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Sex Clinics at Recess

Oh Michelle Bachman, what would we do without you and your, uh, creative interpretations of the facts?

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) took to the House floor last night to warn against a provision of the House health care bill, which would authorize non-profit entities to operate health clinics in schools — which she said would lead to Planned Parenthood “sex clinics” giving abortions to 13-year old girls without the parents knowing about it.

Bachmann said that the bill required the protection of privacy for patient and student records, and asked: “Does that mean that someone’s 13 year-old daughter could walk into a sex clinic, have a pregnancy test done, be taken away to the local Planned Parenthood abortion clinic, have their abortion, be back and go home on the school bus that night? Mom and dad are never the wiser, they don’t know any different.”

I think it’s safe to say the bill does not mean that, but points for effort.

18 thoughts on Sex Clinics at Recess

  1. …we already have laws in MN that protect patient confidentiality, including that of minors. We ALSO already have laws in this state that require parental notification for minors getting abortions. Am I missing a way that either of these laws would be changed?

  2. All I can think of when I see Bachman’s latest wankery is “PROJECTION”. The woman has issues up the wazoo.

  3. Oh dear, I’m having another one of those “radical moments.”

    You know the ones, those times when conservatives come up with some absurd, hyper-exaggerated straw dummy version of what a piece of legislation would entail… And you can only say “if only?”

  4. Nentuaby: I was feeling the exact same way. Why does their “oh my God the horror!”lie sound like an excellent idea to me? Ah. Because it is.

  5. I’ll third Nentuaby and Attackfish. If only the health bill actually said the things Michelle Bachmann has gotten herself in a lather about.

  6. I’m glad to see I’m not the only Minnesotan conpletely befuddled by not only her election, but her re-election. Who ARE these people that voted her in? My only happiness comes from the fact that we also elected Keith Ellison and Al Franken. Her constituants are… well, I don’t want to be overly-generalizing, but they are mostly rural people who could only be expected to vote for someone lilke her. Since I live in Minneapolis, I did not have the luxury of voting against her.

  7. Ugh, that sounded really bad. What I meant to say was that we generally expect more rural communities to vote Republican. It’s been my observation, anyway. I don’t mean to imply that people who live in rural areas are less intelligent or are ignorant.

  8. Oh, silly Bachman. Doesn’t she remember that 24 hour waiting periods are taking over? There’s no way a little girl could accomplish so much in just one day.

  9. I am embarrassed that this woman is from my state, let alone that she was elected to public office here.


    On the flip side, Keith Ellison is my representative. 🙂 So there may be some hope. But Ms. Bachman….Ms. Bachman personifies what is wrong with the Midwest, in my personal opinion. And generally, I love living here in Minneapolis.

  10. I don’t mean to imply that people who live in rural areas are less intelligent or are ignorant.

    It would seem that a majority of the rural people in Bachmann’s district who are voters would certainly fit that implication, however.

  11. “Does that mean that someone’s 13 year-old daughter could walk into a sex clinic, have a pregnancy test done, be taken away to the local Planned Parenthood abortion clinic, have their abortion, be back and go home on the school bus that night? Mom and dad are never the wiser, they don’t know any different.”

    Is she kidding? Schools won’t give *Advil* to kids without a court order, a note from 10 different medical specialists and a week’s advance notice. They don’t even want to treat *cramps* let alone treat an unwanted pregnancy!

  12. It would seem that a majority of the rural people in Bachmann’s district who are voters would certainly fit that implication, however.

    “It’s not so much that you’re stupid, exactly, just that you constantly do relentlessly stupid things!”

  13. You could go to the most backward, racist, inbred, mouthbreathing hellhole in rural Mississippi that toasts the local lynching tree at the crossroads juke joints and not find a reprensentative as totally batshit crazy as Bachmann. Minnesota is generally a decent state, I’m fifth-generation and proud of it, and the 1st Minnesota Volunteers did bust Pickett’s balls at Gettsyburg, (and incidentally, probably win the war for the North), but I’m apalled and disgusted this woman could even get elected once, let alone twice.

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