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20 thoughts on To the 9/11 Conspiracy Theorists:

  1. You have the right to tell 9/11 Truth People to go home on your blog, in public, in private. I respect that.

    I would ask you and all your readers to not turn your heads away from the truth of the murder or roughtly 3000 people that has been used to justify the senseless killing of at least 100,000 more.

  2. I turned my head toward it. I looked at the available evidence. I decided the 9/11 conspiracy people are a bunch of tinfoil-hatted loons. I turned away again.

    And coming from me, that’s saying something.

  3. Chris,

    Have you read:
    Webster Tarpley: 9/11 Synthetic Terrorism
    David Ray Griffin: New Pearl Harbor, and 911 Commission, Ommission and Distortions

    I understand why much info on the web from so called conspiracy people would turn you off. I don’t know how valuable having you as an ally who knows the truth is. But I know everybody, especially bloggers who see the horrible deeds of the Bush Administration, should be aware of the whole story. bin Laden is a boogie man and the whole thing was set up to justify these crazy wars.

    I don’t mean to annoy you. I don’t mean you have to believe what seems to be on par with UFO stories. Just start with the facts of WTC Building 7 that was demolished at 5:30 on 9/11.

    It’s the facts that matter. The truth is the truth, and there are many, people who know the govt. story is in fact an outrageous conspiracy theory. Many people other than those that you classify as tinfoil-hatted loons that care about our Country and our World.

  4. All I know is that whenever I see “conspiracy theorist”, or tinfoil-hat-crowd used as a synonym for said same, I kinda twitch. Four groups moving four airliners in an attack is the product of a conspiracy. A whispering campaign in South Carolina claiming that John McCain has a black love child is the product of a conspiracy. The bomb that went off under Hitler’s conference table was the product of a conspiracy.

    Now these conspiracies didn’t have a damn thing to do with each other…. But I suspect that no conspiracy is as simple as it’s generally presented to us as. I also don’t believe in two “lone gunmen” killing two of the Kennedy brothers, and I find it odd that two Liberal politicians just happened to die of accidents involving private planes at politically (to say nothing of personally!) inconvenient times.

    I’m just sayin’…

    *puts on his tinfoil hat and goes home, muttering…*

  5. Sigh. I knew you wouldn’t be from NYC or DC.

    Look, WTC 7 fell down because it, stupidly, was the site Giuliani picked as the city’s center for emergency operations and contained a vast fuel storage tank which CAUGHT FIRE. And it caught fire because burning pieces of aircraft fell on it and into it. And, just like the main towers, the fuel fire burned extremely hot and destroyed the infrastructure.

    A plane hit the Pentagon. The missile theory has been thoroughly debunked by Snopes.

    And two planes hit the Twin Towers. Friends of mine saw them hit, early-arriving coworkers of mine didn’t imagine the Pratt & Whitney engine on the sidewalk outside the building when they had to evacuate.

    I live in New York. I lived in New York on 9/11. I despise the Bush people. I have every reason to want to believe that the Bush Administration was involved in some grand conspiracy to let the attacks happen in order to start the Iraq war. But you know what? I don’t believe it. I don’t believe it because in order to believe it, I would have to ascribe an incredible level of competence and coordination to the Administration in order to pull something like that off and not have any leaks about it come out even four years later, even in New York.

    This Administration, as we have seen repeatedly, is simply not competent. They fucked up the response to 9/11 just like they fucked up the response to Katrina. The omissions and editing in the 9/11 Commission report can be put down to political maneuvering to hide the extent of incompetence.

  6. … great, so then you agree that there are Clinton Admin. officials (Berger, Gorelick, and yes, Clinton (gasp)) also complicit in Commission political maneuverings and general incompetence. I’m no Bush apologist, but you severely damage your credibility by making this partisan…

  7. All I know is that whenever I see “conspiracy theorist”, or tinfoil-hat-crowd used as a synonym for said same, I kinda twitch.

    Try working in my job for a while. You’ll get:

    – planes spraying stuff from 30,000 feet in an attempt to control peoples’ minds, and the stuff is claimed to cause immediate symptoms when you see it from seven miles away;

    – A CIA plot to kill all blacks in Africa with AZT;

    – numbers on the backs of stop signs giving secret coded orders to the UN occupation forces when they land;

    – invasive species control people are advance forces for ethnic cleansing;

    – the auto companies had a car that burned water in 1942, and they’ve suppresssed it;

    – the “atomic physics establishment” is keeping the success of cold fusion secret;

    – the NSA is releasing nanorobots to alter our genetic codes from the inside without our knowledge;

    – lots more. That’s in the last year. I’m not even talking about the crazy stuff bright people sometimes believe, like deadly EMFs from clock radios or homeopathy.

    Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. That evidence is less than persuasive to me if it relies on everyone that’s debunked it being assumed to be in the employ of the “others.”

    There are plenty of real, documentable conspiracies going around. I don’t want to waste any of my time on the Nexxus Magazine stuff.

  8. Chris, you forgot Jews.


    the NSA is releasing nanorobots to alter our genetic codes from the inside without our knowledge;

    I’d support that. My genes need a kick in the pants.

  9. The snopes web site proves nothing. I know begging is unbecoming, but I beg everyone to do your due diligence on the Truth of 9/11. There’s an MIT professor that has a definitive write up on the Towers falling. He is lying. I don’t know why.

    Wake and smell the coffee.

    If the Truth of the 9/11 is ever established, I know you’ll think to youself, well how was I to know, the MSM covered it up. You owe it to yourself and your country to find and spread the truth.

  10. Zuzu,

    If you have watched the videos of wtc 7 falling, and
    if you accept the videos as being valid, and
    if you have watched Larry Silverstein on the PBS documentary saying “they” decided to pull-it, and
    you don’t realise that no amount of fuel stored in the wtc 7 could have cause the perfect “charge assisted” demoliton….

    if you have awareness of all of this, and you still don’t understand you are incredibly inept in understanding the physics of the situation, or

    you have a reason to not want the truth exposed.

  11. Have any of you read Michael Ruppert’s Crossing the Rubicon? It’s immaculately researched and extensively footnoted and makes a very convincing case for the U.S. government’s complicity in 9/11. Check it out.

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