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Big wins for the Tea Party; losses for hairy palms

Masturbation is Murder

Tea Party favorite Christine O’Donnell won the Republican primary in Delaware last night, which is a big victory for the far right. While O’Donnell isn’t hugely opposed to sins like lying and stealing, she is very much against the horrors of masturbation, which is about as bad as cheating on your spouse. But she also has shrubs full of enemies, so maybe she’s just afraid of getting caught in the act?

Good work, America.

21 thoughts on Big wins for the Tea Party; losses for hairy palms

  1. I set my homepage to the BBC Worldservice and literally did spit-take this morning when I read the headline “TEA PARTIERS WIN BIG in DELAWARE”. And I was in my half drowsy state was about to freak, when I realised it was only the Primary (and its in Delaware, which on its worst day is more liberal than conservative.) There at least, I think she’s going to polarize and energize the non-conservative base…and hell, judging the way more moderate Republicans are talking about these folk…perhaps even moderate republicans too.

    1. In talking about masturbation on MTV, she said, “the Bible says that lust in your heart is committing adultery. So you can’t masturbate without lust.”

      So, yeah, she basically did say that masturbation is like cheating on your spouse.

  2. “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart” (Matt. 5:27-8).

    This is a fairly well-known passage of the Bible. Did you really not know that she was referencing it, or do you have a problem with the passage itself?

  3. If I’m not getting off fairly regularly, whether through partner sex or solo sex, I get off in my sleep. My mind and body just take care of it for me. What would she recommend for someone like me? Never go to sleep, because when I have an orgasm I’m clearly lustful and therefore cheating on my hypothetical future husband?

  4. I didn’t see the t.v. show. But I think she has a point. Do you want your man masturbating thinking about someone else? Isn’t the point of marriage to be exclusively for each other?

    Jill: In talking about masturbation on MTV, she said, “the Bible says that lust in your heart is committing adultery. So you can’t masturbate without lust.”So, yeah, she basically did say that masturbation is like cheating on your spouse.  

    1. I didn’t see the t.v. show. But I think she has a point. Do you want your man masturbating thinking about someone else? Isn’t the point of marriage to be exclusively for each other?

      I think “my man” masturbating and having fantasies is a sign of a healthy sexuality. I certainly don’t think it’s any sort of violation — and NOTHING close to adultery — for him to fantasize about someone else. Do I want him to do that? I dunno, his business. But I don’t mind if he does, and where I married, I’m pretty sure I would do the same.

  5. Joe Rogan has a whole routine about Dr. Phil basically saying the same thing. It’s sadly not that uncommon an idea.

  6. Elena: Maybe she has a point for her personal life. It needs to stay the fuck out of her political actions. What a jackass.

    And I don’t care what “my man” thinks when he masturbates. Not my business. For some people, the point of marriage is not as you have defined it. For example, my SO and I do stuff with other people because I am bisexual. Non-exclusive, yet…the world has not ended.

  7. Elena: the point of MY marriage is that I live with the man I love and we take care of each other and are there for one another. I love him more than anyone else in the world, and I always will, so I married him. We can both negotiate having sex with other people, however, if we wish to do so.

    There are models of marriage that don’t demand monogamy. These work just fine for lots of people, and mine has worked for me for 4 years of dating and 15 years of marriage.

    What my husband fantasizes about while he jerks off is not my concern. I personally HOPE he’s fantasizing about something more adventurous and exotic than me, because to me, that’s the point of fantasy: escaping the everyday world. I certainly don’t fantasize about him exclusively when I’m spending quality time with Mr. Hitachi. I don’t see why either of us should or would be threatened by that.

    Narrow cultural definitions of what marriage is “for” are responsible for a lot of pain. “For” monogamous folks, “for” straight folks, “for” folks with kids . . . do I need to keep going? Marriage ought to be “for” people who want to get married. How’s that?

    As for the original post, that sperm thing on the billboard is terrifying. And I just don’t see how masturbation is like infidelity.

    I can fantasize about James Purefoy until my ears bleed, but he’s not going to come to my house and spend time with me and do things for and to me and help me out when I’m having a rough time or demand my attention at inconvenient moments, or take me away from my husband in any way that matters. Same with my husband and Jessica Biel. If he’s in there boxing the bishop thinking about her, that’s not taking anything away from me.

    Most masturbation for me is pressure release. It’s not a partnered sex act that is part of a relationship. There is no two-way street there. My orgasms don’t belong to my husband, and his don’t belong to me. They’re mine, and I am not obligated to share every single one of them with him, whether in thought or deed.

  8. Elena: I didn’t see the t.v. show. But I think she has a point. Do you want your man masturbating thinking about someone else? Isn’t the point of marriage to be exclusively for each other?   (Quote this comment?)

    As a matter of fact I was just thinking I wanted to control every emotion and thought of my partner. Attractions, and thoughts aren’t purely rational and controllable. I don’t think its loving or healthy to even try to control what someone you love thinks about while masterbating (or in any other manner). There’s a very real difference between thought and deed, and on the whole? I’m not saying people are above such things as petty jealousy, but on a scientific level, people think about sex and live in a world that doesn’t include just their spouses. Its not possible to JUST be attracted to one and only one person. It seems like setting oneself up for failure engaging in such a supposition.

  9. Naamah: As for the original post, that sperm thing on the billboard is terrifying.  

    Haha – I actually had started to giggle when I saw the Casper-like sperm on the bill board and it’s oh-so important message. I actually think that sign is going to cause people to make love to their hand (or small motorized machine) just to spite the message. Now if you’ll excuse me, there’s a removable shower head with my name on it…

  10. I don’t think she has a point at all. I could care less who my husband thinks about when he’s masturbating. Infidelity has the power to hurt your partner, end your marriage and destroy your trust in your spouse. Masturbation? Not so much.

    I am a little scared about the tea party candidates winning primaries though. It happened in the NY primary for governor as well, though I’m pretty sure he has no chance in hell once it goes to the general election.

  11. @elena “I didn’t see the t.v. show. But I think she has a point. Do you want your man masturbating thinking about someone else? Isn’t the point of marriage to be exclusively for each other?

    Wait, what man? What marriage?

  12. You think she spent campaign money to pay off her student loans?

    Try logging onto her campaign site and the first thing you get are empty credit card fields.

    I’ve heard she’s also been accused of spending campaign money on rent and other personal expenses.

    Who knows?

  13. I’m more concerned about her creation of this SALT group. And her position on homosexuality and gender propriety are decidedly more out there than her beliefs on masterbation.

    Joe.My.God and GoodAsYou blogs have both been doing a lot of due dilligence on Ms. O’Donnell’s affiliations and public statements. The masterbation claims are the least of my concerns. (I don’t know how this blog deals with posting links to other blogs but it directly applies in any case)

    I really love the term “sexual brokeness” though. I might have to reference it for future use.

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