In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Everyone I’ve Ever Loved

is at Cooper Union tonight. About five steps from where I’ll be studying in the library. I hate my life.

If you live in New York, go. If you don’t, or if you’re desperately trying not to fail out of law school, be sad like me, because here’s who you’re missing: Edward Albee, Sandra Cisneros, Don DeLillo, Dave Eggers, Heidi Julavits, Walter Mosley, Grace Paley, and Salman Rushdie, among others. It hurts, I know.

16 thoughts on Everyone I’ve Ever Loved

  1. That’s what sucks about law school. So easy to blow of the beginning of the semester . . . only to screw up your November and December. But at least you’re not a med student where your whole year is screwed.

  2. Off topic –

    the Protein (more like Optional) Wisdom tools are sounding off about yout T-Shirt post.

  3. p.s. -just call them out to enlist in the armed forces -that always gets their knickers in a bunch.

  4. I find this post funny:

    I’m starting my own line of t-shirts. My first will say “All women with massive hooters like these say F**K BUSH”. Waiting for how contradicted the radical feminists will be with that one.

  5. I find a lot of the stuff over there funny. But don’t tell them that — it would ruin my reputation as a humorless bitch.

  6. I find a lot of the stuff over there funny. But don’t tell them that — it would ruin my reputation as a humorless bitch.

    I haven’t been around here long (and I don’t read PW unless they happen to be linked to by a blog that I do read) but there seems to be a “relationship” between your two blogs. Is there a history here? They seem to link to you guys more often than normal and I’ve seen them mentioned here more than other other rightier blogs.

  7. Is there a history here? They seem to link to you guys more often than normal and I’ve seen them mentioned here more than other other rightier blogs.

    Oh it’s a long story… started out with Jeff more or less calling me a bimbo on his blog a couple months ago, escalated from there. Now there’s a pretty constant back and forth. And by “back and forth” I mean that every fifth post I write gets put up on Protein Wisdom and everyone flips out about what a moron I am in a nice tidy circle of mutual masturbation.

    But I like it.

    Snarkiness aside (I’m really not bitter, I swear), his commenters are smart and interesting, and so are ours (naturally), so it makes for good discussion. And it’s all good-natured, at least between Jeff, Lauren and I (commenters are a different game, especially the ones who won’t let the creepy jokes about me and Jeff go — ahem). They’re waiting for Lauren to come out of her Libertarian closet, and I’m not sure what they’re waiting for me to do… die, perhaps. I’m not exactly Miss Popularity over there.

    (But we’re cute, so it’s ok)

  8. I like the feminstes. I link here a lot because I have a special interest in identity politics and this is a site practically devoted to such. Plus, it’s not a cesspool over here (people like DUDACKATTACK notwithstanding; incidentally, he tried the chickenhawk argument on my site a while back; if I’m remembering correctly, a number of current and former military readers were quick to put him in his place, and he hasn’t been back).

    I think the cross-pollination between our blogs has been good. Both Jill and Lauren articulate their positions clearly and, for the most part, in good faith. I also have a friendly relationship with Rox Populi, who emails with me every now and again.

  9. “Plus, it’s not a cesspool over here (people like DUDACKATTACK notwithstanding; incidentally, he tried the chickenhawk argument on my site a while back; if I’m remembering correctly, a number of current and former military readers were quick to put him in his place, and he hasn’t been back).”

    DONT go there.

    If you’re citing me as one of the contributors of the stench reeking over at Optional Wisdom, you are not paying enough attention.
    I stopped posting over at your echo chamber because I got tired of all the bitching -both yours and on the comment board.
    God forbid I would call anyone out on their mendacity, or go snark vs. snark, the language would descend in the gutter but I was willing to go toe to toe right the end. At first it was amusing but it got tiresome in a major hurry.

    But oh no!! Don’t you dare call us Chickenhawks!!! “It’s the last refuge of a pussy”!! How dare you? We have people on the message board who are with the military, see?

    For those who have served or are still on active duty, thanks. I truly wish your services could have been put to better use rather than being pawns of the Messianic Cowboy and the PNAC Puppeteers.

    But for the rest who think they’re winning the “war of ideas” from their keyboards, I’ll still say it:
    Better yet, WUSS, MAMA’S BOY or CANDY-ASS.

    If the Optional Wisdom echo chamber thinks Operation Endless Clusterfuck is as righteous as they say it is, then fine, put your money where your mouth is and fight it over there.
    The military has a major shortfall in new recruits and the bar for qualification has never been lower: twelve percent of recruits in October had lowest acceptable scores possible on the Army’s aptitude test.

    That goes for you too Jeff. I’m sure Stars and Stripes could use a new field reporter. Your strength is in fiction, I’m sure you’ll fit right in.


  10. …everyone flips out about what a moron I am…

    I have never thought you a moron, Jill, just wrong sometimes.^^

    And LOL at duduckacluck, this board is smart enough that I will just let your last post speak for itself.

  11. But for the rest who think they’re winning the “war of ideas” from their keyboards, I’ll still say it:
    Better yet, WUSS, MAMA’S BOY or CANDY-ASS.

    …said the brave anonymous DUDACKATTACK.


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