In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Exiting Stage Left

Well Feministe readers,
My two week guest blogging stint closes today. I wanted to thank Jill, Cara and the Feministe editing team for extending me the gracious invitation to come here and write about various issues.

I had a goal as one of the out, proud and more high profile representatives of the African descended trans community when I bean posting here.

I wanted to give you a window and an insight to a community whose voices you haven’t heard from very often in terms of the discussion on trans issues. What I had to say here over my two weeks at Feministe is just a snapshot of what I write on my own TransGriot blog.

One of my goals, as it is on my home blog is to get you to think about issues. I hope I succeeded in that task.

Oh yeah, I do comment on a regular basis here at Feministe, so I’m not totally disappearing from your cyberlives

Once again, thanks for the honor of being allowed to post here at your cyberhome. Hope that you will spend some of your valuable surfing time visiting mine or check out some of the other places in the blogosphere I do post.

May God or whatever you call the Creator bless you all with abundant and fruitful lives.

And on that note, it’s time for me to exit stage left.

2 thoughts on Exiting Stage Left

  1. You make some powerful points and your communication techniques have improved greatly in the 10 years since we first met.

    Maybe I’ve just returned to my left wing roots but it is great to have someone bring up race and class issues.

    I’m extending my hand in peace and offering apology for things I may have said to you in the past that were mean or hurtful.

    I think your reminding eople that so many of the victims of anti-trans violence are people of color is very important.

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