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Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Post a short description of something you’ve written this week, along with a link. Be specific — don’t just link to your whole blog. Happy Sunday!

45 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. This week on Yes Means Yes Blog:

    No Chosen People, a frank criticism of sexism within BDSM communities. I’m a kinkster and I’ve been involved in various communities of kinksters, and there are a lot of positives, but it’s also easy for kink-friendly folks to get complacent and assume that open communication about consent and limits fixes all problems. It doesn’t — it doesn’t even fix problems of abuse and silencing, and kinksters ought to know better than to tolerate that.

    It should go without saying that sex work is not an invitation to rape. Recently, an Australian jury decided, though, that passing judgment on the woman doing sex work was more important to them than punishing a man who admitted his violent conduct.

    After my Meet the Predators post, in part about Dr. David Lisak’s research, seemed to really fill a need, I went back to some of Lisak’s other work and discussed his more in-depth analysis of who the rapists are and what their tactics are in Predator Redux.

  2. This week at re:Cycling – the blog of the Society for Menstrual Cycle Research, we wrote about Prempro’s losing streak in the courts, goofy menstrual product ads, Canadian women giving up on the Pill, ‘Ask Amy’s’ bad advice about PMS, and the strange search terms that bring people to a site about menstruation.

  3. Seth MacFarlane Attacks Trans women: Looking at an episode of The Cleveland show that aired the same week as the TDOR.

    What are we really giving thanks for: Looking at the violence aimed at First Nations behind the Thanksgiving day celebration.

    Adam Lambert brings his sexuality to the AMA’s: Looking at how appropriateness for prime time is often decided on the basis of gender and sexuality.

    Why Not a Black Santa: Looking at the erasure of POC from the role of Father Christmas and how this is harmful.

    Students participate in “kick a Jew Day”: This obvious Anti-Semitic behaviour is justified as kids being kids.

    Finally this weeks Sunday Shame is Sponge Bob Square Pants. Stop by and either admit your shame or own up to something embarrassing you are holding on to from childhood.

  4. This week I wrote an angry letter to “Ask Amy” Dickinson, correcting her thoughtless response to a young woman who was raped at a frat party.

    I celebrated Buy Nothing day by shopping my closet for a new outfit.

    And I shared my secret recipe for a fantastic vegetarian Thanksgiving.

  5. I wrote The Dumbing Down of Disability on Glee.

    Turkey Time is about a Thanksgiving episode of classic Melrose, and I need your sperm is about melrose soapiness.

    My co-blogger wrote about the second to last episode of Glee in And then he’ll be crying into my shoulder pads.

    I wrote about Leslie Knope’s AWESOME on last week’s parks and recreation. Her list of female excuses was a tour de force.

    And I couldn’t help but feel unsatisfied by the Cylon “plan.”

  6. This week in Evil Slutopia:

    ~We’ve started debunking the American Family Association’s Christmas boycott. It’s sure to be an ongoing effort.

    ~We talked about how Best Buy totally ruined the entire holiday season by daring to acknowledge a Muslim holiday in one of their ads.

    ~We took a minute to thank our awesome readers and commenters, and encourage the lurkers to come out and say hi, by participating in Delurking Week. (The idea came from the fabulous Blue Gal.)

    ~We highlighted some history being made by women in professional baseball and hockey broadcasting.

  7. I mistakenly tuned into the misogyny channel Twitter’s feminism keyword filter this week. I’ve been in a bad mood ever since.

    Paradox: Testosterone and Anti-Feminism

    Rachel Campos-Duffy: Sarah Palin Redefines (Straw) Feminism

    The Merits of Subverting vs. Refuting Particularly Moronic Anti-Feminist Articles

    42 Years Was A Long Time Ago, “Baby” — A Reflection on Feminism, and Republican Party Priorities, in 1968 vs. Today

    Worst part? What’s bugging me isn’t so much that anti-feminism is malevolent as that it’s so infuriatingly stupid and misinformed. I thought I was doing my part to challenge anti-feminism. I was wrong.


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