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GOP on the birthers

Just, wow:

Extra sad that two of these guys were from my home state of Washington.

6 thoughts on GOP on the birthers

  1. I cringed when Thaddeus McCotter was on screen and acting like a moron. Thanks kind sir for making the state of Michigan look like it’s inhabited by backwards, nonsensical people “acting stupidly”. I promise, we’re not all that dumb.

  2. I think this piece has some cogent arguments showing why the birthers are right on track:

    …in her book The Secret, Rhonda Byrne has discovered the heretofore unknown “Law of Attraction.” This “Law”, which according to Byrne underlies the entire functioning of the universe, states that thoughts themselves have an “energy” that is capable of controlling the universe by “attracting” reality to one’s thoughts. This is not easy, but it can happen with just a few steps:

    1. Know what you want and ask the universe for it.

    2. Feel and behave as if the object of your desire is on its way.

    3. Be open to receiving it.

    For the Birthers, what they want is unequivocal proof that Barack Obama was not born in the United States and is therefore not a citizen. Now, if the Birthers follow these three steps, the universe will make it happen.

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