In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Things will be calmer by then…

Hey there, Feministers! I’m Tyla, and the kind ladies here at Feministe have asked me to guest blog for two weeks. I’m beyond thrilled to be here, even though I’m a little late. You see, my guest blogging stint was supposed to start on Monday. When I was asked earlier this summer what weeks would be good for me, I thought, “Hey, by late August, my life will definitely have calmed down. I’ll have plenty of time to write really great, well thought out posts that everyone will love.” At that point, I was working as a temp and (I thought) very near to becoming full-time and salaried (every girl’s dream).

Since then, my life has done a total 180. Not only am I no longer in that position, let alone on a steady salary, in actuality, my job was given to someone else. I’m not complaining. The upset gave me an opportunity to follow a passion of mine, and since then, I’ve secured not one but two internships of my dreams. This week is the first week of the two internships happening simultaneously (both of them are supposed to be three days a week…but some smiling and sweet talking has helped me negotiate that situation). Also, my roommate and I are moving to a new apartment this weekend. If any of you have looked for an apartment in New York, you probably know that it is the closest to hell a New Yorker can get. Other than bedbugs. And oh yeah, we’re dealing with that this week too.

For clarity’s sake, I’m not whining. I’m having the time of my life and I couldn’t be more honored to try to squeeze guest blogging at Feministe into my all too hectic schedule this week and next. Bottom line, I’ve learned to never say “By then, life will have calmed down a bit,” because I know for me, and probably for most of you, life calming down doesn’t ever really happen. We learn to juggle. And we learn to deal. And on our good days, we smile and we’re thankful for the things that are going right. (Good thing you caught me on a good day…)

Thanks for having me!

(I just read the guest-blogging instructions and I’m supposed to tell you where I typically write. I have a blog called Learning to Live Without a Microwave. I have been slacking off there as well, see craziness of life mentioned above. I’ve been told that I may get to do some writing at my new internship at Saveur magazine, but since I just started today, I really can’t be sure about that one yet. Keep your fingers crossed for me!)

5 thoughts on Things will be calmer by then…

  1. Bedbugs SUCK! I’m not great with bugs period, but when they get in my bed while I’m sleeping, it’s infinitely scarier. I had a different bug issue which has thankfully resolved itself, so I wish you the very same – a quick recovery.

    Good luck! Welcome!

  2. Bedbugs are horrific to have to deal with… and on top of an NYC move? Yikes. Good luck. A love your other blog– I’ve lurked for a while, though I’d say my favorite recent post was the banana pudding entry. What would you say are you most eager to writer about on feminste?

    I do a lot of writing on the intersection of geek culture, male privilege, disability, ableism and racism. I recently wrote an entry detailing some pretty odious statements by the artist of the extremely popular comic “Axe Cop”. I hope you or the comments here might have the time to check it out sometime.

    I look forward to seeing what you will contribute here in the days to come.

  3. I can relate to the fact that you should never say “life will be calmer by then”. Learning to deal with what life throws at me on a daily basis, is one of the hardest things to learn, however, but also a very valuable lesson.

    Congratulations on your internships! I hope they work out okay for you and you’ll learn a lot while on them.

  4. Yea, I know the feeling of being busy. I am a temp as well and when I got the job I couldn’t write as muc or practice my spirituality. I feel very half-full :/ It is great that you figured out that, I am too one of those people who say things like that and have it end up being not true in the end. Thanks for your post!

  5. Thanks for the welcome and well wishes everyone!

    Shawn – glad to know you’ve stopped by my blog! I’ll definitely check out your stuff, you know, when I’m procrastinating at work or something. As for what I’m most excited to write about? I’ve been making a mental list since early in the summer and now, of course, I can’t remember most of what was on it! We’ll just have to see what comes up in my life in the next day or two, but I bet it will have something to do with my feeble attempts to get all the facets of my life together!

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