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Sunday Night Entertainment

This is What Pets Were Meant For

17 thoughts on Sunday Night Entertainment

  1. It’s those ears twitched back into the “resentful” position that makes it.

    Doug, it’s what you get for the toilet paper, buddy.

  2. Heh. Now that you mention it, the eyes do betray something of the Bulgakov’s Master, but that was black, such evil cometh not from a cute widdle owange puddy cat.
    Unless it’s a disguise… Shave it! Shave it to see if it’s a disguise!

    (I hold no liability for actions taken based on 20th century Russian literature or 02.00 web log commentary)

  3. for some reason, I look at that and hear Toni Basil.
    you know: “Hey Mickey you’re so fine, you’re so fine you blow my mind Hey Mickey!”

    perhaps I’m just used to seeing someone making a cat dance when in that posture. what with the paw waving by hand and whatsis.
    not particularly sure why the Cat Dance would be to Hey Mickey. I must be having a weird day.

  4. A bit off topic……

    But Grindbastard, what the shit are you doing here?

    Other than all your free time and your love of ass-kicking Feminists…..

  5. “You don’t understand. I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I coulda been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am. Let’s face it. It was you, Lauren.”

  6. Hee hee. My cat would give me the “So. Unimpressed” look when I did stuff like that. Shortly thereafter she would begin escape maneuvres.

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