In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

You know what to do.

67 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. True Blood:Crimes: Looking at the increasing violence in the series.

    Whoopi Goldberg comes to the defense of Mel Gibson’s and then of course after being called out she had to defend herself.

    Ovulation:The ultimate insult?: A trans man is told he doesn’t belong because he might be ovulating.

    Go Ahead and Step to me, It’s Time to Talk About Sex: Looking at why part of owning our sexuality is being able to talk about our desires openly. The comment thread is filled with people listing what turns them on. This is a safe space and no judgment will be allowed.

    I Have Rotten Lemons, Want Lemonade? (Trigger Warning): Looking at a politician who feels that telling child molestation survivors to just get over it is acceptable.

    Fully Functional: Looking at why the terms “High Functioning” and “Low Functioning” are problematic

    Abortion, Adoption When Do Women Feel Regret: Looking at why there is silence around the experiences and feelings of birth mothers.

    Finally Sunday Shame: The worst Betrayal of Womankind Evah: yes, I had my period and my unhusband ate my chocolate. Weigh in and let us know if this really constitutes a shame and while you are at it, share what your partner or roommate has recently done that just crosses the line.

  2. We wrote quite a bit this week!

    Twilight Eclipse, The Ultimate Mormon Vampire Love Story: What to expect from Twilight and what the story essentially boils down to.

    The Mel Gibson Tapes Have Been Released: I suppose now there is no doubt, the man has come unhinged.

    Huge: A Potential Step in the Right Direction for Body Acceptance but Not Without Its Faults: Everyone is talking about why we must celebrate the new ABC Family Show ‘Huge’ but we’re still very far away from body acceptance in the media.

    Foodie Culture has run Amok on the Food Network: Foodie culture can say it’s all about accessibility, but it’s really just incredibly classist.

    Book Review: Put on Your Crown by Queen Latifah: A review of Queen Latifah’s new self-help-like book on self esteem for young women.

    Old Spice The Man Your Man Could Smell Like: Old Spice is a company that truly knows its audience and how to utilize social media in a fun way to reach it.

    Your NSFW Vampire Lovin’: Holly really doesn’t like vampires. Or television shows, books or movies with vampires. She does, however, really like one thing that came from our vampire-obsessed culture. The Vamp dildo from Tantus.

    Lindsay Lohan’s Photoshoot and Cover for August 2010 Issue of German GQ: Everyone is really sick of hearing about Lindsay Lohan’s jail sentence and rehab stints. Instead, let’s talk about this young woman’s recent work. Yes, work. You know, something she actually wants the media to pay attention to and for people to see. Something she can be proud to put her stamp of approval on. That will be a nice change of pace in the Lindsay Lohan media frenzy.

  3. This week at Gender Across Borders:

    A report on maternal mortality and abortion in Kenya.

    Revisiting the documentary Maria’s Story.

    A review of Backward Glances: Contemporary Chinese Cultures and the Female Homoerotic Imaginary.

    Investigating the recent honor killings in India.

    An open letter to and Google Ads about their ads for mail-order brides.

    We concluded our global feminism series, and don’t forget to join us TOMORROW at 8:00pm CST for our global feminism live chat!

  4. This week, lest we forget that being female is a horrible genetic disorder that should be shunned and condemned by God and God’s representatives on earth – mighty, mighty men – Facebook has decided to remind us. How?
    Siting an article on equality in religion as “abusive content” and not allowing readers to follow any link to it.

    Also, a look at language, reclaiming words, and the dumb dudebros who fling said words.

    And for those so inclined, puppies that look like David Bowie.

  5. I wrote about a new experiment on trans job discrimination in NYC –they sent pairs of cis and trans testers to apply for high-end retail jobs, and found the cis testers got waaay more job offers, despite being furnished with crappier resumes. Not exactly surprising, but there haven’t been too many investigations like it.

    Oh, and I wrote about the crappy economy giving employers a chance to hold out for more privileged applicants, and I shared this fabulous periodic table of swearing.

  6. This week in Evil Slutopia:

    ~We put together a Totally Gay Company Boycott List for the AFA and Other Homophobes

    As always, we read Cosmo so you don’t have to: Cosmo Quickies: July 2010

    ~We did a roundup of good and bad New York news: New York Minute

    ~We took a look at the way that different TV shows have handled abortion storylines: Abortion on Television

    ~New York magazine sums up True Blood’s Lafayette as a Cross-Dressing Drug-Dealing Prostitute

    ~Did you know that the Rice Krispies elves are gay? Gallagher Drops Gay Elf Bombshell

  7. I didn’t write anything this week, but I was browsing through these links and I just wanted to say how fabulous you all are. Thanks turning my lazy Sunday afternoon into an entertaining and provocative one. 🙂

  8. At Bookish Beemer:

    Are Drugs Worth It? I talk about taking medication, more specifically, its side effects, labeled and otherwise, and the things people have to weigh to decide: is it worth it?

    Perspectives on Danger. Why minorities perceive potential dangers more readily than majorities.

    An Abuse of Power. A post from a few weeks ago on police brutality, why it happens, and why we tolerate it on a societal level. I’m re-posting this because of the gravity of the problem–one we should forget about until the next case surfaces.

  9. GAH!! That last line should read “should NOT forget about until the next case surfaces.”

    Sorry for any misunderstandings and momentary increases in blood pressure!

  10. @Astrid

    I think both those topics are feminist issues. Of course, I think everything is a feminist issue. ^_^

  11. Really prolific week here at the ‘Barn!

    First off, Magical Chicken denounces the ban of the documentary about a man detained under Singapore’s Internal Security Act (it’s his personal accounts of being locked up without trial or charge for almost 20 years). Transcript for part of the banned video can be found here.

    Then I talk about how people are reluctant to discuss “issues” which then leads to attitudes like “well you’re the racist for noticing race” annoying troll attitude.


  12. This week we’ve written about a great new book on feminism: “Reclaiming the F Word” by Catherine Redfern and Kristin Aune.

    Also, a rant about the use of language in relation to women. The Marie Claire article this month on CIA agent Elizabeth Hanson questions the “bubbly Mid-western girl” and her decision to become a CIA agent–instead of praising such a brave and devoted woman!!!

  13. Sorry I’m late to the party!

    Nicholas Kristof explains why he chooses to overlay the stories of white protagonists over African background players in his writings on international development, and I contend that racism in our view of the developing world is to blame.

    Pearls N the Hood offers up some great tips on being a courteous weekend crasher, so you can stay your summer weekends in style.

    Mongoose6 offers an impressive take-down of poorly sourced, pseudo-science in the Economist, this time Christopher Eppig claiming national disease burden causes cross-country IQ differentials.

    And I take issue with Owen Gleiberman classifying Twilight love as a “backlash” against feminism because it represents “an unambiguous embrace, by women, of the male gaze.” Um, huh? We thought it represented an embrace of the vampiric gaze!

  14. I tried once, but I think I messed up with the rules, so I’m going to try again.
    This week, Subterfuge Magazine looked at a personal relationship with Lady Gaga.

    We also talked about unsent PostSecret regrets from the fifth grade and about the breathtaking contributions Bangladeshi author Taslima Nasrin made to the feminist canon, and what the 2007 attack meant for women like her everywhere.

    Again, sorry about the boneheadedness, and I’m off to read everything else you excellent ladies have listed here.

  15. Oh, my God, I messed up on the HTML. I’m so sorry! Please let me try again.

    This week, we looked into a personal relationship with Lady Gaga. []

    We also have an unsent fifth grade PostSecret Regret here. []

    We also talked about the breathtaking contributions of the Bangladeshi feminist Taslima Nasrin, and what the attack on 2007 means for feminist authors/literature in many parts of the world. []

    I hope this works out better. Again, thank you for this opportunity and for the excellent contributions that I’m about to start reading… right now.

  16. This is my third try to make things right. If my nervousness takes advantage of me again, I’m going to just give up.

    This week in Subterfuge Magazine, we looked into a personal relationship with Lady Gaga:

    We also have an unsent fifth grade PostSecret Regret here:

    We discussed Bangladeshi feminist Taslima Nasrin and the aftermath of the attempt on her life three years ago:

    Now I’m going to go pursue these excellent links.


    I write this blog, because their wasn’t a whole lot of useful stuff I found when I started really dealing with the medial system on stories of femme trans boi/genderqueers, about how feminism and gender idenity interact and colour our perceptions, and that is what butch boi and Kate bornstein miss in totality, they make the same assumptions about my gender and sexuality that the wider cis community do they assume that I am butch (darling? really? ) that I date women exclusively.

  18. Sure it’s late but I was managing my daughter’s 11th birthday party yesterday. And (as I tweeted) “Sometimes a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do. I got to make a 4 layer b-day cake!

    One post I’m feeling particularly shameless about was actually a shameless repost of Greta Christina on “Sex and the Off-Label Use of Our Bodies”, wherein she refutes and repudiates the conservative essentialist argument for cis, het PIV-intercourse-for-reproduction-only sex.

    The immediate topic of Maybe It’s Finally Time to Start Outing Users and Abusers in Kink Communities Instead of Hoping They’ll Just Go Away focused on the alt-sex community but its message applies to advantage-takers in all manner of organizations.

    Inspired by Monica Potts’ thoughtful counterproposals to yet another stupid MRA “solution” to unplanned, unwanted pregnancies I wrote From Asinine to Insane: How Social Policies About Single Fathering Harm All Parents and Their Children. It’s about how the social construction of fathers as family heads and “breadwinners” results in social policies that deprive women and children of social and charitable support.

    Thoroughly cheesed that the Church decided to include a condemnation of ordination of women priests in its document outlining sanctions against pedophile priests I wrote For Better or Worse Pedophile Priests Should Stop Panicking About the Ordination of Women. It’s a very barbed challenge of traditional arguments for privileging men to the exclusion of women.

    And finally, I once again asked why prostitution seems to magically protect johns and pimps from sexual predator and sexual assault of a child charges in Questioning, But Not Challenging, Lawrence Taylor’s Indictment for Raping a Sex-Trafficked 16-Year-Old.


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