In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

The first of 2010! You know what to do.

50 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. Guest Post – Cat Introduces Herself – this is a guest post by Cat, who lives with Vaginismus. She may be posting again later; for now this is to give a brief background of her history & experience with vaginismus.

    And then I wrote one of those obligatory year-end posts, 2009 a Year in Retrospect – delivers what it promises. A look back on what’s been going on at Feminists With FSD, including links to don’t-miss posts by myself & guest posters.

    Weeky blog link roundup to come…

  2. Yes Disableism and Fat Hatred Do Go Hand in Hand: Looking at the ways in which weight is not understood as a symptom of an illness causing some disabled people to experience fat hatred.

    The “Precious of Corrections”: A woman is shamed and suspended because she fell asleep after working 96 hours. This post is about how WOC are over worked and then penalized when we cannot carry the burden.

    Kate Gosselin: You Can’t Be A Mommy and be Controversial: Looking at the ways Kate is shamed because she does not match the idealized construction of motherhood.

    Twitter Reacts To Rush Limbaugh’s Hospitalization: Are we really better than conservatives if we wish death on someone?

    Sunday Shame: Thong Thong Thong Thong Thong: Who should pay for the thong along with admissions of lingerie gone wrong. Pop by and weigh in or admit your shame.

  3. In our blog’s first post this week, Rebecca explores the practice of touching people without consent and its relation to promoting rape in A Letter.

    Next, there’s Whaaaat?, a discussion of the ignorance that the producers of a comedic film displayed when they depicted a woman getting thrown in the trunk of a car.

    Finally, we have an analysis of a politcal ad on the radio in which a senate candidate tries to get votes by calling his opponent gay in A Last-Minute Entry for Fail of the Year.

  4. Lot of stuff about pregnancy, miscarriage, and… unhelpful social assumptions this week.

    Puncturing Presumptions about Parenting and the Pursuit of Happiness riffs on an awesome flame by Penelope Trunk

    On the same theme Tyler Cowen on Babies: If You Ignore Women as Economic Contributors Extra Babies Are Pretty Cheap based on what was one hopes was just a brain fart and not his sincere conviction

    And finally, in See Also Penelope Trunk on Miscarriage, Abortion and Work I make the additional point that silence about miscarriage, which is as common as abortion, gives “pro-life” activists a huge rhetorical advantage. Or, as Heather Corinna said, “leaving miscarriage out of the picture makes it much easier for people to go to black-and-white thinking about pregnancy (and women’s diverse experiences with pregnancies) and abortion.”

    Oh, and a little more shamelessly, can I just plug The Two Rules of Desire and Gendered Jealousy too?

    Happy New Year by the way.


  5. Trans Form video – Does Ariel Worry About Passing? – Clips from my recent solo show, using The Little Mermaid as a metaphor for transitioning. I’m working on getting more video up, so stay tuned!
    Soundtrack for a Transition – What’s the appropriate music for transitioning? Please weigh in with your suggestions!
    Dances with Avatars – I’m certainly not the only one to mention that Avatar is racist, colonialist, and sexist, but here are my two cents.

  6. “Sex-Positive Women Aren’t Out To Steal Your Man” — among other things, deconstructing how some (not all!) radical feminists use slut-shaming to attack sex-positive feminists, and how that’s Just Basically Being Part Of The Problem.

  7. Over at Macha Mexico, we’ve been blogging a bit about reactions to Mexico City’s decision to legalize gay marriage…

    …from homophobic ranting on mainstream morning shows

    …to the tourism minister enthusiastically looking forward to an influx of gay tourism money

    …to lesbian performance artists writing an open letter announcing their marriage and telling the local Catholic Church it has bigger fish to fry than gay marriage, like priests who keep molesting children.

    Check it out.

  8. Danny writes about the terms “boyfriend” and “girlfriend” and their many meanings.

    N wonders about technology and the ability for all of us to publish information or opinions on a global scale, and the democratization of information.

    I get sad upon realizing that one of my favorite movies would not be made today with a female lead character.

    I just say Fuck It and write about two popular male-female “Privilege Checklists,” and readers weigh in on what they think is bunk about both.

    Sometimes inclusive language confuses and frustrates me and I just want to go to bed.

    I wish to use more authoritative language in writing and speaking, because it feels like no one takes me seriously when I am too generous with my open-mindedness and willingness to be proven wrong.

  9. First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR! Lots of things going on at Gender Across Borders (GAB) recently:

    We’re hosting the next Feminist Carnival (official website is here) for this Wednesday, January 6. If you want to submit something that you wrote that deal with feminism and/or other anti-oppression issues. Given the nature of Gender Across Borders, preference will be given to blog posts about countries other than the United States. However, we will likely include a few U.S.-centric posts, so feel free to submit those as well. More info about submitting to the 11th Feminist Carnival is here.

    Are you a performance arts feminist? GAB is also looking for a performance arts (dance/theater; does not include music) intern for Winter 2010. To read more about the position description and application instructions, go here. Application is due by January 15, 2010.

    FINALLY, Gender Across Borders is having a series in late-January called Hip-hop, Resistance & Feminism and we’re accepting submissions and pitches that have to do with hip-hop and feminism. Application instructions and more info is here! Apply by January 15, 2010.

    Currently, GAB is on break but will resume normal posting starting TOMORROW, January 4th, so we’ll see you in the new year!

  10. In which I clarify a few things about resuscitation of pregnant folk – about that mother/baby resuscitation that people are hailing a “Christmas Miracle” because they can’t explain it any other way, and about how it’s completely explaininable by – guess what – science.

    Won’t Somebody Think of the Round Doorknobs? Penn & Teller on Accessibility Legislation: In which Penn & Teller (well, mostly Penn) are arseholes, rejecting Earth logic and basic research in favour of an ableist libertarian beat-up.

  11. Alight Plus Size Top Giveaway Contest: Win a free, trendy, plus size shirt

    Before opening The Black Body, I already had preconceived notions of how I thought it would read, considering the fact that I have a Black body, myself. I should have known better. It wasn’t necessarily the topics covered that surprised me, but the way in which they were interpreted and the eloquence with which some of the authors conveyed the subject.

    Jesus Girls is a truly beautiful array of humbling feelings and bittersweet experiences, from fears of generational sin to tales of exchanging the pants off your own body with those from a hitchhiker. Divided into sections—community, worship, education, gender and sex, and story and identity—many of the stories were first printed in publications like Geez Magazine. To be clear, the writers are both reformed Christians and current believers.

  12. “A few days ago, my wife had a tubal ligation…”

    Dude. Your “feminist” post is a pile of pompous crap all about how y’all decided to get sterilised because it’s “cruel” to have a child with a disability or with less-than-genius intellect?

  13. Agreed, Lauredhel, and thanks for pointing it out. Unfortunately, we don’t get the chance to personally read every post linked before we publish comments on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday posts (nothing would ever make it out of mod!), but we do try to delete comments that link to posts that contain material which violate the comment section (ableism obviously qualifies), once we’re made aware of them. Accordingly, that comment is no longer here.

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