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Of Interest.

A few links I wish I had more time to write about:

Ann Friedman nails it in the Prospect: “If each liberal “special interest” group is actually just in it alone, what’s the point of a common ideology?”

Does Gen-Y’s over-cautiousness help explain our views on abortion?

Reading and Recovering through Lolita: Natalia’s take is truly lovely, and a must-read.

The racial gap persists, even among those with college degrees. To try and counterbalance it, job-seekers of color try to obscure their race.

Islamophobia in a “neutral” state: Switzerland’s right-wing party succeeds in banning the construction of minarets.

New York may pass marriage equality legislation.

Dear Santa, please get me this for Christmas.

Poor Roman Polanski. He has to stay in jail for a few extra days because he apparently hasn’t bothered to wire his bail money. After his release, he will be confined to his Swiss chalet, where he can still invite friends over and throw parties. Poor dear. And all of this for what major media outlets simply term “illegal sex”? From the way the justice system is acting, you’d think he raped a child or something.

You all can go back to Florida now.

A Houston charity checks immigration status before giving out holiday toys. Just like Jesus!

What else is going on?

5 thoughts on Of Interest.

  1. Ah. . . the season of giving. Apparently “giving” means only to legal citizens of the United States are worthy of said “giving”. My mistake!

  2. Roman Polanski won’t be released from a Swiss prison until at least Friday, with officials saying they have not been wired his $4.5-million bail.

    Oh my God. This is, beyond any doubt, the most monstrous injustice since the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

  3. Regarding Ann Friedman, she raises an important issue but then doesn’t really address the crux of the problem: who decides which issue this unified liberal coalition is going to support? The Stupak amendment is a perfect example: my white male friends, as she kind of alluded to, saw the Stupak compromise as a compromise for the greater good of much needed healthcare reform, a utilitarian benefit. Funny how those utilitarian decisions always end up benefitting white men.

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