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5 thoughts on RIP Ted Kennedy

  1. I have to admit I’m a little surprised to see so few posts about Ted “Swimmer” Kennedy’s death.

  2. Somehow, I get the feeling that if he had raped Mary Jo Kopechne and then used his political clout and personal money to pay off her family, feminists all over the world would remember and mourn her. Apparently, murder is more forgivable.

    It is public knowledge that she was ALIVE when our ‘hero’ left her trapped in that car. She moved her head into an air bubble and is is believed that she may have lived for several hours, and he didn’t even try to get help.

    What a saint.

  3. Um, how is that public knowledge? Did the coroner determine time of death after the car was retrieved? I didn’t know they could do that with a drowning at that time.

    He screwed up and should have called the police. Maybe he was too egotistical and believed his own attempts to save her were all that could be done. Who knows.

    Regardless, I don’t know you can say that he “murdered” her. If it wasn’t my husband or child in that car, I don’t know I would be a good enough person to save them before I saved myself.

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