In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Do your thing.

52 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. This week at SexGenderBody:

    Olga Wolstenholme discusses unwelcome body conversations in the workplace, in Cleavage at the Work Place.

    Christina Engela notes how freedom and rights for all are being stripped by the vilification of the LGBTQI community, in Reja Vu.

    James Turnbull explores the cultural, statistical and personal aspects of men accosting women, in Groping in Korea: How Bad Is It Really?.

    jaded16 talks about some of the trolls leaving comments on her feminist posts, in Re-Making While Break-ing Bodies And Meanings.

    Fatma Emam diaries about meeting an admired activist and feminist, in A Day in Karamah.

    Luna Minsky journals and discusses societal and cultural enablement of rape when it happens to sex workers, in On Sex Workers, Sex Criminals, and Police Indifference.

  2. This week on Yes Means Yes Blog:

    The Boiling Frog Principle of Boundary Violation, about how little boundary violations are a necessary part of a culture of big boundary violations. Every rapist stands on a stepladder of disempowerment.

    They Hate Us For Our Freedom. Anti-abortion terrorists actually do hate us for the freedom that our Constitution provides, and their demand is that we curtail it. We do not negotiate with terrorists.

    The Excuses Write Themselves, about how media coverage of rape is almost immediately accompanied by speculation about how the crime didn’t happen or is excusable.

    I have not posted SSPS in several weeks. From the previous week:
    FRalse Rape Allegations Are Rare, reporting a forthcoming study from David Lisak, whose work is the primary source of Predator Theory (see the post at Feministe of the same name from earlier this year).

    GLBT Rights On The Prairie Of Prax, sort of a silly Dr. Seuss takeoff on political cowardice and GLBT rights.

    Terminological Bullshit, about policing women’s naming of their own experiences, in response to a comment on the false allegations thread.

  3. On an episode of ANTM, Tyra tried to promote bullying awareness but, displaying an amazing lack of self-awareness, she actually spent a fair amount of time bullying the contestants with her fellow judges at panel.

    Upon taking a trip to the local second hand store, I was dismayed to find that they had reorganized their toy section by gender- with the boys section containing all of the toys that are not explicitly gendered, leading to a male-as-normal and female-as-other division of children’s toys.

    I wrote about enthusiastic concent in relation to several recent news events… this post has possible trigger warnings for sexual assault and issues pertaining to consent.

  4. This week was an eclectic one—check out these articles:

    Read about the misogyny regarding math

    ”What is Missing?”: Maya Lin’s memorial to lost species

    Feminism and Domesticity

    Find out more about Men’s Studies and its value in understanding gender studies

    Who’s the real feminist in Mad Men?

    We’d love to read your comments, too, so please leave them if an article strikes a chord! Also, make sure to sign up for our newsletter, read about the Call for Writers and our Call for Artists.

    Gender Across Borders

  5. What Would You Bend Over For?: Looking at how some easily walk past coins on the ground with realizing that this is a reflection of their class privilege.

    Really Tired of Lady GaGa: Looking Camille Paglia’s article about her in the Sunday London Times.

    Suicide: An Individual AND a Family Crisis: A woman talks about her sister’s attempted suicide and her personal battle with mental illness.

    Perhaps We Should Not Celebrate Gabourey Sidibe on The Cover of Elle: Looking at the fact that her image appears to have lightened and how this encourages hueism in the Black community.

    The Boondocks: Someone Teach Riley That Hate Speech Is Not Social Commentary: Looking at the promotion of homophobia as social commentary on the popular cartoon The Boondocks.

    Discussing Dusty Skins And Privilege (Part One): Looking at the way hueism is still an issue in India focusing on skin lightening products.

  6. I tried to respond to questions about why the intent of a perpetrator is relevant in prosecuting and defining rape. The result is Why Mens Rea – “Guilty Mind” – Matters to Rape.

    Not directly related to feminism (except insofar as poverty is part of the story): a tornado struck my town Thursday night for the first time in 50 years. Fortunately, no one was killed locally, but it was still terrifying, and those who lost the most are among my county’s poorest residents.

  7. I wrote a lot more than usual this week.

    In “Sex Worker Sob Story Totally Misses the Point”, I ripped into that irritating and highly privileged story by a former Craigslist escort who seems to think that her bad experiences translate into a reason that the Craigslist ban is a good thing. [ ]

    Here’s a list of the articles I’ve written on CarnalNation about sexuality in Africa: [ ].

    And here’s some discussion of why I usually don’t discuss outright feminism on my blog — partly because there’s one blog [ ] that already said everything intelligent about S&M and feminism. I also listed some of my favorite posts over there: [ ].

  8. I’ve created a new blog, Chronicles of a Cosmo Nut, in order to spend a month following all of the advice in Cosmoplitan magazine, and blog about it. I’m also readign all of the articles, and blogging my responses to them.

    Some highlights from this week include:

    How an article on serial rapists reinforces rape culture:

    Cosmo making sweeping, erroneous generalizations about the BDSM/kink community:

    And an eyeshadow tutorial FAIL:

    I will be posting every day, so I hope everyone finds this interesting!

  9. This week in Evil Slutopia:

    ~Some people are having a hard time understanding that it doesn’t matter what Ines Sainz was wearing when she was treated inappropriately by the Jets.

    ~Is Eli Lilly “milking cancer” with artificial bovine growth hormones?

    ~We love Robyn even if MTV apparently doesn’t.

    And this week on ESC TV we’re talking about the disappointing season finale of True Blood, the new CW cheerleading show Hellcats, Selena Gomez at a bar, and a double dose of The Vampire Diaries.

  10. This week on Elysium Avenue Natasha wrote about name changes
    And failing at baking Indian Desserts

    I wrote about the compulsion and subsequent purchase of an American Girl Doll as an adult

    I also shared an amusing song, and story, about early relationship insecurity

    Then we were lucky enough to have several guest posts this week:

    Coming out as gender queer

    Gender role non-conformity in little boys

    Losing your “home” as an adult

    Female fat acceptance

    and finally, a Contest!

  11. This week at re:Cycling, we have something to say about ‘Menopause Awareness Month’; what kinds of visual metaphors are used to represent menstrual bleeding in ads; and how young should women begin waxing. Also, we celebrate our own first birthday, welcome two new bloggers, offer up our weekly recommended reading, and comment about treating PMS with Prozac.

  12. I have to start by saying last night, I got an unexpected package – a friend who was cut off because he became abusive decided to send back the birthday present I drew him. I have spent all day trying to figure out what message he meant to send by that. ANYWAY, this week I wrote an update about having sex after being raped, and I told horror stories about the god-awful roommates I have had for the past two years. Really, if I escape this house without killing someone, that will be SUCH AN ACCOMPLISHMENT.

  13. I put up a piece this week about the murder of people that society degrades and devalues:

    and another about the changing semantics of “tough” which now seems to mean the ability to inflict pain upon other whereas it used to mean an ability to endure pain and survive.

  14. My book, The Twisted Sisterhood: Unraveling the Dark Legacy of Female Friendships (Random House/Ballantine, Oct. 26) is now available for pre-order on Amazon, B&N, Borders, IndieBooks, et al.

    The book is an outgrowth of a New York Times article folks on Feministe, Jezebel, et al. discussed with impressive vigor. More info at Thanks!

  15. I am super late on this but I talk about being GenderQueer-

    Some hidden mysogyny in (a couple) of my favorite (used to be) bands song lyrics.-

    How does eco-feminism fit into my spirituality?-

    We got Sarah Palin faux feminism and we also have pop faux feminism, will it return?

    Goddess of the Month-Hecate Queen of the Heaven, Hell and Earth-

  16. I have just started a community on LiveJournal called Alt_Abortion. There’s nothing there yet (I really just started it), but hopefully as word spreads around, we can get in methods of alternative abortions (i.e. pills, herbs, ect.) girls can try if a more legitimate and safe abortion is unavailable to them. It’s not a pleasant thought, but there are girls and women for whom an abortion is simply not going to happen, but who need one desperately and will try all sorts of things in the meantime to end the pregnancy. Hopefully this can provide some safer options.

  17. You know the bullies who hang around outside health clinics with the purpose of making women feel bad about deciding to have an abortion? They call themselves “sidewalk counselors” in America, and they’re running a survey trying to find out, from women who have had an abortion, how effective they are.

    You get an opportunity in an open-text box in Q5 to respond to the question “Did you interact with any sidewalk counselors?” which I presume includes telling them they’re a bunch of creepy assholes: and a further opportunity to respond if you like in a question which assumes you might have decided not to have the abortion (though knowing how surveymonkey works, they can ignore all responses in this box from all the women who just had abortions).

    Obviously, this kind of survey is only mildly scientific. Surveymonkey logs a cookie which is intended to ensure that only one reponse is taken from one person.

    I’m sorry, I know this is not quite what was meant for “shameless self-promotion”, but I would love to see these guys inundated with responses from people who loathe their pavement-bully tactics.

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