In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Introducing Chally

Hey, everyone. I’m Chally from Zero at the Bone and I’m joining the team here at Feministe. I am very excited and slightly terrified to be here!

You’ll be wanting to know a bit about me, then. I started blogging social justice at ZatB almost a year ago. Feel free to come by and visit, I enjoy comments. You can also find me on Twitter, and I’ve just joined tumblr and Dreamwidth, so you can follow/friend me at any of those places. I also write for an online bookclub of radical readers. Lastly, just a couple of weeks ago, a group of disabled feminists launched a group blog we call FWD/Forward, and it is really taking off. If you want to know anything about the intersection of feminism and disability activism, that’s your port of call.

I write a lot of personal stories, meta-activism and the like as well as more traditionally newsy blog posts and some light and fluffy stuff. Much of what I write is informed by my privileges, oppressions and identity markers, so here are some: I’m a non-white, cis, middle class, disabled woman. I consider that I’ve been a feminist all my life but only realised consciously in 2007. I enjoy feminist science fiction, knitting, Doctor Who, cake, all things theatrical and making the world a better place. I like long walks on the beach in the moonlight – no, wait.

Modly matters: I am disabled and on the other side of the planet from a fair portion of you – I live in Sydney, Australia – so you’ll have to excuse me if I take a long time to respond to your comments or emails. On which note, you can email me at chally [dot] zeroatthebone [at] gmail [dot] com, and please do. I have little tolerance for intolerance, if that makes any kind of sense, so keep that in mind when commenting.

Thank you to the rest of the Feministe crew for having me along for the ride. That’s about it, really. Any questions?

23 thoughts on Introducing Chally

  1. Awesome! I’ve been following FWD/Forward avidly and love your blogging there. I look forward to reading more! Welcome. ^__^

  2. seriously dancing over here!

    Congrats, Chally! And some excellent thinking on behalf of the Feministe team. This is gonna make an awesome site a billion times better.

  3. Wooooo, excitement plus!

    Especially since yesterday someone linked your This Is What An Activist Looks Like post in response to some shinyly awful comment on my friends facebook wall, so I’ve been recently reminded of your awesome. Yes, you are now being used for facebook smackdowns.

  4. I’d kind of walked away from Feministe a while back, but now that you’re here, maybe I should reconsider! 🙂 Congratulations on this, Chally! 🙂

  5. *snaps for Chally*


    Gratz, Chally, if I haven’t told you a nonillion times already! Totes making a great site even better, if anyone asks me, which they didn’t. 😀

    I gotta figure out how to get a duckie over here for you…

    *searches around*

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