In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Testing testing testing

This post is open to comments to test whether the improved database and new template can cope with people commenting. If you can’t think of anything else to write, I’m rather fond of limericks.

Posted in Uncategorized

55 thoughts on Testing testing testing

  1. there was a young man from tralee
    who was stung on the neck by a wasp
    when asked if it hurt
    he said, ‘no, not a bit,
    it can do it again if it likes!’

  2. there was a fat gal from Oz
    who smacked herself on the snoz
    when asked what she’d done
    she sniffled a ton
    and cried ‘no reason, just because’

  3. There once was a man from DC
    I saw him on CSPAN TV
    He took all my rights
    Called it “healthcare fight”
    Guess I’m lucky to just have BC.

    /Nah, I’m not bitter about yesterday.

  4. So far, so good!

    No limericks from me, either, but I’m glad to see Feministe (almost) fully functional again.

  5. “It’s not my revolution if I can’t dance to it.”

    Emma Goldman.

    Fuck the house bill. It throws half the population under the bus.

  6. There was an Old Person of Basing,
    Whose presence of mind was amazing;
    He purchased a steed,
    Which he rode at full speed,
    And escaped from the people of Basing.

  7. There once was an jackass from Michigan
    Who liked not the pro-choicers bargain
    An amendment he filed
    Said “Poor women with child:
    You’re doomed to back alleys again”

  8. I shall write poetry on haiku
    Though longer by lines numb’ring two
    Than the subject at hand
    Haikus – understand?
    Which I’m told themselves have but a few

  9. There once was a law student, Rex
    with diminutive organs of sex
    When charged with exposure
    He replied with composure,
    “De minimus non curat lex.”*

    *The law does not concern itself with trifles.

  10. There once was a man from Nantucket…

    …sorry, that’s the only one I know. Theme looks lovely, though!

  11. Really like the new theme! Glad to see some (visible) progress – you must be so relieved to have it over with soon!

  12. I’ll own up to it. Stupak’s mine. Yup, I’m from N. Michigan, and I’m pissed as hell. He can go step off. I’m sure he’ll get a special thanks from anyone in his district that already depends on IHS for health care.

    That’s my comment. Y’all can quote me on that on, eh.

  13. Here is a person who’s cramping.
    Her comments may seem somewhat lacking.
    She took a pill for it,
    But the cramps limit her thought
    And she wishes for chocolate and cuddling.

    Go on. I dare you to tell me PMS isn’t real, hypothetical person who doesn’t believe in such things. And then watch me collapse in angry yelling sobs.

  14. I think that I shall never see
    A palm as lovely as a tree.
    Palms that roaches crawl within
    Fall over in a gust of wind,
    Drop ugly fronds into the street,
    Afford no shade against the heat.
    Still, Tampa highway landscape guys
    Adore those palms that I despise.
    All along the rights-of-way
    They plant those damn things anyway.

  15. A lady from North Carolina
    Placed fiddle strings ‘cross her vagina.
    With the proper size cocks,
    What was sex became Bach’s
    Toccata and Fugue in D Minor.
    — Isaac Asimov

  16. I usually only lurk around this blog, but something so wicked has happened here in Brazil against a female university student that I thought you people might want to take a look at it:

    (NYT Article)

    A young university student was heckled and threatened with violence and rape by literally hundreds of students after showing up for class in a red mini-dress.

    She was shouted at, called “whore” and “bitch” and forced to hide inside a classroom. In the hallway outside her hiding place, people blocked the entrances and climbed the windows, telling the girl that they “would anally rape her for dressing as a hoe”.

    She could only leave the campus after being escorted by the police.

    One week after the incident, has the University taken disciplinary action against the students responsible for such mess? No. They expelled the girl instead.

    The whole thing is unbelievable.

  17. There was a young man from tarnation,
    Who engaged in a strange relation.
    He got into bed with a young lettuce head,
    and committed cropulation.

  18. The Self Promotion Sunday post is over at the new back-up blog, Prudence. Best to repost over there so that you’re part of the thread.

    This really is just a testing post for the new configuration.

  19. Gwennie the good-hearted ghoul
    did her best to avoid being cruel.
    She offered to mate
    with the men that she ate
    and then let them drown in their drool.

    Looking forward to the full site again!

  20. I just happened to come across and read your article on women changing their names when they get married and you ended the article wondering when some “Conservative blog” would call you out…

    Therein lies the problem with stereotypes. I am a Conservative blogger and I am way ahead of you on this subject– I wrote a similar article almost two years ago lamenting the fact that American women haven’t revolted over the idea of a name change that began as a very visible sign of ownership. My husband did in fact offer to take my name if I so desired, but truthfully I think a couple should pick a new name together…

    So, your lesson of the day is that even Conservative women can be leading the introspection on the feminist front…the only difference is usually we think of feminism as embracing FEMININE qualities because we truly believe woman are awesome –and not ditching all that is feminine while trying to be a MAN!

  21. Here is a limerick I wrote about the movie “Teeth” when it first came out. Yes, I do know that smitage is not a real word, but its meaning is obvious.

    It’s a tale of high smitage, a tale,
    And beside it all others would pale,
    For she has in her ken
    To make eunuchs of men
    Who against her will plunder her grail.

    If you have not seen “Teeth”, by all means rent it…great spoof.

  22. There was a young lad from Mizzou,
    whose limericks stopped at line two.

    There was young gal from Verdun…

  23. there’s a blog on a “progressive” theme
    that’s having tech problems, it’d seem
    feministe is its name
    awesome posts are its game
    and “get better soon!”s what I’ll scream


  24. (in retrospect, I have no idea why I decided to put ‘progressive’ in quotes there. maybe because so many so-called progressives arent? oh well.)

  25. There was a young lady named Bright
    Who could travel faster than light
    She left one day
    In a relative way
    And came back the previous night

  26. It can handle comments, but can it handle derailing?

    ALL OF YOUR POINTS ARE INVALID BECAUSE THEY DO NOT REPRESENT MY EXPERIENCE. See, in particular, my experiences that directly spawn from the various privileges I am ignorant of. Rar rar rar. Also, WTF is up with feminists. Ew. Gross.

  27. OK, so we now have all the posts and comments left at the back-up blog since last weekend imported back to this site. Thank you for the amusing test comments, everybody!

    1. Hear the cry of the doofus – D’OH!!!!

      I made a booboo – I closed comments on all the posts at the back-up blog before importing, and then I forgot to open them again once the posts were all back here. They’re all open again now. Sorry about that, Chief. (Just how many classic TV shows can I reference in a single apology?)

      (P.S. We have, separately, enabled the option to close comments on posts older than 30 days. So comments on those posts are still closed.)

      OK, exit, stage left.

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