In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Recommended Reads

Body Impolitic: The Things We Can Control
Musings on body modifcation in all its forms.

Alley Rat: Parental Notification Laws Just Move The Abortions To Another State
A post on the California proposal with some damning research as to its efficacy.

Pesky Apostrophe: I Want My Rose-Coloured Glasses Now, Please

Cutting off food stamps and the school lunch program to 300,000 people is certainly a better way to cut spending than, say, cutting off funding to programs that are really important…you know, like abstinence only sex education programs and marriage promotion programs. Who needs food when we can live on bad marriages and bad education?

This Is Not Over: You Don’t Have To Be Stupid To Be a Whore, But It Helps
When politicians make medical laws.

Half-Changed World: What It Takes
Comments on being a stay-at-home parent, including links on SAH dads.

Noli Irritare Leones: Somehow His Eyes Never Left Me Alone
On women and the gaze.

Majikthise: Jesus Hates Tetanus Shots
Finally, cogent commentary on the vaccine debate.

Scott Lemieux on The American Prospect: Chipping Away
If conservatives want to abolish abortion rights without overturning Roe v. Wade, Samuel Alito may be just the man they need.

Mad Melancholic Feminista: Autonomy, Father’s Rights, and the State’s Role
More on the Alito husband notification decision, plus.

Pharyngula: Evolution of the Mammalian Vagina
‘Nuff said.

3 thoughts on Recommended Reads

  1. Intersting article on the Evolution of the Mammalian Vagina. Honestly some of it went over my head – too many years since I studied moleculat biology (why I rook the courses is still a mystery to me;-)). What I want to know is where hymens come from and why. They seem totally useless (only humans and horses have them) and they have caused so much trouble for women throughout the ages, it would be worthwhile to know why they exist.

  2. I wish there was an edit feature. Random typos are a pain but spelling it “moleculat” biology is just plain stupid!

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