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Call to Conservatives: Stop Brown People From Loitering!

“Unfortunately, the right to loiter is the law of the land.” — La Shawn Barber.

Damn that Constitution! Without it, we’d be able to round up those irritating brown people, for having the audacity to just stand there in public.

You know this whole “I don’t really hate brown people, just all illegal immigrants (the brown ones, anyway)” point of view is really getting out of hand when conservatives are trying to figure out ways to prosecute brown people for simply standing outside of a 7-11. One plan is to build a center for these day-workers, so that they leave 7-11 alone. Of course, the kids on the right oppose even that action, because it would be doing something for the browns. So they’re pulling out every card: Zoning laws, declaring a state of emergency (“Brown man standing outside 7-11! Somebody call the National Guard, this situation is out of control!”), even the Minute Men. Don’t these people have something more productive to be doing?

9 thoughts on Call to Conservatives: Stop Brown People From Loitering!

  1. It’s the classic pseudo-conservative punitive mindset. Attack the symptom and maybe the cause will get so scared it will go hide somewhere else. It’s the same thinking that’s behind the drug war, too.

    You can tell real conservatives (meaning people who wish to protect and preserve that which is good) from false ones by measuring their behavior against the maxim: “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

    I don’t see many real conservatives in government, do you?

  2. This always irritates me because, hello, why not go after the businesses that hire those day laborers? Why not require businesses that use day-labor to build a day-labor center???? No, it’s much easier to blame the immigrant, with minimal English, for not knowing the laws and regulations of the area.

  3. Hmm, am I the only one who’s thinking of Jim Crowe laws? You know, the ones that made it illegal for blacks to be anywhere without a worker’s permit? Or could be forced into labor if they were seen just lounging around?

    La Shawn Barber: proving that racism is alive and well.

  4. How’s this for “doing something for the browns” (Jill’s phraseology, not mine, or for that matter any other conservative’s I’ve ever heard): insisting that Mexico actually attempt some sort of reform of its corrupt government and work to improve its economy, instead of pushing all its needy citizenry across the border so it can keep ducking the real problems? How compassionate is it to continue to allow the situation to our south to fester by not allowing any sort of regulation of a border that hundreds of “browns” (again, not my phrase) die trying to cross each year? How many dead “browns” are we willing to tolerate so we can feel good about ourselves opposing mean ol’ federal immigration law?

  5. This always irritates me because, hello, why not go after the businesses that hire those day laborers?

    Indeed. Jail any white man that employs an illegal immigrant, and very shortly illegal immigration will drop drastically.

    And if that screws up any business in the local economy, then perhaps you ought to consider your immigration policy a little more.

  6. I hate to tell you this but La Shawn Barber is black, folks.

    Yup, completely aware of it.

    I think we actually agree on this point. But I’m not sure that what you wrote is the universal conservative mentality; most people on the far right seem more concerned with getting these “illegals” out of the United States than they care about their well-being.

  7. I’m aware Barber’s black. So what, precisely?

    Ann Coulter’s a women: doesn’t make her any less sesxist.

  8. It’s not a lack of compassion to want immigrants to come to America legally, it’s a desire for an orderly society. Also, loitering laws are color blind. If they were not, they would be plainly unconstitutional.

    I agree completely that the law should go after businesses that hire illegal aliens. Those businesses are breaking the law. In conjunction with that, the immigration laws and processes need to be overhauled. Have you ever looked at the application process for an immigrant visa? Trust me, it’s quite byzantine.

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