. The more naked and abominable the bigotry, the more likely it is to push him the right way. So keep it up, loudmouths.

    About Judge Walker: his sexual orientation is a non-issue. Being in a marginalized group does not make one more biased than in a majority group; it’s just a different set of biases. And for that reason, arguments that he should have recused himself in the Prop 8 case are non-starters, both intellectually and as a matter of law.

  4. This week at SexGenderBody:

    Olga Wolstenholme defines herself in Am I a Bad Feminist?

    Christina Engela asks people to speak up and act up against trans-related violence, in Grow A Pair.

    James Turnbull examines marketing practices targeting gender and health, in Korean Sociological Image #50: The Depths of the Red Ginseng Craze.

    jaded16 shares her discovery of feminist examples in literature, history and mythology, in Is “The Great Detachment” The New Saviour?

    Jack Molay examines the experiences of women who dream of being men, in The invisible female to male crossdressers and crossdreamers.

    lilith land addresses body image conversations, messages and conclusions, in Making Peace With My Body.

    I discussed how our culture used objectification and marketing to avoid responsibility and dehumanize other cultures in Is That an ‘Honor Killing’ In Your Pocket Or Are You Just Happy Not To Be Me? and how differing views on feminism are showing up, in On Rape, Safe-Words and Choice.

  5. A short note on misunderstanding open-mindedness & ‘hell’ (mostly videos):

    Why people need to knock it off re: Islam being a religion that advocates murder, because it’s just not true:

    New blogroll addition/hilarious new blog:

    Danny discusses working on ‘being a man’ as it relates to expressing pain:

    A rash of suicides in the largest school district in Minnesota, where I live, appears to be related to bullying and harassment, mostly due to sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation:

    Guest post by imnotme about why it is unwise to vote for a candidates religious views:

  6. I wrote about the 7th season of Entourage and its bizarre, unexpected feminist twist in “Is Entourage Sorry?”

    Also about Bill Maher and the left-ish media mocking Christine O’Donnell for not understanding evolution … without understanding evolution in “How to Believe in Evolution and Be Wrong”

    And lastly, I did a quick Heidegger-related analysis of Ke$ha’s “Tik Tok” – ever been to party that seems only to begin and end with no middle? Read about it in “Ke$ha and the Party Unto Death”


  7. At Deeply Problematic, I came back from a short hiatus by posting a reflective piece on ADD, anxiety, and how paperwork can represent a form of institutionalized ableism.

    Two news oriented posts: on the deaths of hundreds of children in state institutions in Bulgaria; covering police and media reaction to the assault of a San Antonio trans woman.

    Less seriously, I posted a rant about directions and how I constantly fail at them [lots of cursing at link!].

  8. This week I posted a photograph I took of Jill Johnston, author of “Lesbian Nation” at the Los Angeles Women’s Building in the late 1970s. Jill passed away last weekend.

    I also wrote a piece about Democratic voters who are saying they aren’t going to vote because Obama and other Democrats have failed to overcome Republican obstructionism. An action that will hand the country back to Republicans who are even worse than the ones in the Bush Regime.

  9. At Chronicles of A Cosmo Nut, I wrote about:

    LadyScience in one of Cosmo’s advertisers:

    Some terrible, no-good, very-bad fitness advice, featuring cranberry juice bottles and singing along to Katy Perry:

    Some terrible, no-good, very-bad sex advice with an extra dose of heteronormativity and ableism:

    A terrible, no-good, very-bad fashion spread, featuring sheer pants:

    And finally, a post in which I connect Cosmo’s content to the pervasive “pinkification” of everything marketed at young women (and a reference to Peggy Orenstein’s new book):

    I’m posting multiple posts every day (I’m currently on Day 14), so please check out the blog for everything that I’ve written so far, and I hope you enjoy this social experiment!

  10. This week on the Ramapo College Women’s Center community blog I wrote about the Green Dots campaign, and some of my co-workers wrote aboutschools in Indonesia barring women who don’t pass a “virginity test” from attending school,Glenn Beck’s fuzzy understanding of history, and the Eminem & Rihanna song Love the Way You Lie among other things.

    I also helped launch the Margaret Sanger Paper’s Project blog this week with a post about Boardwalk Empire!

  11. Hi Everyone, here is a link to a talk I gave last week about UN Security Council Resolution 1325 which calls for the recognition of the gendered impact of military conflict and the inclusion of consideration of that impact and women’s full participation in conflict resolution strategies. There is also a link in the piece to an interview I did on this subject with KPFK’s Feminist Magazine as well as links to other sources of information about 1325.

    Towards A Women-Inclusive Peace: Why 1325 Is The Crucial Number

    Thanks for the open mic, Jill!

    Lucinda Marshall, Director
    Feminist Peace Network

  12. I posted some meandering thoughts on breastfeeding, the shaming of mothers, and how sometimes you just need to eat at Pop-Tart.

    I tried to get past my knee-jerk snarkiness toward Christine O’Donnell and see her as part of a much bigger theocon threat to women’s equality and democracy. (There’s still plenty of snark in the post, though.)

    I’ll try reposting something that had an HTML fail last week, in hopes of getting some feedback this time around: my thoughts on the legal notion of mens rea, which holds that a rapist can be found guilty only if he (or she) acted with a guilty state of mind. It’s an attempt to understand the low conviction rates for rape, why “intent” matters to the law, and what direction feminists might pursue in reform. I’m not a lawyer, just an intelligent layperson, so I’d be especially grateful for responses from people who know more than I!

  13. blame the victim/ class shaming/ heteronormativity policing? why would you post a link like this on a website that is in many ways centered on a kyriarchal critique of all the supposed “problems” with single motherhood you go into? The intense gender essentialism, the ableism and the subtle misogyny of suggestions like “there is no reason to raise children alone when there is a huge supply of Loving Men who want to be married…” made me absolutely recoil. I haven’t read such regressive heterosexist stuff (based on outdated evo psych models of gender roles and family structure) in a long time and did not expect to find something like this linked here at feministe at all.

    Faith: Combating the allowance of such a high rate of OOW births i the Aa community  

  14. This week at re:Cycling, we responded to a new study about Prozac and PMS and to the latest ad for Tampax Pearl. We’ve got instructions to make a uterus piñata and our weekly recommended reading includes menstruation skateboards.

  15. In my brand new blog, I addressed:

    30 Rock: Spousal Rape Hilarity?

    “It’s always depressing to realize that something to which you have devoted time and attention, something created by a powerful woman you admire and trust, something you believed was – if not progressive – at least not actively hostile to you and your experiences, is actually just as crude and insensitive as everything else on television today.”

    Derailing Tactic: Oh, But Women Can?

    “Social Justice Protip: saying that a privileged group should stop doing X does not imply that a marginalized group is “allowed” to do the same X. I know that sentence reads clunky, and that’s because it’s fighting some pretty serious logical fallacies.”

  16. A few new posts up at Pastamatopoeia.

    First is an embarrassing but necessary thought process about how susceptible I am to racist fear-mongering, and what it would mean to have a world of radical respect.
    Second is a recipe from The Grit, a phenomenal vegetarian restaurant in my town, for a vegan chocolate cake with optional cream cheese icing.
    Last is an analytical rage about how GenYers are talked about by non-GenYers, and how data is intentionally skewed.

  17. A bunch of stuff up on Man Boobz, my new blog taking on the Men’s Rights Movement.

    MRA blogger Paul Elam’s evasive nonsense:

    First They Came For the Fleshlights:

    Hey Fellas! Let’s Just Take Away Their Right to Vote!

    There are more, but these three are a good introduction.

  18. “Kush Support- Another Lame Product for Your Imperfect Boobs “

    Melanie, I note that you occasionally mention disability and ableism at Feministe Fatale (though usually as part of a checklist of hierarchy). Just thought I’d let you know that some of us who are actually lame find the use of our bodies as your metaphor for something useless or insulting or bad can hurt.

    In my bloggy news, I’m halfway through posting a photographic walkthrough of my soapmaking:

    Soapmaking Photo Walkthrough, Part One: The Setup

    Soapmaking Photo Walkthrough, Part Two: The Making

    Part Three is on its way, possibly later today.

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