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Bits and Pieces

Wire Derby Horse Names: The greatest Twitter hashtag of all time. I would definitely bet on a horse named Hamsterdam.

Miley Cyrus releases a video in which she’s dressed up like a bird in a cage. For some reason this is a big deal? I don’t understand, but I am elderly compared to your average Miley fan, so. Some women think that the song lyrics are Girl Empowerful, which is great. I couldn’t force myself to watch the video or listen to the song more than once (spoiler: IT’S NEW LEVELS OF TERRIBLE), so I’ll just link to Gabe, who sums up my thoughts.

Vajazzling: The Newest Threat to Your College Son. Hilarious.

On Needing Your Mother, Still. This piece by Jessica Grose had me in tears. I’m a little late on posting it, but it’s a Mother’s Day must-read.

Military bloggers on Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.

This editorial in The Nation basically sums up how I feel about the Kagan nomination.

The protests in Thailand are getting increasingly violent.

14 thoughts on Bits and Pieces

  1. “Vajazzling is real, Christwire though, is parody.”


    Oh I know Vajazzling is real; sorry if that wasn’t clear. I also think Vajazzling is just as ridiculous as that article. Not a big Vajazzling fan. Nope. Not at all.

  2. Oh, thank goodness! I thought Christwire was for serious at first. I wonder how many of my relatives I can fool into enthusiastic agreement with a parody of their values… I bet most of them.

  3. I’m feeling a bit silly now. I’ve spent ten minutes clicking round Christwire in horror. I’m not good at recognising satire.

  4. Wow… I didn’t think that Christwire was satire, because even though it’s completely absurd and nonsensical, so are a lot of radical right-wingers. That article was pretty funny either way. Those poor frat boys being pounced on my whores and forced to care for children!

  5. After reading the vajazzling article I thought Christwire might be an example of Poe’s Law. It is good to hear that it is indeed satire and not real.

  6. “I’m feeling a bit silly now. I’ve spent ten minutes clicking round Christwire in horror. I’m not good at recognising satire.”

    I wouldn’t feel bad about that. If anyone should feel bad, it’s fundamentalist christians who often say such ridiculous things that such ridiculous satire of them could be mistaken for legitimate.

  7. All right, someone get the guys into a fad of “pejazzling” or maybe “balljazzling”. Equal silliness. Me. I’m gonna get me a VW van or something similar, cover it with phony jewels and get a license plate that says VANJAZZL.

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