In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday


[EDIT to say, wow, it’s Saturday isn’t it? WTF is wrong with me?]

59 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. See, here I was thinking that either Jill was having the world’s worst week from hell, or she scheduled the post and accidentally put the wrong date in.

    But now I realize, thanks to Chally, that all along she was simply accommodating our Australian friends, and trying to challenge U.S.-centric viewpoints. Don’t I feel silly! 😉

  2. Steps to prevent rape poster is my response to rape prevention posters which blame victims or put the responsibility for prevention on to them.

    PA superior court overturns troubling ruling on alleged victim competency looks at a lower court ruling which would have required an adult victim to undergo an involuntary psychiatric evaluation because the victim had been on prescription drugs and drinking the night she was raped.

    Blunders and excellence in sexual assault cases looks at serial rape cases where police mistakes allowed more victims to be harmed and compares that to another serial rape cases where victims praise the police.

  3. Here are a couple articles I wrote this week at feministsforchoice.

    Female Sergeant Victimized by Department of Veteran Affairs.

    Coming Out: Rupturing Heteronormativity & Opening Possibilities for Resistance.

    DADT – A Story of Discrimination in the U.S. Air Force Academy

  4. This week I only have one post to put up.

    Over at Yes Means Yes Blog, last week I posted a link to Shroedinger’s Rapist And The Imagined Right To Intrude. That post was a meditation on Phaedra Starling’s guest-post as Shapely Prose (link from my post), and I focused on approaching a strange woman on public transit as an issue of boundaries. That produced the longest discussion thread we’ve had at Yes Means Yes. I said that it might be part one of two, and it turned out it was.

    On Monday, I posted Part II, Boundaries. I bring the thought full circle to the similarities between respecting boundaries in public spaces and the way Andrea Dworkin talks about boundaries in Chapter 7 of Intercourse. Since the latter is one of the more controversial and incendiary pieces of writing in feminist history, when I cross-posted to Feministing Community it produced some rather pointed discussion of the text.

  5. This week in Evil Slutopia:

    ~We weighed in on the Cupcakes for Life project.

    ~We responded to the Concerned Women for America’s protest of the Navy’s plans to consider allowing women to start serving on submarines.

    ~We rounded up some recent ESC Reviews.

    ~For Blog Action Day we took a look at climate change as a feminist issue.

    ~Yep, we’re still reading Cosmo: Well Played, Cosmo and Cosmo Quickies for November

    ~In response to the recent twitter “controversy” involving Meghan McCain: Meghan McCain Has Breasts – Get Over It.

  6. Castration: Justice, or Nazi Revival? about voluntary castration and criminals of rape

    I loved making collages when I was little, however this is about a higher art: The Remarkably Modern Practice of Victorian Photocollage

    A review of the Chris Rock’s film Good Hair and the Co-Opting of Women’s Voices

    Check it out: October’s Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Report is on Maternal Mortality.

    An analysis of an anti-rape poster from Ireland that implies that rape is the victim’s fault: What Passes for Prevention in Rape Culture

  7. Queer in Black and White: Interraciality, Same-Sex Desire and Contemporary African-American Culture
    Stefanie Dunning takes the scalpel of reason to the twin sores of misogyny and homophobia that sometimes stain traditional notions of a black nationalist consciousness. Dunning effectively answers a question that I, as a young black gay man, frequently ask: is it possible to be fully black, fully gay, and satisfy normative perceptions of traditional black masculinity simultaneously?

    Contest: Beautiful Disaster owner Christie Lowe says, “Women have something to say and we are not afraid to tell you and the days of biting our tongues and being sorry if it offends you are long gone.” This month Feminist Review is giving one of our readers a chance to win a self-selected tee from this woman-run company.

    The Way of Boys: Raising Healthy Boys in a Challenging and Complex World
    Simply put, boys are not girls. We cannot successfully raise both genders from the same perspective. Boys tend to lag behind girls in skills acquisition, particularly language. Unfortunately, developmental expectations are lumped in somewhat generic lists of milestones, and herein lies the beginning of the unintentional assault on development in male children. It is the profound difference in thought process combined with the imperative need to expend energy that makes raising and educating boys much more challenging.

  8. As a woman with a transsexual medical history I have been involved in discussion groups aimed at removing “Gender Identity Disorder” from the DSM. One such group has been taken over by several people making fantastic claims to being intersex and victimized by infant surgical procedures that the person they claim performed these procedures couldn’t have, wouldn’t have done because they were psychologists not surgeons and lived on the opposite side of the planet.

    I personally noted on said list how the sincerity of the people making thes claims resembled the alien abductees. And expanded that comment on my blog.

  9. I wrote about Amber Duick, who is sueing Toyota over a fake-stalking marketing campaign, and the CEO of the advertising company responsible. Specifically about his marketing concept of something he calls a “Lovemark” which he describes on his site using especially stalky language. IMO

    “Lovemarks reach your heart as well as your mind, creating an intimate, emotional connection that you just can’t live without. Ever.”

  10. Need a Halloween Costume Dress Up As Octomom:It is suggested a cheap Halloween costume but it is racist and demeans motherhood.

    French Vogue Embraces Black Face: Of course a Black model could not be found so they just decided to paint a White model Black.

    Karl Lagerfeld No One Wants To See Round Models: Fat hatred in the fashion industry, is anyone surprised.

    The Slut Shaming of Meghan McCain: Looking at why Shaming McCain for wearing a top is sexist. Yes women have breasts get over it.

    Louisiana Inter-racial couple denied Marriage License:Yep in 2009 people are concerned about the children when it comes to race mixing.

    What do you do that drives your household up the wall: Drop by and admit your shame

  11. Even President Obama is supporting nuclear power. It’s commonly claimed that no American ever died in a nuclear accident– but that’s not true. Rhode Island’s United Nuclear plant suffered a critical incident in the 1960’s, poisoning a worker, contaminating an ambulance, exposing an emergency room and leaving a radioactive mess that took years to clean up.
    See, Rhode Island’s Nuclear Fatality, Part I–

  12. Like Chally, I thought you just caught up w/ us Future-ites! Wheee! Welcome to the Other Hemisphere!

    This week: This Moment’s WTF.

    I observed some things while perusing the book section at the PX.

    I believe that it’s about time that women were on the side of women (in what might be a new series entitled “Shut Up Elaine Donnelly!).

    Finally, Iraq Veteran’s Asked to Seek Treatment. If you or anyone you know fits this, please go to the nearest VA and check in.

    Enjoy your re-Sunday!

  13. Why the story of Banita Jacks should be a warning to all unsupported and overworked mothers.

    Why this rush to forgiveness for predators like Mike Tyson should be on pause!

    Since when are hetero marriages under attack? If they’re interracial involving blacks.

  14. I’m pretty sure this doesn’t qualify as self-promotion, but I emailed the site admins last week about a problem with spam links having been hidden in the Feministe pages via an ad network problem or the site being cracked. If you view just about any page here with javascript turned off or look at the source you’ll see a few screenfuls of links to a typical scam site. Hopefully this comment will be moderated, but I hate to think that Google might deindex such a great site automatically… as well as that a bunch of slime like that are abusing it. Sorry again for this, I just couldn’t spot another non-email contact method here.

    (a horribly embarrassed) Kate

    1. Kate, don’t be embarrassed. We’re working on it and some other issues that developed after the hack. It will probably be another week or two before we get everything figured out.

  15. Well, late for this week or maybe just really early for next, I just finished a post about the anomaly of early age of marriage in the 1950s with a reconsideration of the whole of the 1950s from the conservative notion of the epitome of normative tradition to a, more accurate I think, view of the 1950s as a “positive” emergency — nice coming after years of Great Depression and war but nevertheless a social disruption. The Fallacy of the 50’s as the Height of “Tradition” and Not a Singular Event


  16. The Demise of Off Our Backs–about the recent hard times of the longest running feminist newspaper in the USA… riffs over racism tear the collective apart. (Beware, it’s LOOONG and self indulgent, sorry about that)

    Lindsey Graham (almost) gets his ass handed to him–my right wing senator is not right wing enough for some people… which is how he keeps getting elected.

    Old time radio racism

    Yes we can get out of Afghanistan –graphic to reproduce and distribute widely, please.

  17. Lauren, is that the reason Feministe was de-ranked for some time? I noticed it didn’t show up in a Google search for a while.

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