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And One for Insomnia

Apparently being tired as all hell is not enough to get me to sleep, so we’ll just take this boring quiz and call it a day.

You Are 70% Boyish and 30% Girlish

You are pretty evenly split down the middle – a total eunuch. Okay, kidding about the eunuch part. But you do get along with both sexes.
You reject traditional gender roles. However, you don’t actively fight them.
You’re just you. You don’t try to be what people expect you to be.

23 thoughts on And One for Insomnia

  1. You don’t actively fight them? I call bullshit on that survey.

    Disclaimer: Assuming by “traditional” we’re talking about pre-feminist roles, not…ah, you know what I’m talking about.

  2. As an enlightened male, I’m not at all bothered that I took the quiz and ended up with exactly the opposite result.


    Not bothered at all.

    Then again: But no matter what, you try to be as cute and perky as possible.

    It’s like they’re here in my living room!

  3. I think the reason that I show up more male on these things is that I’m ultimately a cynic even with my pie-in-the-sky hopes. Apparently defeatism is a male characteristic.

  4. 50-50 here. silly survey though -too many things treated as binary that really aren’t. Did it make you sleepy anyway?

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  6. I got the same result as you. I wonder how common it is. Maybe feminism (“more likely to say ‘I’m right,'”) skews your result male.

    There’s a really long quiz somewhere on the intarwebs that says it can determine what sex you are. (It couldn’t tell what I was.) A lot of the questions contained some bias blindspot or another. The example I best remember was this question: “What’s a better color for a t-shirt, green or orange?” If you pick orange, you’re a guy, because women know that orange is a less flattering color than green. As long as you’re white, that is.

  7. That quiz was stupid. I got 20/80 (yes I am female) but I can hammer on roofing, split wood, and change the oil in my car with the best of them.

  8. I scored 50/50, but I refuse to give much weight to a survey that determines my gender expression based on trite dichotomies like men buy powerful cars and women cute cars. ugh.

  9. I can’t do any of that stuff, but I also can’t cook, embroider or keep my dirty clothes from accumulating in drifts on my floor.

    Maybe I really am androgynous.

    You know–it just occurred to me how odd it is that 70/30 is “split down the middle.” I guess masculinity really is the default to the quiz creator.

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