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Sunday Shame: Ebay Frilly Shirt Edition

Another Sunday has rolled around and since everyone enjoyed last weeks Sunday Shane, I have decided to once again cross post it here at Feministe.

Since becoming disabled, I have taken to making my clothing purchases on EBAY.  The unhusband has been great picking up the slack since I have been sick.  He does the majority of the cooking (much to the children’s horror) as well as most of the household chores.  I have learned that over looking a mess can be better than hurting myself to clean it up.

At any rate, along with taking low doses of prednisone came a huge weight gain.  I simply have to purchase a new wardrobe, as not even with a pound of butter could I squeeze into my old jeans.  The unhusband has no fashion sense and so he is the last person I want to buy me any kind of clothing.  For the most part everything I wear is pretty tame but every once and a while I do reach for the ridiculous.

imageI absolutely fell in love with the above shirt.  It was a mere thirty-one USD and there was no way I was not going to win this auction.   There is something about frills that make me feel soft and feminine, so straight to paypal I went.  I was completely happy with this shirt, until a certain Gus, otherwise known as Allison McCarthy, told me I would look like Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman in it.  Now is that any way to treat a friend?  I will admit that it is a wee bit frilly but isn’t it a lovely shade of blue?  Am I reaching? Come on and help a girl out.

Now I would like to know what fashion faux pas you have recently made.  That means you in back rocking the jheri curl, or the mullet fess up.  This includes wearing PJ’s out of the house or having a weak moment as I supposedly recently did with my beloved frilly shirt.

Cross posted from Womanist Musings

25 thoughts on Sunday Shame: Ebay Frilly Shirt Edition

  1. Oh god, that shirt, I WANTS IT. But my taste is suspect because I am a confirmed fashion disaster. I like to mix floofy skirts with men’s flannel plaid shirts and goofy earrings, and if I really had my way, I’d never wear anything but XL t-shirts and pyjama pants with baby animals on them (and I have worn my grandma-made, tent-sized red plaid pyjama bottoms to school before, though I left my puffy strawberry slippers at home). My two major considerations for clothing are Comfort and Colour — the more of either, the better.

  2. You know what? Everyone wants to What Not To Wear me, but I’m a tshirt and slacks kind of girl. The one thing I get a lot of shit for at the office is pairing my work outfits with my Chucks, and when I tried to explain ZOMG RACHEL MADDOW DOES IT they all looked at me sideways — they didn’t know who she was.

  3. Wait, wearing pj’s out of the house is a fashion fail? But those Mario Bros pants are so nice. I’m also one of those who sometimes wear socks with sandles. Comfort and color tend to win, although mainly comfort. Although my color sense can be a bit skewed, depending on various things like ambient lighting and contrast, so when I try and look nice lately I’ve been sticking with various shades of grey and black.

  4. Also, I like the color of the shirt, it is a pretty blue. Not sure on the arm ruffles, though. Could stand to have one less ruffle there, keep thinking that if someone wears it the ruffs’ll land in your food.

  5. Love the shirt. Totally love it. I’m sure I’m also a fashion disaster (looks down… urhg)… yep. But, the shirt is awesome. If my monitor is showing a true colour… I’d totally roll you for it 🙂

    Never apologize for the fun clothes.

  6. OK, at the risk of being a fashion stalker. I’ve decided: I *need* to know where you got the shirt. Please tell me it’s an ebay store, and there are more! Must. Have. Frilly. Blue. Shirt. 🙂

  7. I agree, I am a fasion disaster and I love the shirt, where did you get it? Can I get one? Please? Oh and when I read this I was like who took my life? I became disabled in 04, and I can’t convince even a doctor to look at me the way I need to be examined. So I am stuck, and I am a clean freak on top of it, so when I see that mess I TRY to clean it up and hurt myself all over again and spend 2 more weeks in bed. I pray for a public option that I can afford so I might see a pain free life again. But I am not holding my breath.

    MUST HAVE SHIRT!! Does it come in purple?

  8. Honestly, I’ve always taken a lot of pride in the way that I look – especially when I leave the house. With all due respect, I don’t the wearing of pajamas in public. If it works for others – cool. Right now, I am channeling my inner French woman. I’m eating more freshly prepared foods, taking better care of my skin, wearing a bit more makeup, and wearing skirts when I go out. Today, I wore jeans for my jaunt to the grocery store – I had been good all week. 🙂 But, I don’t wear shorts in public, even though I think I have nice legs, and look good in shorts. I’ve decided that, unless they are knee-length walking shorts, they’re not for public consumption.

    BTW: Top is pretty. Not my style, but, it’s pretty. 🙂

  9. Purple – alas, I love purple. Frequently I have furrowed or raised the eyebrows of my thrifting-mates with luridly purple shoes, bags, shirts, dresses, even a SUIT (which they made me put back, the bastards).

  10. ZOMG, I have a purple suit! A velvet one at that, with ornate rhinestoned buttons on the sleeves. And I love that shirt; I want it. And you can acytually trust me; I am not a confirmed fashion disaster. In fact, people admire my fashion, I receive many compliments, etc., so buy the shirt (or give it to me). With confidence and enthusiasm, what is a fashion disaster on one person becomes part of a fabulous outfit on someone else.

  11. Ya know, I consider myself an eclectic fashion “don’t”. 😉 I’ll try everything at least once, fashionable or no (except for kneesocks and shorts–NONONONONONOO). Hey, it’s all good, and everyone’s got their own style….and as for the top, me likey! Where on Ebay can one procure this lovely?

  12. Eh. I used to have some fashion sense. Then I started writing a dissertation & doing the grad school thang while commuting 3+ hrs each way, and got back into trekking.

    So yeah, my fashion faux pas of late? I’ve become one of those people who thinks wearing Patagonia and Arcteryx when not on a mountain or in yoga is A-OK. I’ve decided to reserve my (gorgeous!) black wool winter coat in favor of something with Gore-Tex and down.

    Oh yeah, and my purse? Got replaced with a Gregory daypack. I can fit more library books in it without being in severe pain at day’s end. Also, it’s a mean daypack for hiking.

  13. I almost exclusively wear pajama pants unless I want to impress someone or think people will make too big a deal of it wherever I’m going.

  14. I almost exclusively wear pajama pants unless I want to impress someone or think people will make too big a deal of it wherever I’m going.

    Also, I love that shirt! So what if it’s frilly, it’s pretty, and if you like wearing it that should be good enough for everyone else.

  15. I love the shirt too, though my decision to buy it would probably be based largely on the fabric it’s made of (is it stretchy, and does it breathe being the two primary concerns of my squishy torso). No shame for the shirt, it’s awesome

  16. I wear what are close to being the *original* (like from India) pyjama pants all the time — salwar pattern from Folkwear that I’ve made at least 4 times. I have 2 pair in my wardrobe right now (one in a blue crinkle rayon and one in a black/red/green paisley pattern), and another pair in black cotton gauze that I want to get made up soon. They are *awesome* summer pants — cool and comfy, but sort of dressy looking. Great with either a nice knit top or a tunic style shirt. The only problem is that shoes look totally wrong with them…. Well, sandals or china flats are OK, but anything else is pretty weird. My feet hate that, sometimes.

    I like the top too. Makes me think more of Stevie Nicks than Dr. Quinn, though. (Not sure where your friend got THAT idea.) And I think Stevie Nicks rocks.

    If it makes you happy, wear it. 🙂 While I’m an advocate for dressing to an appropriate level of formality for a situation, I’m also an advocate of creative dressing. The shirt/blouse passes; carry on. 😉

  17. I couldn’t wear that shirt because I’m a big klutz and my sleeves would go straight into my food. Otherwise, yay, it’s frilly fabulousness!

  18. I wore my hot knee-high leather boots out … before labor day… and with short shorts! Such a fashion no-no. So much fun.

  19. Thanks for all of the support on the frilly shirt everyone. I guess that makes one for me and none for Allison. I will try and find the ebay link and post it in the thread. I bought this a few weeks ago so I don’t remember if the seller has a story or not.

  20. On October first, regardless of weather, my boots and leather jacket come out and stay out until the end of March.

    I live in Florida.


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