In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Go for it.

50 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. Just a reminder: Adventures of a Young Feminist has MOVED! I can now be found at Please update your links, subscriptions, blogrolls, and bookmarks accordingly.

    Manly Men Drink Beer: why do we associate men with beer and wine with women and sometimes gay men?

    I had two Movie Monday posts on Taking Woodstock and Sunshine Cleaning.

    Secret Life Says Its Ok to Talk About Your Period: as much as I find the show problematic, Secret Life of the American Teenager does have some good qualities. Emphasis on some.

    The Doll I Always Wanted: a look at the new pole dancing doll.

    When Women Ask the Questions [Women’s Studies Wednesday]: a review of a book about the history of women’s studies.

    The Morality of Dexter: one of the reasons I really like the show Dexter is because it pushes on the viewers sense of morality.

    Problematizing Buffy: as much as I love Buffy, there are some problematic things about the show.

    Disney and Marvel: The Perfect Marriage?: if Disney is for girls and Marvel is for boys, does that make the recent purchase of Marvel by Disney the perfect marriage?

    Some Girl Loses her Outfit in a Bet: a further analysis of the KGB commercials.

    I also have a call for guest posts. Anyone interested?

  2. This week in Evil Slutopia:

    ~Since we’re obsessed with True Blood, a quick post on Anna Paquin’s recent quote about the fact that so many people make a big deal about nude scenes while ignoring violent ones.

    ~Comedian Jessica Bern channels Aunt Flo to help raise money for ovarian cancer research: Let’s Talk…Period

    ~In honor of marriage equality coming to Vermont and the fact that we’re gearing up to start the fight all over again here in New York, our September pick of the month is our Straight For Equality store.

    ~A very mature review based on our recent trip the the Metropolitan Museum of Art: The ESC Does the Met

    ~What does this say about me as a parent?

    ~Marie Claire magazine has been on to some ‘interesting’ stories this month – they’ve decided that the “new” trophy wives are Asian women, that widowers should be our “crush of the month”, and that we should avoid locker rooms because there might be some unattractive naked women in there.

    ~Family Circle gives some sensible advice about virginity pledges.

    ~Our Arts Editor Chiquita has a rant about something most of us have dealt with – annoying and inaccurate email forwards from relatives. She got one from her grandma about the secret liberal agenda of Snopes.

  3. Some thoughts on health care as I try to figure out my own coverage. After my dad’s complete lack of sympathy for me, I’m not surprised that he and others have no sympathy for the uninsured millions. (Plus a very brief followup.)

    The Republican reaction to Obama’s schoolkid speech and why it’s racist.

    On the supposed inability of men to understand refusals. What would the world be like if consent to other social interactions were treated the same way as consent from women in (hetero) romantic or sexual interactions?

  4. In trying to help people when have we done enough?

    Jimi Izrael thinks dissing black women will help him sell his relationship book

    Tyler Perry bogarted a black female writer/director to hijack telling the story of seminal black woman play For Colored Girls….

  5. Here are the posts written on Miss incognegro for the past week:

    Unethical? My personal account re: being raised in a predominately-White community, in response to a post on another blog

    Black Pride Shoved Down My Throat Recalling an experience with the Black community at my alma mater during my first moments on campus

    Err…We Don’t Even LOOK Alike How we see/don’t see people on the basis of race, and a case of mistaken identity

    Super-Heated President Obama Hateration Some thoughts re: the real reason why President Obama is called a socialist, and, why so many are threatened re: his upcoming speech to America’s students on education

  6. In between dissing Oprah Chris Brown brings along mommy & lawyer for his non-apology tour

    Asking women to make changes is as much of a spiritual battle as a mental one

    Why cisgender folks of all orientations need Trangender sensitivity training

  7. Talking to Kids About Sex

    I take on “Child Training” in Pain as Discipline.

    I find the slogan on a t-shirt troubling.

    5 docs, 3 years, 2 psychs, 1 day in the life of a Chronic Pain Patient.

    The privilege involved in Military Service.

    I critique the concern trolling of Dr. House by his peers from the perspective of a pain patient in The Pain of House.

    I am flying home to Korea today, so I won’t be around to mod. If you leave a comment and it gets held up please be patient.

  8. It’s been a slow week, but I have a couple of topics I brought up but didn’t get to write about quite as much as I hoped to.
    *Sharing mzbitca’s response to the Katrina v. Wildfires issue:
    Louisiana v. California
    *Shoshanna Stern’s photoshoot for the NOH8 campaign:
    You Don’t Have to Hear Your Voice to be Able to Use It
    *An addition to the circumcision/AIDS discussion:
    Further Thoughts
    *And a repost of something I found that I think it’s important to share:
    Regarding Rape

  9. This past week the Guy’s Guide began a project cataloguing male feminist sites, articles, and resources in The Beginning of a Long Term Project Here at the Guide. So, if you’ve got a resource for the gentlemen in your feminist life, leave a link in the comments!

    We also discussed Shira Tarrant’s feature in the Spring issue of Bitch about redefining what it means to be a guy in Remodeling Masculinity. What do you think of Tarrant’s examples of ‘the new masculinity’?

  10. This week at The (not so) Little Things:

    No, You Don’t Need to Speak with My Husband: Starr C. of Suburbtopia talked about a realtor who thought her husband was more qualified to deal with selling their house than she was. It reminded me about filing taxes as a married couple for the first time and the assumption that with marriage comes forfeiting your economic power.

    You Can Tell a Lot from Behind: My thoughts about what alleys can say about socioeconomics and privilege.

  11. I guess if I was feeling really shameless I’d just post everything I wrote this week too. 🙂 Here are three out of a good batch.

    Actually My Love is *Not* a Rose… Or an Apple, Lollypop, a Piece of Tape, or Gum, etc. Based on a big epiphany about the Abstinence Only misconception about women as things.

    Comparative Impact: Sports Injuries vs. STIs, Virginity, “Reputation,” Etc. Based on an overheard conversation between parents who’d had sports injuries in high-school.

    From Porn and Self-Mutilation to Serious Social Change Checking out a possible urban legend resulted in a discovery of horrifyingly destructive misconceptions among culturally gender-segregated men.


  12. 1. The Ideas and Language of Gender and Identity – A discussion at Dear Diaspora (where else?) prompted me to write out some thoughts on the definnitions of cis/transgender and cis/transsexual, and how we use language to describe ourselves
    2. Linguistic Troubles with Cis/Transgender – A followup to the above. I, a self-described trans woman, realize there are some problems with the word transgender
    3. Vacation photos – A shameless excuse to post pictures of me rock-climbing
    4. Links Fair – Links you might have missed, including gender discussion bingo, what not to do with library books, the sci-fi ghetto, and more

  13. Child Brides Cannot Be Abandoned To Their Fate: Looking at the consequences at arise when a girl is forced to marry at a young age.

    What’s a little nudity between friends: Looking at a spread done by numero magazine that places a black model and a white model together in problematic ways.

    Multiple Site Of Oppression the Myopia of the GLBT Community: Looking at why it is important to use intersectionality to get a full scope of the ways in which one may be marginalized.

    Who is Chris Brown and What is a Rihanna: Looking at the Larry King interview and the lenth that he his mother and his lawyer went to, to sanitize the physical assault of Rihanna.

    True Blood Frenzy: A breakdown and discussion of last weeks show.

  14. A pair of cognitive neuroscientists, ink barely wet on their PhDs, decide that online slash fandom is the perfect place to run an untested, untried, unreviewed survey, especially when they don’t intend to bother with any of that pesky ethical review stuff: after all, slash fans are just kinky girls who watch TV all the time, what do they know? Well, within three days they had to shut their survey down and their alma mater got in touch to notify them that they need to quit claiming this project of theirs has any legitimate academic status. How did this happen? Fandom to researchers: We are not your lab rats.

    Reading various discussions and justifications online about whether or not to boycott Shadow Complex – a new game which is written as a prequel to Empire, Orson Scott Card’s novel/game about a liberal conspiracy taking over the US – brought this to mind: Orson Scott Card, who writes with relish of gay men being chemically castrated and body modifications, whose career has depended on computers both real and fictional, who thinks gay men ought to be kept in the closet by legal persecution if they become visible: and Alan Turing, the founder of computer science, the man who broke the Enigma codes by building a computer out of stone knives and bearskins, who was driven to suicide by legal persecution and chemical castration for homosexuality nine years after he was honoured by the British Government for helping to win WWII. So I wrote: Orson Scott Card, meet Alan Turing.

  15. My blogging has been muted this week as I’ve been preparing for classes, so I reflected on how blogging is messing with my teaching, and vice versa – in ways I hope will be fruitful for the Intro to Women’s and Gender Studies class I’m about to teach.

    Sean Lennon and his his girlfriend, Kemp Muhl, tried to “recreate” the famous Lennon/Ono photo from the cover of the Rolling Stone. We’ve had some fun teasing apart why the original is so much more affecting.

  16. The past couple of weeks at have featured noted Irish lesbian activist Maura Hennessey as well as myself on “horizontal feminism” a new/old way of approaching feminism. There are multiple essays by both of us on the first page so give it a look.

    Riding the Second Wave is now a group feminist blog btw, I’d love to see it listed on the blogroll here (hint hint hint)

  17. Only pretty women should be murdered in a jealous rage, apparently: the extreme of women judging other women, discussing the murder of Jasmine Fiore.

    it’s for “her”; says so right on the can: that’s right, ladies. we get an energy drink special for us. and it just proves how clueless people are when it comes to marketing to women.

    Gender, sexuality, and objectification in Lil Wayne’s live performance of “Lollipop”: i think that the title pretty much sums it up.

    and the most adorable gay marriage ad

  18. Bookclubbing Promoting not one but two feminist bookclubs!

    In which I address Indigenous housing issues in the Northern Territory On a housing scheme here in Australia which is not going so well; money wastage at the expense of Indigenous Australians.

    Linksplosion! Bodies and body image edition I’m thinking about bodies and body image, so take a journey with me through some great links on book covers, disability, beauty standards, dance, poetry and more.

    Review: “The Women Men Don’t See” by James Tiptree, Jr. A review of one of the staples of feminist science fiction reading. It’s a really, really good story.

  19. I lost a friend of 22 years because we disagreed about health care reform and white male privilege: Racist.


    My project about sexuality education has a brand-new design: Beyond the Birds and the Bees.


    I’d love to have your submissions for the Feminist Carnival of Sexual Freedom and Autonomy which I’m hosting later this week. Read more here.

  20. The University of Michigan professor who beat and slapped a law student he’d paid for sex is back in a classroom.

    The first major student protest of the new academic year took place at Howard University on Friday. (Diddy, a Howard alum, helped to spread the word on Twitter.)

    And one of Britain’s oldest and largest Conservative student organizations has been dechartered by Oxford University after its leaders told a bunch of racist jokes at a formal dinner.

  21. Am I a Spanish Barbie? Ruth on gendered scripts in second language education.

    Calling All NYC Pro-Choice Activists! NARAL Pro-Choice New York wants you to join the incredible Activist Leadership Circle!

    Washington Post FAIL! Criticizing Michelle Obama for wearing shorts? On her vacation?! Are you serious? (A guest post by Joel.)

    Kyla’s thoughts on living without a mirror’s influence.

    Grinnell Fun Facts: Ruth finds remnants of her college’s overtly sexist history.

  22. Out in the Country: Youth, Media, and Queer Visibility in Rural America: I did find a lot of feminists and socialists and anti-racists and queers with whom I could link arms and “fight the good fight,” but I lost that sense of community I’d always known at home. What good was knowing someone would show up at a protest if you couldn’t count on them to show up when your car dies and you need to get to work?

    Clit Fest – Chuco’s Justice Center: Inglewood, CA (8/7/2009): I often grapple with whether or not I should be critical of an event put on by other feminists in an effort to bring people together, share ideas, and have discussions. It reminds me of a conversation I had with another woman about the presidential elections. She was horrified to learn I was voting for Obama instead of Clinton. I’m of the opinion that it’s a step in the wrong direction to vote for a woman simply because she’s a woman.

    The Media Relations Department of Hizbollah Wishes You a Happy Birthday: Unexpected Encounters in the Changing Middle East: Westerners tend to view the Middle East monolithically, as a vast expanse of violence and extremism. But, as MacFarquhar illustrates, the region consists of competing philosophies and contradictions.

    Youth Knows No Pain: McCabe is obsessed with her own image, and there are no fewer than forty shots of McCabe gazing into mirrors or taking photographs of herself. McCabe admits she spends exorbitant sums on wrinkle creams, despite $70,000 of debt. She also says she would happily let her health insurance lapse so that she can afford salon visits every six weeks.

  23. Last Monday I posted a retrospective of Ted Kennedy and selected tributes to him. That’s all for this week, though Brian and I both have a few posts coming, one of which riffs off one of Aunt B’s posts here.

  24. Well since it is shameless self-promotion Sunday. =)

    It’s not a blog but it’s something I wrote for my college paper and I happen to think I did a good job (though the lone commenter on my piece sadly does not agree, heh)

    anyway: it’s on why “PC” is a good, not negative, thing and why more people should practice using PC language.

  25. Be Afraid, Be Very Very Afraid“: Queen Emily’s debut post at Hoyden About Town. Western Australian lawmakers think the sky is falling, because two trans men might be actually recognised as a man while in possession of a uterus. Or uteri. Uteri that might, theoretically, BREED, thereby bringing fire and brimstone down on our otherwise morally upright State.

    “Quick Hit: HealthBase Cures All Ills”: WildlyParenthetical plays with HealthBase, the new artificial stupidity engine. Did you know that the medical treatments for Fetish include Latex, Spandex, Magazine and Condiment?

    Beauty, Virtue & Vice, and a Map of a Woman’s Heart“: A neat look at notions of ideal beauty and true womanhood based on American 19th-C prints of women. Includes “A Map of the Open Country of a Woman’s Heart”, which warns about women’s propensity to Selfishness, Coquetry, Deception, and Fickleness.

    Chally has “Fudging funding for the NT Indigenous housing program“, where she wonders why not one house has been built in the two years of the $672 million Strategic Indigenous Housing and Infrastructure Program.

    An obituary: “Friday Hoyden: Barbara Moore: Feminist, Lawyer, Writer & Grad Student of the U of Melbourne. 1953-2009“: Barbara finished her thesis on her deathbed, and her supervisor shares some of her memoir with us.

  26. A sampling from Bitch Magazine’s blog…

    Hateraid: People of WalMart Edition, this site is an example of what happens when people fail to have class consciousness, folks.

    Hateraid: International Commercials Edition, a response to my disappointment with the lack of creativity on the part of advertisers, feeling of boredom with their attempts at sensationalism, and surprise at the lack of sensitivity regarding a recent act of terrorism that has had global repercussions.

    Newsflash: Summer Flings Also Appropriate for Fall, Winter, Spring, Glamour has a “helpful” article in their latest issue that helpfully promises “6 ways to turn your summer fling into the real thing.”

    Ella Es El Matador, exploring the world of bullfighting through the eyes of female matadors

    So This Feminist Walks into a Bar… And Enters a Joke Contest!, book giveaway in exchange for a little feminist humor

    Passivity in domesticity: Is clipart the new female nude? , the connection between women, domesticity, and submissiveness in web images.

  27. Moonshine and Rainbows: Queer, Young and Rural
    Living in cities like New York and San Francisco has become a modern-day marker of queer authenticity, and media representations like “Queer as Folk”, The Advocate, and PlanetOut do little to disabuse us of the notion that small town America is inherently hostile to queer communities. But those of us who have lived queerly in both rural and urban places know this ubiquitous portrayal only shows part of the picture.

    A queer-identified woman from a small town in California, Mary Gray’s experience lobbying for harassment protection for queer youth in the California public schools prompted her groundbreaking research on what life is like for the young and queer in rural America. The resulting book, Out in the Country: Youth, Media and Queer Visibility in Rural America, discusses the myriad ways the national gay rights movement fails to be fully inclusive of its bucolic brethren, and provides strategies for including the complex needs of rural LGBTQ youth in the national queer agenda.

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