In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Tips of the Day

Because I’m avoiding my Bluebooking work. Here’s what I learned this week:

1. If you’re on the subway and would like to comment on someone’s purse (mine, let’s say), it is generally considered rude to loudly say to your friend, “That bag is so Jewish.” The appropriate ethnic slur would be “JAP-y,” thank you very much.

2. If the buzzer rings and wakes you up, put on a shirt and pants before exiting your room. There’s a good chance that your room mate’s boyfriend will also be sent to answer the buzzer, and the sight of you half asleep in just boy-shorts underwear with your ass hanging out and boobs everywhere isn’t going to make anyone’s morning.

3. That said, remain on good terms with your room mate’s boyfriend (easy if, as is my situation, you genuinely like him). That way, when you forget to email yourself a big research project due at noon, you can call him at 9am and he’ll send it to you — because, thank god, he’s still in your apartment from the night before, even though your room mate has gone to work. He might also buy you wine glasses if you make him drink chianti out of coffee mugs often enough. (Let me add in here that Rizzo, you are my hero).

4. When you buy really cute vintage boots, get them water-proofed before you wear them in the rain.

5. Do not consider living with this guy, who one astute Gawker commenter calls “The Anna Wintour of gang bang organizers.” Ha.

6. What is the only better distraction than blogging when you don’t have a TV and can’t watch episode after episode of Entourage? Overheard in New York.

7. What goes wonderfully with Overheard in New York and, of course, Feministe, when it’s pouring down rain outside and you don’t want to leave your apartment? Fleece pants and a nice South African cabernet sauvignon. Today, it’s Exclesior. (Aren’t into wine? I’m currently obsessed with Newcastle).

Add your tips below. More will be coming as I get progressively more bored, and likely do more progressively idiotic things.

44 thoughts on Tips of the Day

  1. They’re from the mid-70s (they’re a little more slouchy and hippie-ish than they look in the picture). I think that counts.

  2. Re: tip #2 — I’m sure he was all broken up about it.

    Ha. In all honesty, though, it probably was a disappointment — my room mate (his girlfriend) has an amazing rack. About as great as you can get without playing music. I was certainly a step down.

  3. my room mate (his girlfriend) has an amazing rack…I was certainly a step down

    Empirical responsibility demands that we make a scientific study of the question before accepting your testimony. Post pictures of both racks, please.

  4. the sight of you half asleep in just boy-shorts underwear with your ass hanging out and boobs everywhere isn’t going to make anyone’s morning.

    Don’t underestimate the power of tits’n’ass. Evar.

  5. Have you tried Belhaven beer? It reminds me of a cross between Guiness and Newcastle. Very yum.

    Down here in Dallas its all about the Stella Artois which is also good.

  6. and the sight of you half asleep in just boy-shorts underwear with your ass hanging out and boobs everywhere isn’t going to make anyone’s morning.

    Hell, it would make my entire day. I guarantee it made the morning of whatever lucky bastard was at the door. Boom-chaka-laka-boom.

  7. Of course, the curse of the Pacific Time Zone has enabled several others to comment on the value of ass and boobs before I could. Foiled again!

  8. No excuse, Linnaeus, now everybody thinks you’re gay.

    I didn’t comment on it cause I’m a gentleman.

    (Now everyone’s SURE I’m gay….)

  9. Ahem. I like the boots.

    And for the record, my last drink — June 27, 1998 — was a Newcastle Brown. (I picked up drinking it when I was doing my dissertation work in Durham, England — just a few miles south of Newcastle.)

  10. Don’t feel bad, Linnaeus; being in San Diego, I had the same problem you did. Now anything I say is going to seem trite and redundant. Sigh…Oh, heck, I can’t help myself! Jill, at the risk of sounding very sexist, I’ll wager your roommate’s boyfriend had the following reactions:

    1) embarrassment (since you know each other) very closely followed by a reaction along the lines of…
    2) WOW!

  11. Is JAP-y really a slur? I guess it is — because I would never use it somewhere where it wasn’t certain to be understood. But where I grew up we were all JAPs — regardless of religion really. In 7th grade we all owned “The JAP Handbook,” were beyond delighted that our small town was name-checked in it, and used the term JAP all the time, as in “Oh and she was wearing the cutest little JAP-y sandals.” We were loud and proud.

  12. #2 sounds like a really good way to accomplish #3, actually. And if that doesn’t work, keep #5 in mind as a last resort.

    (I actually haven’t read #5 because I’m on my parents’ computer at the moment, so if it’s really disgusing that I just said that, pardon me.)

  13. I think Jill would be best off if she didn’t end up looking like either of us, Amanda — though in my case it’s because of the mustache.

    Oh, wait…

  14. Mostly in your case it’s when people walk by and reconsider whether or not forced sterilization of a few sad cases like yourself wouldn’t be a mercy.

    To the rest of us, of course.

  15. Here, have some chocolate cake. It’ll make you feel better.

    Random moment of baby sweetness: my daughter (3) loves chocolate cake more than anything except me and her mother. She calls it “bwown (brown) cake”. When I ask her in the morning what she wants for breakfast, she often looks at me hopefully and says “bwown cake?”

    It’s never worked to date, but she apparently figures that the opportunity cost of asking is very low.

  16. Reminds me of “Bill Cosby, Himself”, a movie I used to love as a kid…when Dr. William H. Cosby, Ed.D gives his kids chocolate cake for breakfast and they sing the chocolate cake song: “Dad is great! Give us the chocolate cake! Dad is great! Give us the chocolate cake!”

    Until mom wakes up.

  17. No excuse, Linnaeus, now everybody thinks you’re gay.

    Hmm…maybe I could use that misconception to my advantage….


  18. JAP= Jewish-American Princess, roughly “spoiled non-Christian rich girl”. One of those strange Yankee subcultures I’m glad I have no personal experience with.

  19. David Thompson: Nooo, don’t have to be rich, really. And neither does one actually HAVE to be Jewish to earn the moniker. I would say 80% of the girls at my school could in some way be called JAP-y, but only 50% of us were Jewish. The term was sort of a joke that everyone embraced. I’ve never personally heard it used in a nasty fashion.
    And while “JAP-y” may not be a slur, “strange Yankee subcultures I’m glad I have no personal experience with” might be! Yikes! : ) Advice: Stay away from NYC! The women here tend to be a bit bossy, sure of ourselves, take-no-shit, and well-shod — surely the four central tenets of JAP-dom.

  20. Zuzu –

    The 80s were 25 years ago, broadly speaking. Past time for vintage.

    Bite your tongue, Robert. I refuse to believe that something from the decade in which I was in high school can be called vintage.

  21. Bite your tongue, Robert. I refuse to believe that something from the decade in which I was in high school can be called vintage.

    I refuse to believe that layered sweats, neon colors, and parachute pants are “vintage” in any positive sense of the word.

    I thought the 80s were condemned to that same circle of hell as the 70s, never to truly be brought into the light of day again.

    it makes me long for the future of Star Trek, where shapeless, unisex, mottled color tunics and pajama pants are standard fashion.

  22. No, karpad — there you are wrong. You couldn’t walk down a street last year on the Lower East Side without espying knickers, leg warmers, bad Dynasty hair (big wingy bangs) — even on folks my age who lived through it in 6th and 7th grade. It nearly drove me to violence.

  23. Ha. I have big wingy bangs (brushed off to the side, as evidenced by all the Flickr pictures (although I don’t think I have bad Dynasty hair. Who knows). I think leg warmers are hot. And I hang out a lot on the LES.

  24. I am NOT wearing a Pat Benatar headband again. I’m just not.

    Nor will I wear acid-washed jeans so tapered they had to have zippers in the legs to get your feet into them. Again.

  25. Jill, you definitely don’t have Dynasty hair. Juse be careful of morphing the wing into periscope up bangs. I know you know what I’m talking about.

  26. Jill, those are not wingy bangs. True wingy bangs require a curling iron or hot rollers, teasing and hairspray.

    I’m just glad there exists no photographic evidence of me with the tightly curled yet not brushed out wings from the very early 80s. Thank God that fad didn’t last long.

  27. Yes, I live on the LES. But I forgive you since I don’t think you lived through it the first time. 🙂 Although legwarmers? Not so much. Would even Melissa Burns rock them anymore? But what do I know? I am elderly!

  28. Jill — Your hair is lovely and in now way Dynasty-esque! Neither is it wingy!

    My 7th grade yearbook pic is me with wingy bangs, big smiley brace-face, in a tuxedo shirt with a red bow tie. Terrifying.

  29. Guess what! All the boys in my school are sporting the 1980s skater wing cut. I really want to push the hair out of their eyes and fasten it with a pretty barette.

  30. I can’t wait until my kids are wearing grunge gear and asking me if I remember when Kurt Cobain killed himself….

    Although it’ll be a good 20 years by the time I have kids and they’re of the appropriate age….. At the rate that the vintage-cycle is accelerating these days, they’ll be wearing shit that won’t be popular until 20 years later…….

  31. Didn’t the 80s revival already happen? Man, I went through cargo pants again just recently, and that was early 90s, wasn’t it? What the hell is going on?

  32. Advice: Stay away from NYC!

    No problem with that. No one here could pay me enough money to go up there.

    The women here tend to be a bit bossy, sure of ourselves, take-no-shit, and well-shod…

    I like the middle pair, but you can keep the rest.

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