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All Homosexuals Are Filled With Shame and Self-Hatred

Their title, not mine. If you ever wanted to get a good look at how disgusting, hateful and vile human beings are capable of being, read this post and the comments. But be forewarned: you’ll need a shower afterwards.

At least, though, most of what they say is so unbelievably stupid that I almost wonder if it’s a parody. Maybe it is, and then I’ll look pretty foolish. A few excerpts:

I’m sure you’ve noticed it.

Homosexuals never call themselves what they really are which is “homosexuals.” They always describe themselves in such terms as “gay,” “lesbian,” “bi-sexual,” and “trans-gender.”

Now, why do you suppose that is the case?

The answer is, they never call themselves “homosexual” because they are ashamed of what they are and hate themselves for what they do.

By giving themselves such cute little nicknames as “gay,” it helps them to feel better about themselves and gives them a lift.

And contrary to what a very large number of homosexuals are always espousing and shouting, not a one of them is “proud of being gay.”

That is true because when people are truly proud of themselves, they do not ever have the need to say they are. It is just a feeling they have.

When some homosexual yells that he or she is “proud to be gay,” it is nothing more than an example of “WHO ARE YOU TRYING TO CONVINCE? ME OR YOURSELF?”

Kind of how a lot of men call themselves “guys” because they’re filled with shame and self-hatred, right?

BULL! One, they are not oppressed. Two, they are not a minority. They aren’t a race (unless of course you think they are from an island called Homoland or something like that).

Seriously. Those faggot ankle-grabbers, despite being occassionally tied to fences and beaten to death, aren’t oppressed! Plus they aren’t a minority, because it’s not like the term “minority” has anything to do with actual numbers — it’s soley about skin color. Or nationality, I suppose, if one is from Homoland. Because nationality is the same as race. Or something.

bigotry is underrated


Private? What you call the Gay Parade with grown man hanging there balls in clear view of everyone. Or by that fact I live in Toronto and there isn’t no “In Private” as you speak of. Walk down Yonge Street and a hetro is a minority.

Apparently Canadians who have lived in Toronto for 15 years don’t have such a firm grasp of the English language. Who knew.

Just to point out that I’ve seen many pictures of Gays in the States naked and the Law hasn’t seemed to do nothing of maybe they fear of upsetting the “oppressed minority”

and then

It might happen in some crazy state like New York or Massacheusetts but its not happening in Tennessee where I live,I guarantee it.

I’ve spent many a night in NYC’s West Village and Chelsea, about the gayest areas you can find in New York, and I have yet to see packs of naked gays roaming the streets, harassing innocent bystanders with their gay balls. Perhaps I’m going to the wrong bars.

And so, they should be filled with shame and self-hatred. Pigs that they are. The world would be better off without them. The backlash is coming. When is does, it will not be pretty.

…and you just crossed the line from fucked-up-but-kind-of-funny to really horrifying.

Right on – so-called gay people (deviants) should not be allowed to adopt. Instead, homos should be escorted right off the planet. I cannot imagine anyone, with any common sense, agreeing with homos being allowed to adopt young children. This would put the children in harms way, right away.

And because we’re really logical:

I would no more want a child to go to a gay couple than I would want it to go to a murderer.


Letting homos adopt children is like a death sentence to the child. Name one place where despising homosexuals has dissolved. The are and always will be the most despised people on earth. When you compare homos with blacks and other races you are way off base. Blacks,etc. did not and could not go around spreading deadly diseases to their friends and loved ones. THIS IS THE BIG DIFFERENCE.

I’m assuming he means HIV/AIDS, aka “the gay plague”. I wonder if he’s heard of Africa?

Those sodomite … er … I mean gay parades are a clear indication that homosexuals are filled with shame and self-hatred.

What they’re doing in those spectacles is laughing to keep from crying.

But that just made me laugh. Thanks.

Homo libs are preoccupied with dick.

Ok, guilty. But I wonder if that applies to lesbians too?

Storm sent a reply to this post — pertaining to “gay men” hitting on “straight men” — that included the following question:

” … Also are you equally offended by Lesbians or is it just guys and hairy balls banging that alarm your sensitivities?”

My response to Storm is the following:

First, because I am a street-wise man of the world who has seen damned near everything there is to see, nothing “alarms my sensitivities” … not even “guys and hairy balls banging”.

But when it comes to lesbians, if one of them is a fine bitch and she temporarily back slides for some reason or the other and hits on me, I will give very serious thought to DOING her.

Well that answers that.

17 thoughts on All Homosexuals Are Filled With Shame and Self-Hatred

  1. oh, it MUST be a parody. because even the dumbest homophobe isn’t so addled by hate that their ability to spell, use logic, make sense, or get facts straight is compromised to that degree. right?

  2. Heeeeeeeeee! I lurve me some ‘compassionate’ and highly stupid douchebags. Since gay parades are so offensive and only prove that gay folk hate themselves, I wonder what they think of Fourth of July parades, the Puerto Rican Day Parade, Saint Patrick’s Day parades, Christmas pageants, Easter promanades, etc., etc.

    Can you imagine if the logic were true? Dude, I’m so ashamed of my Irish/Cuban/Scottish/Christian/Sikh/Buddhist/insert thing here background that I thik I’ll have a parade so I can draw attention to it! Woohoo!

  3. Oy, everyone knows that the other words (except transgendered, which is not a term for homosexuality) have less syllables and that’s why they’re used. Just like we call the rodent-fucking-morons on that forum Republicans. . .less syllables.

  4. Homosexuals never call themselves what they really are which is “homosexuals.” They always describe themselves in such terms as “gay,” “lesbian,” “bi-sexual,” and “trans-gender.”

    Now, why do you suppose that is the case?

    The answer is, they never call themselves “homosexual” because they are ashamed of what they are and hate themselves for what they do.

    That’s a very very stupid point. But more than just point and laugh, how about I tell you why?

    “Homosexual” has nothing to do with what homosexuals do. “Homo” isn’t really a valid affix to a verb, and sexual isn’t a verb at all. Homosexing isn’t what homosexuals do, and homosex isn’t really it either. Hating oneself for what one does has nothing to do with why one doesn’t use an adjective to describe what one does. Verbs describe actions, and adverbs modify those verbal descriptions of actions. Adjectives modify nouns (generally). The reason you expect an adjective to describe what homosexuals do is becuase you are a fucktard.

    And furthermore, with regard to homosexuals being ashamed of what they are and what they do, do you suppose that explains the frequency of use with which homosexuals use homosexual-describing words like: cocksucker, dick lick, buttfucker, faggot, queer, pillow biter, top, bottom, nancy priss ass, fudge packer, sausage swiper, ass eater, pass around party bottom, bitch, queen bitch, poof, pansy, and butt lover?

    Most of those are verbal or deverbal, and describe what homosexuals are, and what homosexuals do, and homosexuals use those words to describe their homosexuality.

    But mostly, I think the reason they avoid using the word homosexual so much is becuase to talk about the homosexuals homosexualing their way to homosexual hell because they hate their homosexuality is that you sound like a stupid dipshit when you do it. Look at how stilted that sounds. You want it to sound awful so it comes across as marked as otherness and wierdness and perversion and outsiderdom. But mostly, it just sounds, eh, gay. Enough said.

  5. The author of the post, Col. Julius Hannon, has heard of Africa — he just doesn’t want to be associated with it: “I do not consider “African-American” to be an accurate description of the group to which it is applied . . . personally, I would rather be called “boy,” “coon,” “jig,” “spook,” “spade” or “nigger” than “African-American.”

    He also likes to be called “a right-wing Uncle Tom, a tap-dancing lackey for the Republican Party, and a lawn jockey for the far-right.”

    All in a non-self-hating way, presumably.

    He wrote an interesting book about abortion, though. I hate it when guys like him give us pro-lifers a bad name.

  6. I never knew I could point and laugh while wanting to cry.

    Having slogged through all eight pages of that spew, all I can say is there are some sick, sick people out there – and they aren’t the homosexuals.

  7. Its interesting because the term homosexual is a bastard term coming out of the 19th century. They took a latin word and greek word and stuck them together and decided that that was what it would be. Hmm, interesting….now that I think of it, this was about the time that they came up with the term “Caucasian.”

  8. Chicago’s Halsted Street, between Irving Park Road and Belmont, was a part of my pedestrian commute for a couple of years. Whether I walked it by day or night, I was not harrassed by naked gay balls. I was, though, sometimes scared that some teenage homophobes might drive in from the suburbs and shoot me by mistake.

  9. No surprise from me. I regulary read the more toney homophobic sites that disguise themselves by wearing the bible and the flag. Usually at the same time. I try to post some of the more unbelievable statements on my site – knowledge is power. Even if you have to wade through filth to understand your enemies.

    Thanks for the great work here!

  10. “…packs of naked gays roaming the streets, harassing innocent bystanders with their gay balls.”

    It’s always good to bring your coffee out of your nose first thing in the morning…

    I notice that he seems to MOST offended by the gay man, which is where he focuses most of his stupidity. This guy just protests way too much. It seems to me that anyone who thinks this much about something he claims to hate is really just curious, but offended by himself for being curious, so he turns it outward to cover those thoughts up.

  11. I’ve started my own post over at that forum addressing Col. Hannon’s post and suggesting that conservatives abandon religion, support gay marriage and concentrate on pro-life issues. A healthy dialogue has already commenced. Despite appearances, I have a sense that I am winning over their hearts (and hopefully yours, eventually).

  12. I think homosexual is the new queer. We’ve reclaimed every other pejorative, so this is the only one left with any edge. I use it sparingly, but I know people who throw it around with abandon. Give it a couple year, and the homophobes won’t know what to call us…

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