In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Miss Tasha If You’re Nasty

Hey y’all, my name is Tasha Fierce, but feel free to just call me Tasha or TF because we’re going to be tight like that. For the next two weeks I’ll be guest blogging with the other lovelies here. My personal blog is at Red Vinyl Shoes and I also contribute to the pop culture blog I Fry Mine in Butter. You might have also read my writing at Jezebel, Racialicious, FWD/Forward and Shapely Prose. Or maybe you haven’t and I’m just tooting my own clown horn.

Now that we’ve got the introductions out of the way, let me clue you in to how I operate.

First off, I don’t sugarcoat things. I’m a fat, disabled, queer black woman. Dealing with things like walking privileged people through why what they’re saying is offensive or problematic is not on my to-do list on any given day. I will talk about “white people” and I will not take time out to single out the “good” white people who may or may not do whatever I said white people do. I’m sorry, but you’re going to have to pat yourself on the back. If what I say doesn’t apply to you, then it doesn’t, so you can move along. I understand this is a problem for some of you, but just know that angry comments about how I’m racist because I generalize white people are not going to make it out of the queue, period.

Secondly, I don’t suffer fools gladly. I don’t write for a 101-style audience, I often tackle topics that are unpopular and that may make you uncomfortable. Hopefully they also make you think. There are great resources like the Feminism 101 blog and your best friend Google that can help you understand an issue without asking a borderline offensive question. I’m sure I won’t have to deal with any of that from you lovely readers, but I felt I should put that out there.

Finally, I work a quasi-day job that doesn’t always allow me to moderate comments in a speedy fashion. So unfortunately, you may have to wait. You may also have to wait for me to respond. I do my best to sneak off and check on the health of my burgeoning Internet empire throughout the day, but sometimes I just can’t get to it. But, if your comment isn’t up by the evening (Pacific time, I’m a California girl), it probably won’t go up period because it didn’t adhere to the comment rules. I don’t like to stifle debate, but I also don’t like petty arguing, race baiting, fat shaming, body snarking and blog posts disguised as comments. I’m not going to trash your comment because you disagree with me, but if the way you disagree with me is couched in offensive terms, yes, it’s going to the trash.

That’s about it! Here’s to two weeks of outrage and debate. Well, hopefully just debate, although you may have to deal with some outrage on my part because hey, the world ain’t perfect.

And hey, if you want to follow my Library of Congress-worthy tweets, add me on Twitter: @redvinylshoes

18 thoughts on Miss Tasha If You’re Nasty

  1. I’m a fellow WOC blogger (who also lacks patience with 101 type bullshit) and I am really looking forward to your posts!

  2. Welcome! You already won me over with your sharp wit, so I can’t wait to see what you decide to post about!

  3. I was hoping it was you when I read the title of this post. I enjoyed your writing elsewhere (esp. on FWD) so am looking forward to what you say here.

  4. wow. that was the kind of introduction that makes me fall in love at first sight. i can’t wait to read your posts here … no, really, i can’t wait …. ::heads over to your blog::

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