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A little gratitude

There’s a gratefulness ritual among a couple of bloggers I read. Ariane from Ariane’s little world started it and Jay from Two Women Blogging picked it up. Every day (or thereabouts) they write a short post about something for which they are grateful.

I think it’s a great idea, asking ourselves to contemplate and affirm the good in our lives. As social justice activists, we invest so much in righting the wrongs of the world. I like to take the time to acknowledge all the magnificent work we’ve been doing, and this beautiful world we are working so hard to improve, and simply the small pleasant things in our lives. I thought you and I should try the gratitude exercise, if only just the once. So, here’s mine:

I am grateful for communities of dedicated women who support each other and work for social justice.

What are you grateful for today?

[Cross-posted at ZatB]

3 thoughts on A little gratitude

  1. Right now I am grateful for my secure home and the food in my stomach. Such a simple place to start but I don’t often acknowledge how privileged I am to have had these things every single day of my life, and to have no grounded fear of facing any days without them in the forseeable future. It’s staggering, really, the gift that is to me and others who share this privilege.

  2. Today I am grateful for my husband’s grilled yukon gold potatoes and split pea soup, cracked pine kitty litter that doesn’t smell odd or track all over the house, Joan Didion’s The Year of Magical Thinking, Sun magazine, Kodak Plus-X film stocked in my freezer, a washable dust mop, The scene in 500 Days of Summer when Joseph Gordon-Levitt sings the Pixie’s “Here Comes Your Man,” hilarious pictures from Halloween and all my friends who never stopped calling after my heartbreak of being attacked in January because they understand that no one ever says “thank god I went through that alone.”

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