In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Did you know it was Jill’s birthday?

I didn’t either until she unceremoniously uninvited me to her birthday dinner this week by email (apparently there are other people named Lauren in this world).


18 thoughts on Did you know it was Jill’s birthday?

  1. Well, Lauren, you’re invited to MY birthday party. Next time I have one (who knows!). You’re still several hundred miles from me, I think, but hey, that’s still more convenient than 1500!

  2. And also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY JILL! I’m still on time! In fact, there are two hours and sixteen minutes left to celebrate. Get on it!

  3. Thanks for the bday wishes!

    Ms. Lauren, you would have been invited if you were in NY! I didn’t even realize that I accidentally sent the email to you until I was having pre-dinner drinks with my friend, and she was like, “Who is your friend Lauren?” And she knows (other) Lauren, so I was like, “You know, Lauren H—–.” And she goes, “Yeah… but you sent the email dinner invite to a different Lauren. Not the Lauren you think you sent it to.” At which point I realized I put my foot in it.

    Damn it. Wish you could have been there, though!

  4. Have the happiest of birthdays, and thank you for the gift you give us–Feministe! (Did that sound way too corny? If it did, my apologies!)

  5. Jill, Jill, Jill. If you’d only been born a day sooner, you could have shared a birthday with Obama AND Helen Thomas.

    Happy Birthday! 🙂

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