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12 thoughts on Cat Lady Links

  1. Perhaps I am humorless, but I did not find the “hahahaha” link very funny. Instead, I thought the designer was very disrespectful to his administrative assistant. Case in point: “I don’t come downstairs and tell you how to send text messages, log onto Facebook and look out of the window.” Yes, because that is exactly what administrative assistants do all day.

    Clearly making these posters did not take him very long, or he would not have been able to toss off so many of them with his very important and very busy schedule. Instead of assisting this woman who spends all her time assisting his career, he chose to mock her for her entire work day. Very classy, dude.

  2. I realize the emails are fabricated. What I object to is that the joke relies on what I believe is a very problematic kind of power-play that comes close to being classist.

  3. Bakka – A poster for a lost cat is not difficult to make. I would not bother a co-worker about it, and certainly not so persistently. It was funny, even if you didn’t ‘get’ the kind of people it was making fun of.

  4. I agree with Bakka. I wasn’t really amused by the “Hahahaha” link at all because to me it just made the graphic designer look like a jerk.

    The “Awwww” link was adorable though. Thanks so much for sharing!

  5. I was kind of assumed that they were friends, or at least work friends. Neither one seemed to be holding back at all, so I thought it was banter. Although she was clearly getting annoyed.

  6. A good friend of mine does graphic design work for a living, and you wouldn’t believe the sort of stuff he has to put up with from people that obviously think “oh it’s just like MS paint it’s not a big deal”.

    I think if I were receiving daily emails from coworkers who acted as if it were automatically my job to sort out all their personal poster-making needs then I’d get a little irate.

    (Plus it was really, really funny, so huge thanks for that link)

  7. AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I laughed so freakin hard my stomach hurts, I was literally slapping my knee. And the line “That cat is orange” just really did it for me. ZOMG that was too funny. And squee at the cute kittens.

  8. I hated that top link too, I didn’t even crack a smile. In my head it seemed like he was being a total unsympathetic dick to someone who was desperately worried about her lost cat, and she was putting up with him being a dick because she was desperately worried and wanted an eyecatching poster to increase her chances of finding it. I’m sure it was fake but… 😐

  9. Yeah, I’ll join the humorless folks — a couple of the fake posters made me snicker, but I mostly sided with the irony-challenged secretary (she cares about a missing pet so she’s crazy LOL!) in this fake story, more than the guy who decided it was too imposing to do her a favor when it’s much more fun to be a dick to her for no reason.

  10. I lol’d.

    Not all assistants are created equal. I like to think that when I held a job like that – I pulled my weight (emphasis on “like”). But perhaps his comments on her work performance were referencing a real issue.

  11. I would consider myself a cat lady, but I was crying laughing reading that.

    Sorry Nicole 😉

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