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Shannon Elizabeth calls me a bimbo

Well, not Shannon Elizabeth, just Jeff Goldstein. To which I will now oh-so-maturely respond, “Fuck off.”

But please, feel free to give Mr. Goldstein a piece of your mind. I don’t have the time, as I’m too busy trying to make my postings more attractive to men.

45 thoughts on Shannon Elizabeth calls me a bimbo

  1. When ignorant people cannot logically argue a point, they almost always revert to sexist or racism insults. It’s the rule. Unfortunately, we have to live with it.

  2. i love how he defends his use of the word “bimbo” by claiming it was satire because he was writing as Shannon Elizabeth. And it’s not offensive to call HER a bimbo because…why? double bimbo whammy on him.

  3. Perhaps you’ll get the “if Jill were a piece of bimbonic pasta” or “imaginary conversations between Billy Jack and Jill” treatment next. It’s the equivalent of celebrity, if notoreity could actually be conferred by a compact, patriotically correct circle jerk.

  4. Oh dear—you have attacked the delicate, sensitive female feminists at Feministe. Expect a puff-alanche of snippy comments from Proud Singlemom Womyn™ demanding Culturally Diverse communities in which they can safely raise their quadriracial children in a non-violent, non-misogynistic, secular atmosphere where they won’t have to hear about icky male phallic things like War!, Jesus, and rednecks in pickup trucks.

    That’s a comment over at Protein Wisdom. Sexism? Check. Racism? Check. Why am I still reading what these idiots post?

  5. Hissy Cat-

    Oh my God! Wow. I’ve never seen something so soul-less in my life (“They were fat and stupid!”). Reading crap like that always makes me feel better about myself — at least I’m not black-hearted and evil.

  6. You said it, Sheelz.

    And thanks for the compliment. At least this time around they won’t go for the “ugly feminist” argument. They’ll just ATTACK MY KID.

  7. Somethin’ wrong with bimbos?

    How un-inclusive of you. Personally, I don’t mind ’em, as long as they put out.But than, I’m one o’ them evil male patriarchs, y’know. As opposed to the Good Female Matriarchs in places like Fiji, where nobody ever fought a war.


  8. Hey, forgive the cheap plug, but I just did a little number on the whole Malkin/you/Goldstein/Elizabeth thing over on my blog, and I hope you’d like to read it.

    Not like I noticed that you don’t have any “D” blogs on your roll or anything.

  9. He’s a dick. He complains constantly about me, and it was funny for awhile, but I tuned him out. He’s very sure of his unbelievable rightness in every way, which is indeed laughable from someone who can’t get a damn thing straight to save his life.

    But pretty girls are bimbos! He showed you for being pretty like all those bitches who keep shooting him down.

  10. Now look what you did. I just took a shower, and after that you teased me into reading those flukeworms. Now I need another shower.

    And some people think feminists don’t bathe. 😉

  11. They were fat and stupid!

    Seriously. If I ever read another righty say “how poor can they be, they’re fat!” I’m gonna pour fifteen gallons of cheap corn syrup down their throat and then…well, anyone seen Caligula?

  12. Oops, messed up the blockquote above. Post 22 is in response to the question asked in post 21. I’m going to try to blockquote it correctly below and if that doesn’t work give up.

    What on earth does “Protein Wisdom” mean, anyway?

    Somehow it makes me think of mad cow disease. Perhaps the authors are seeking wisdom from prions?

  13. Let me say right off the bat I think charges of bimboism, and all the other ad hominem nonsense that’s flown back and forth between here and Protein Wisdom, is completely ridiculous.

    I know you’ve said your piece on this Jill and probably aren’t interested in pursuing it further, but I’d like to offer my two cents.

    Firstly, with regard to your claim in your original post that 9/11 was a “non-military” attack on a “civilian population”: Oh really? You consider the Pentagon to be a civilian target? C’mon. And even if it hadn’t been targeted, the fact that the terrorists weren’t enlisted in an official military or didn’t attack under the flag of a foreign power is completely immaterial to whether or not their acts were acts of war. Asymmetrical, guerrilla warfare has long been recognized as such.

    Secondly: Even I, someone who I think it’s fair to say knows you reasonably well, was a little shocked by your statement that the actions of the passengers of Flight 93 weren’t part of a “war”. Your bringing up of Iraq struck me as willful obtuseness and beneath your usual crisp style of argument. Acts of war most certainly took place on 9/11. By resisting the terrorists that day, the passengers of Flight 93 became some of the first casualties in that war. Bin Laden has declared war on American and its allies. That’s the truth. There needn’t be any Clintonian, legalistic parsing about that.

    As has been brought up already, I guess that if the left and right can’t even agree as to whether a war began on 9/11, there’s really no point in hashing it out. You either think so, or you don’t. But it’s not “politicizing” anything to refer to the Flight 93 memorial as a “war memorial”.

  14. What on earth does “Protein Wisdom” mean, anyway?

    Something concerning ejaculate? More than that I don’t want to know.

  15. I’m just bitter and lonely because Lauren and Jill are cute and have personalities and I don’t. Beatches.

    As though that were anything other than cattiness and true sexism, practiced by hypocrites in feminist clothing. Jesus, could you be more of a stereotype? A woman says soemthing you disagree with and right away it’s all ‘She ain’t got no man” and “She be ugly.”

    You’re all Springer guests pretending to be thinking adults.

  16. Umm, most likely all wisdom is protein-based, ie the biochemistry of consciousness. Unless you believe in Cartesian Dualism.

    But, Allah is so correct. It is like different languages. Mebbe if i strip out all the place names and proper nouns it will make more sense to you feministes, sort of like the gender-neutral languange you are so fond of.
    Look, some stateless, generic terrorists with some random beef against the USA hijacked four planes and crashed them into three buildings, killing somewhat less than four thousand of our tribe. The fourth plane was diverted into the ground, due to the brave efforts of the citizen passengers, and creating a somewhat less desireable outcome for the stateless terrorists, in terms of body count and sheer destruction.
    In return, our government, having as its prime directive “Preserve and Protect” our citizens, set out to destroy the substrate that grows stateless terrorists. Wherever we may find it. Simple enough, sistahs?
    Oh, oh, i know know you’re not my sister, Jill–but could you be my sistah?

  17. “protein wisdom” comes from a line in a story I wrote. Just kinda liked the sound of it. No semen involved in the reference. Just lots of ‘shrooms and Sambuca.

    Incidentally, I just did a site search for “Amanda Marcotte”. It appears 5 times total in all posts and comments. Not sure that qualifies as complaining “constantly” about her, but, hey, if it helps her feel like the world is listening, I can live with it.

    Because I’m a giver.

    Incidentally, the Shannon Elizabeth reference is part of a running series I have on the site. I meant the post to catch your attention, but not to disparage you personally. It’s the content of the post I disagreed with.

    No hard feelings I hope.

  18. Thanks to the original poster and all the comments!! I’ve stumbled on to the most hilarious thing in days. It’s the feminist version of Stuart Smalley. I’m smart, I’m cute, and dog-gone it, people like me.

    You people are absolutely priceless! I’m bookmarking this site. Too much fun to digest in one sitting.

    Just out of random curiosity, if someone disagreed with you girls who was not “bitter and lonely” and possibly unattractive, Goddess forbid, what then? After all the ad hom baloney, where exactly do you go? And how do you justify your dengrating women based on their supposed attributes as women and find that at all edifying and empowering?

    Frankly, this is so high school in it’s catty sniping, I have to wonder about the mean age of the average poster here. Still, thanks for the laughs!

  19. I’m too busy trying to make my postings more attractive to men.

    Hmm. Suggest less arguing that 9/11 was not a declaration of war, and more tits.

  20. “Protein Wisdom” is most likely a pun. The British pronunciation of “protein” is similar to the pronunciation of “protean” (“readily taking on varied shapes, forms, or meanings;exhibiting considerable variety or diversity”). And yes, semen is most likely implied, too.

    Now, as to the post at hand. I find it funny that in a thread where a comment such as

    When ignorant people cannot logically argue a point, they almost always revert to … insults. It’s the rule. Unfortunately, we have to live with it.

    was made, we find in the comments of all the regulars:

    a compact, patriotically correct circle jerk

    Leave the White House out of this.

    Why am I still reading what these idiots post?

    Shorter Andrea Harris: I’m just bitter and lonely because Lauren and Jill are cute and have personalities and I don’t. Beatches.

    Wow, talk about penis anxiety.

    He’s a dick.

    I just took a shower, and after that you teased me into reading those flukeworms. Now I need another shower.

    Got to start with intelligence to get to intelligence.

    Andrea Harris is fucking nuts.

    Physicians, heal thyselves.

  21. Firstly, with regard to your claim in your original post that 9/11 was a “non-military” attack on a “civilian population”: Oh really? You consider the Pentagon to be a civilian target? C’mon.

    Jon- Thanks for the thoughts. I should have been more clear in the initial post that I was referring to the WTC civilian targets (which some on the far left will argue weren’t purely civilian, but I disagree and don’t think it’s really relevant anyway). As for whether or not 9/11 was an act of war, I can see both sides. I still don’t think the site of the Flight 93 crash is appropriate for a “war memorial,” though — and even if we accept that it’s a war memorial, I’m also not sure that the purpose of war memorials is to inspire anger.

    Oh, oh, i know know you’re not my sister, Jill–but could you be my sistah?

    This, I don’t get.

    Incidentally, the Shannon Elizabeth reference is part of a running series I have on the site. I meant the post to catch your attention, but not to disparage you personally. It’s the content of the post I disagreed with.

    Then please, focus on the content. And as a sidenote, if you or anyone else feels the need to insult me in the future, at least pick something appropriate. Baby-killing man-hating commie? Fine. Trick-ass ho? Ok. But bimbo? Clearly, you’ve never met me.

  22. Then please, focus on the content.

    Well, I did, I just did it in the comments section. I don’t always use the post proper as a forum to pontificate — just to get the ball rolling.

  23. Funny, it’s no problem when widdle Andrea and the rest of you neo-cons throw out ad-homs, but you sure do squeal like piglets when you get it back in kind.


  24. No, Lauren. My new dedicated server is failing left and right. 2 days and 4 outages. Do you simply do site design, or are you proficient of looking at code and cleaning it up?

  25. Sheelzebub: Oooh, neo-cons!

    That stings, I tell you.

    Can you call people Bourgeois Imperialists next?

    (Me, I think it’s fine to call people names, as long as it’s in addition to argument, not replacing it. Ad Hominem is attacking the speaker instead of the argument. Attacking the argument and then calling names is just impolite. There is a difference.

    Kinda like labeling someone a “neo-con” isn’t an argument, either. See Orwell on fascism, except, of course, that as much as neo-con means anything, it applies to anti-fascists these days.)

  26. except, of course, that as much as neo-con means anything, it applies to anti-fascists these days.)


    Well, at least you didn’t cry anti-semitism.

  27. I had no idea neo-con was an insult. I certainly don’t get bent when people call me a liberal. Go figure.

    Here’s a hanky. Wipe your nose and get a clue.

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